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Something To Talk About

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 4:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Captain Edmund Merrick
Edited on on Thu Jan 18th, 2024 @ 12:35am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: The Quarters of Hermia O'Rourke - Deck 2 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD002 1130 hrs

Edmund was going over his notes from the Serenity, then leaned back to rub his eyes for a little bit. He rose to his feet to walk around, stretching his legs. There was so much on his mind right now. He needed to let his brain settle. Picking up his sketchbook, it was one of his older ones, he paged through it then paused upon one of them, Edmund shaking his head at himself. It was a sketch of Hermia, not one like the one he had drawn and given to her but, it was one of her when he had first met her at that bar and the bar room brawl. He had been drunk, and he barely remembered sketching and coloring it. It wasn't too bad, as he looked at it. Then a wave of guilt rose up. He had spoken to her twin and it came to him, Edmund was unintentionally being a jerk.

He and Hermia needed to talk and maybe clear the air just a bit as well. Closing the sketchbook, Edmund sent off a message to Hermia via text.

It read as followed, Hermia, its Edmund do you have the time to meet with me? Where do you want to meet at? I've got something to talk with you about.

Hermia read the message. It was the first time she'd heard from Edmund in a while. Though there had been some scuttlebutt about him and Commander McGowen.

She was curious what he wanted to say, so she sent back a message. Edmund meet me in my quarters 1200, Hermia.

Edmund was at Hermia's door promptly at 1200, still in his marine uniform. He reached out and pressed the chime letting Hermia know he had arrived. It was strange being here, after so long of time. He wasn't certain as to how this was going to go, however he needed to do this.

"Enter." Hermia called. She could sense Edmund's nervousness and decided to let him speak first. She had changed into civilian clothes and prepared some lunch for the two of them.

Stepping inside, memories came to him of the last time he was here. The delicious polenta, the coziness of the setting. How beautiful he thought Hermia was, but also remembered letting himself be closed up and not wanting to get involved with anyone.

"Thank you for seeing me, Hermia." Edmund stated, stepping forward to let the door close behind him.

"You're welcome, Edmund." Hermia said. "Come on, sit down, I made some potato tortillas and a light salad, if you're hungry, I'm sorry the ingredients are replicated."

"Its okay, it smells great." Edmund remarked, taking a seat at the table. "And thank you." he answered. "How have you been as of late? Did you have a good shore leave?"

"I got a few hours rest on Aquil." Hermia said. "Its a beautiful place, like Risa, but less commercial. More 'untouched'. What about you?" She asked taking a bite of her tortilla.

"I managed to go down to the planet and did some surfing. I went on my own, just needed some time to myself especially after all the visiting I did. I was pretty busy." Edmund taking a bite of his salad. A couple of bites more, Edmund placed his fork down.

"I met your brother a little bit ago." Edmund deciding to just open up. "In talking to him, I realized that I've not been a good person where you are concerned. In fact I ended up becoming a bit of a ghost." Edmund commented.

"I noticed. Was it something I said or did?" She asked

"It was nothing that you said or did. It was all more of well, me. My issues of getting into a relationship, well until I met Vura, the head counselor, and for starters my talking to Zhara. It was then I realized that I was, locking myself away too much, being held prisoner by my own survivor's guilt.And honestly, I have had trouble getting close to anyone for that matter. Romantic, or friend wise, since my wife had died." Edmund replied.

"I can understand a little, I was really closed off after my marriage imploded." Hermia said. "I'm here for whatever you need, but I think friends would work for now."

Edmund gave a nod, "Friends would be nice, okay we can go in that direction." he started eating his salad once more. "This is very good." gesturing with his fork towards it

Hermia smiled. "Good, friends it is." She patted him lightly on the shoulder. "Thanks I cut and prepared the vegetables myself."

After chewing through a few more bites of salad polishing it off, he started eating the rest of the meal. "Once again your food is delicious." Edmund complimenting Hermia.

Hermia smiled. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked.

"Some green tea if you would please. That would be lovely." Edmund replied. "how is your daughter doing?" he remembered Hermia having a daughter.

Hermia got up and headed to the replicator. "Helena's doing well at school and has even made a few new friends." She said replying to his question. She ordered a green tea for Edmund and a coffee for herself.

"That is good to hear."When the tea was brought over, Edmund said "Thank you, and any projects you are involved in when not at work?"

"I've been looking into cybernetics and robotics, for a case, I'm sorry I can't go into it much with you, due to Doctor-patient confidentiality."

Edmund raised his hands palms out. "I am not going to even try to pry it from you. Besides that, what else has your interest?" Edmund taking sip of his tea as he waited to find out her answer.

"There's new type-3 phaser design that uses a coolant system to allow near constant energy output without overheating the pre-fire chamber, that I find interesting." Hermia said.

"I am finding it interesting that you know about that, then again, you are a Marine at heart as well. So shouldn't be a surprise for me. Okay I am definitely very out of practice on being updated on information." Edmund shaking his head at himself.

"I'm a woman of many talents." Hermia said with a smile.

"Indeed you are." Edmund smiled as he took a couple bites more of his salad, then went back to eating his tortilla. "Say did you notice something different about the Commodore? I don't know if he had a good shore leave, he said he did but, just something seemed different and I can't put my finger on it as of yet."

"Yes, he did seem a little different, yeah like his heart wasn't in it when it came to next mission." Hermia agreed.

"I just don't know what it is though just something dancing on the edge and yet out of reach. It gives me the chills slightly." Edmund shivered as if a cold hand just traced its fingers down his spine. He hated those nagging feelings, like he felt he had to be on alert.

"Maybe, I should have read his emotions." She though aloud. "But I don't like to invade people's privacy." She added.

Edmund nodded in understanding what Hermia had related. He knew of other Betazeds who were reluctant to read someone's mind with out permission. "I do understand that. Just need to figure out what is going on with him. Do you have anything you'd like to ask where I am concerned?"

"No, just remember, if you need anything, I'm happy to lend an ear or shoulder." Hermia said.

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind. And you, let me know as well, Hermia." He finished off the last bite of his tortilla. "This was definitely very good, thank you once again for lunch. I probably should get going, I think I need to get a meeting put together just to get an update on the marines as to how their shore leave went." Edmund giving a smile. "And introduce your brother to the others."

"I don't think he'll have trouble introducing himself to the female Marines." Hermia said with a little laugh.

"I see, he's got the eye for the ladies. Well hopefully he'll get along with them." Edmund flashing a smile. He rose from the table" I'll help you clean up and then I'll take my leave. "

'Thanks." Hermia said. "I enjoyed this." She added.

"As did I." Merrick responded with a smile.

When the clean up was done, Merrick wiped his hands on a towel. "I must get going, thank you again." with that he left with a smile and a wave, stepping out into the corridor the door closing behind him.

Once Edmund had gone, Hermia smiled. "She was happy that he and her were now friends again.

A Joint Post By

Captain Edmund Merrick
The Cure Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer


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