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The year is 2398. In the aftermath of the Cardassian War, the relationship between Cardassia and the Federation has fundamentally shifted. Cardassia rebuilds as the Federation deploys Starfleet to serve and protect Cardassia and its colonies. Along with this rebuilding, came The New Maquis, and the Obsidian Order. These groups sought to destroy the peace in the sector.

Captain Tyler Malbrooke and the crew of the USS Pioneer have spent the past two years risking life and limb for this peace. They have travelled through time and back again. They have fought and bled for the preservation of their home, Empok Nor. Ultimately, the Pioneer emerged victorious. The Obsidian Order has fallen and the New Maquis has all but disbanded. That is when the new threat to Starfleet arose.

An old enemy begins to rumble. For quite some time the thought was that, the Romulans were no longer a threat. Since the Hobus star exploded the Romulan, empire has been in shambles. However, now they work on something they call the artifact, now they want to talk and now they come to the Federation open handed and for peace. What has changed? That is what the Pioneer is tasked with finding out.

This intrepid crew will learn all they can about the oldest and deadliest of enemies. The Pioneer finds itself in a battle between duty and honor. Exploration built the Pioneer, and molded the crew. However, the Federation and Starfleet wish to become more isolated to pull in on itself. This crew will have to prove to everyone what it means to seek out new lives, and civilizations. In short, their mission echoes their dedication plaque.

"USS Pioneer, To Strive, To Seek, To Find, and Not To Yield."


Can Tyler and the crew prove that there are more friends than foes out here or will Starfleet pull them and the rest of the fleet back to Earth? If you think you have what it takes to face the enemy in these dark times, and NEVER YIELD then join the USS Pioneer as it enters its third season with the darkest stories we have told to date.

Join Captain Malbrooke as he continues the legacy of the Intrepid Class of ships.


Browse the manifest to see what open positions interest you. Take a read of the crew posts and logs to see what we are made of. If this sounds like something, you might be interested in being part of, feel free to submit an application or alternative contacting Command through the 'Contact Us' button with any questions or queries you may have.

We welcome all writers. It doesn't matter if you have been role-playing in the Star Trek universe for less than a day or you are a veteran. All are welcome!

USS Pioneer is a proud Mystic Fleet SIM and a Flagship of the fleet. Join us now.

USS Pioneer is a Star Trek role-playing SIM that is played using Nova, a role-playing system developed by Anodyne Productions. You must be 16 or older to join this SIM!


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