Service Citation 2+ Years George S Patton Jr Memorial Award Enlisted Award of Merit Departmental Service Badge: Command Friendship Ribbon Non-Player Character Award


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Mon May 20th, 2024 @ 9:03pm

Petty Officer 2nd Class Sofia Cipriani

Name Sofia Cipriani

Position Captain's Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

PNPC By (Barr)
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 105 lbs
Hair Color Brown, Dyed Blonde
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Small and sleak, almost missable in a room full of people if you don't know she is there. Has brown hair but usually dyes it blonde. Has a quirky smile that is infectious to others.


Father Gianni Cipriani, Carpenter (43)
Mother Rebeka Cipriani, Author/Chef/Restaurant Owner (39)
Brother(s) Elijah Cipriani
Klaus Cipriani (Chef, Cipriani's)
Sister(s) Elana Cipriani

Personality & Traits

General Overview A loving and caring young woman who at times can be quite trusting of the world around her. She would do anything for family, also for friends as she is a devoted to their happiness as much as her own.

Believes in fighting for what is right and that no job is too small for anyone, no matter their station in life.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Organisational Skills
+ Communication Skills
+ Loving, caring personality

- Somewhat naïve in worldly affairs
- Not had a lot of life experience
- Speaks before she thinks
Ambitions To one day meet the man of her dreams and start a family.
To continue to learn, to improve her knowledge.
Hobbies & Interests She likes to read and is a huge advocate for paper books. If anything she doesn't like technology a whole lot due to her upbringing but uses it as part of her role.

She practices yoga and enjoys keeping fit. Likes the company of friends, even though at times she has a hard time making them.

Personal History Brought into the world on the 5th of January 2378 in a little village just on the outskirts of Turin, Italy. Her parents were simple people who lived off the land and worked with their hands, skills they taught to their children.

Her father was a carpenter and made things for the village, for the people that lived there and was a popular man by those who knew him and used his services.

Her mother was an author with published books on the politics of Earth, Vulcan and Andoria. These filtered through the quadrant and were required reading at the Academy.

She also owned a restaurant called 'Cipriani's' which served the local town and still goes to this day.

All this in a loving family that sported 2 older brothers and an older sister.

Her upbringing was humble, earthy to a degree as everything they had was made by them, by their village and really only ever used technology in times of great need which were few and far between. They grew their own food, used wood from locally planted trees and were very self sufficient.

Her childhood and most of her adolescence was spent in fields, woods playing with friends and learning the roots of her heritage from her parents and the townsfolk.

Sofia was a bookworm, she wasn't shy in admitting that. Her mother being an author made her appreciate the written word, the authenticity of books and knowledge. Since a young age she always had a book in her hand.

As such she excelled at school, especially in subjects such as history and English.

She graduated high school at the age of 16 but took a path that surprised her parents.

During high school she had fell in love with a boy who dreamt of Starfleet, the stars and all the adventures that were above the clouds. Sadly their relationship didn't last but her curiosity did and she decided to enlist in Starfleet.

Through her training she found that her talents were suited to more administrative tasks, her organisational skills were exceptional. She found new friends and a new sense of self but also a world of information she didn't know on worlds she hadn't heard of.

Her skills were recognised and upon her completion of enlistment training she was granted the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class.
Service Record Basic Training - 2393 -> 2394
Administrative School - 2394
Yeoman, USS Pioneer (CN rank) - 2395