Episode 11 - Family Matters

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Sophomore Cadet Lyie t'Hweruil has been kidnapped from Starfleet Academy on Earth. The USS Pioneer is asked to venture into Romulan space and rescue her. Who will they find on the other side of the Zone? The Romulans that are looking for peace and a rebirth in the fallout from Hobus or the same old Romulans. Will the Pioneer's crew and her Chief Science Officer be able to rescue the Cadet despite the emotional attachment? The Pioneer is on uncertain ground as they wade into a game of wits with Romulans who will hit too close to home.

Mission Group Not To Yield...
Start Date Wed Oct 28th, 2020 @ 12:06am
End Date Tue Nov 16th, 2021 @ 12:06am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
***Family Matters Timeline***
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Paul Michael & Lieutenant Commander Elen Diari & Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren & Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen & Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Sergeant Major Lachlan Barr
MD016 0900 HRS Various
Bridging The Gap Part III
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Paul Michael & Lieutenant Commander Elen Diari & Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
MD005 1230 hrs Various
The End Is The Beginning
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Paul Michael & Lieutenant Commander Elen Diari & Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters - Calhoun & Lieutenant Mira Jayna & Petty Officer 2nd Class Sofia Cipriani
MD005 2030 hrs In Orbit of Jutus
by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Commander Elen Diari & Alket Marec
MD005 1900 hrs ACMO Personal Quarters
Science to Science
by Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren & Lieutenant Teneca Quinn & Lieutenant Junior Grade Davud Karimi
MD007 1102 hrs Empok Nor - Science Department
The Grand Tour
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters - Calhoun & Chloe de la Vega
MD004 1300 hrs Various USS Pioneer
Make New Friends...
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Paul Michael & Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Lieutenant Junior Grade Mira Jayde & Sergeant Sina Ravenna
MD004 1700 hrs Planet Jutus
New Assignment
by Sergeant Sina Ravenna & Corporal Son Th'rerheq
MD007 1300 hrs Empok Nor Various
Say what now?
by Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Captain Larta Daughter of Shog
MD006 2045 hrs Various. USS Pioneer
by Colonel Loval & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Lieutenant Mira Jayna
MD005 1430 hrs Outpost Tavea IV (Romulan Space)
Drinks In Your Belly
by Chloe de la Vega
MD004 2000 hrs After 11 - Deck 11 - USS Pioneer
Bridging The Gap Part II
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Paul Michael
MD005 1030 hrs Various
Opened Eyes
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Captain Larta Daughter of Shog
MD004 2300 hrs Outpost Tavea IV (Romulan Space)
What an adventure!
by Helena Moreno
MD005 0900 hrs Classroom & Holodeck - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Strangers in a Strange Land
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Mira Jayna & Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Sergeant Adélaïde Moreau
MD004 2300 hrs Outpost Tavea IV (Romulan Space)
The Comforts of Home
by Lieutenant Lwaxana Myles & Sergeant Tyrigus Fry
MD003 0900 hrs Marine Country, Snake Pit Gift Shop
Bridging The Gap
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Paul Michael
MD005 0900 hrs Serenity
The pieces are set, Part 1
MD004 1205 hrs Bridge/Mess Hall
The Search Part IV
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Colonel Loval & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Mira Jayna & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Sergeant Adélaïde Moreau
MD004 2200 hrs Outpost Tavea IV (Romulan Space)
Here For You Too
by Petty Officer 2nd Class Sofia Cipriani
MD003 1000 hrs Ready Room - Deck 1 - USS Pioneer
Can we trust them
MD003 1315 hrs Science Lab 1
The Search Part III
by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Colonel Loval & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Mira Jayna & Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble & Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Sergeant Adélaïde Moreau
MD004 2000 hrs The Oakley Deep Within Romulan Space
A Matter Of Trust
by Makeba Brown
MD004 1100 hrs Captain's Ready Room - Deck 1 - USS Pioneer
Left in the Dark
MD002 1540 hrs Ready Room - Deck 1 - USS Pioneer
Welcome Aboard
by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Paul Michael & Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters - Calhoun & Chloe de la Vega
MD001 1900 hrs Cargo Bay 1 Lower Level - Deck 8 - USS Pioneer

Mission Summary