The Sim
A mysterious race calling themselves the Jutrai appear out of nowhere. They state that they are ancient brethren to the Romulans and are there to help. Can they be trusted? The Pioneer aims to find out.
Captain Malbrooke and his crew must split their attention between Romulan space and their home Empok Nor. Empok Nor a station located in the Trivas System within Cardassian space acts as way point for the ship. They put in often for resupply and some R&R. What secrets lurk within the decimated Cardassian boarders.
Please see our Timeline of Events to see the events leading up to the start of our story and the missions that the Pioneer has completed. The Pioneer is an Intrepid Class ship and is ready to take part in its very own story. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please reach out to the Executive Officer or myself.
Thank you for stopping by and welcome aboard!
The USS Pioneer was a Simming Prize Laurate for 2023!