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Anchored Together

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2019 @ 12:21am by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil
Edited on on Thu Aug 8th, 2019 @ 12:31am

1,735 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 7 - Home Again
Location: Holodeck 2 - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD002 1600 hrs

Finally the Captain was able to take leave. He had one more crew check in to do but that could wait. When he received the invitation from Vaebn to go rock climbing he was a little surprised. Tyler always thought that the rather stoic Romulan did not like him particularly much. So Tyler jumped at the invite and nothing would keep him away. He got to the holodeck and found that the program was already running, Vaebn must already be here. Tyler walked in smiling "Vaebn good afternoon great day for a climb."

"Thank you for joining me Captain. I figured you could use some, stress relief, and this sport is full of it. Although, to be honest, I wasn't sure how you would feel regarding the invitation. I didn't think of you as a climber....." He let the words trail off as he adjusted the climbing harness. He wore gripping climbing shoes, mid-thigh shorts, and a sleeveless wrap tunic with Romulan imagery on it. His lean muscle usually well hidden in a uniform, as well as the numerous scars peaking out from his shoulders . Even though they were in the holodeck, he wore a climbing harness around his waist and legs with a pair of gas powered grapples as safety gear. He slapped the leather climbing thongs against his thigh and leaned over to pick up the other harness for Tyler. "Are you familiar with this location sir?" He gestured to the mountain before them with the gloves, "It is a featured climbing spot on Earth. I've never been there, but I've always wanted to try it."

Tyler began to put the harness on. "It looks like it could be mount Raineer, but I am not exactly sure. It has been some time since I was on Earth." He smirked at the Romulan "I never pegged you for a climber either, but it is good to have a climbing buddy." Tyler stopped himself from asking if Vaebn had ever climbed the mountains on Romulus. He thought it better to not touch on that subject. "Vaebn please we are on leave, so let's leave rank on the bridge where it belongs. Here I am simply Tyler..." His voice trailed off as he tightened the harness into position.

"No, this is El Capitan on the West Coast of North America. It is a popular vertical free climb on Earth. I thought of trying some of the mountains of Vulcan, but changed the program for something less, desert-like." Vaebn stretched his shoulders in preparation for the impending workout. "The compression grapples should provide an adequate safety net for us. I know the holodeck protocols are in place, but I like it to be as real as possible. That, and I've always wanted to try this climb. Maybe someday I'll make it to the real thing."

"Indeed Vaebn I think you will. Perhaps in time the Pioneer will make it's way back to Earth and you will come take leave. For when we are there I will show you all the wonders of the plains. I tell you there is nothing like the wind through your hair while you ride on the open plains." Tyler spoke as he joined the Science Officer is stretching. "Have you ever been to Earth, or Vulcan?"

"Neither, sir." He pulled the thongs onto his hands to cover his fingers and palms and stretched his hands out. "Perhaps someday though. I know my sister longs to visit the homeworld of Ambassador Spock one day, so that pilgrimage will happen, with hope." He looked around for the best starting point, and his gaze lingered upwards at the 1000 meters of granite that bore down upon them. It almost begged to be conquered by the two men. Vaebn found a good hand-hold and lifted himself up onto the face of the mountain with two solid pulls of his arms before digging his feet onto the stone. "Upwards it is Tyler."

Tyler finished getting his gear in order and found grips in the stone of his own. He pulled himself up with a solid pull. "Indeed..." Tyler reached up for the next hand hold in the granite. "You have a sister! Where is she now? I am attempting to make the Pioneer more family friendly." Tyler thought back for the moment to the conversation that he had with his XO and what was said about family on Starships. He was also fishing for more information about his elusive Chief Science Officer.

"Before we disappeared she was doing pre-entrance work for Starfleet academy. She graduated from the Romulan Naval Academy not long before the Hobus incident, so I can only guess she is putting that training to good use at Starfleet Academy right now. Hmpff" Vebn pulled himself farther up the climb, taking a moment to steady himself and take in the view, and to look back to where the Captain was. "We spoke before we went to Cardassia, and she was transferring to Earth from one of the satellite locations. I believe that's due to being required to be at Starfleet Academy proper for the next semester of her classes."

Tyler pulled himself up three more grips with grunts along the way. He was a tad out of shape and made note to hit the gym a little more often. After the third grip he climbed onto a ledge that was big enough to sit on. He simply wanted to get a look around for a moment. They weren't even half way up and the view was already breath taking. "Indeed there is a lot of course work that is only offered at the Academy proper. Would you like to have her to the Pioneer? Let her see the work that you do." Tyler asked with a smile, he thought Vaebn might like to see his family.

"As much as I might like that, it is important for her to choose her own path and go where she intends." Vaebn felt around for the next hand-hold and got a solid grip before starting his next pull. "I know she is focusing on Starship design and testing with the Engineering corp. She was hoping to work at Utopia Planetia before heading back out into the stars. Following in our mothers footsteps I guess, and fitting for the head of our family."

Tyler whistled as he climbed, this was not a whistle while you work kind of whistle, it was one that indicated he was impressed. "You know those ole fat cats in starship design can use a little jolt of Romulan ingenuity. I guess it is smart letting her carve her own life, and make the best of it." Tyler hauled himself onto another ledge. "Tell me would you go back? I mean go back to a new Romulus, a new Empire?" It was a curiosity that Tyler had since he met Vaebn. Tyler did not doubt the man's loyalty or voracity. He was simply curious if he wanted to go home.

"Well,"*unf* he pulled himself up the rock-face a bit more, "as a Romulan, I feel a duty to help my homeland and my people, but, at the same time, I have a duty to my family and my crew. It also helps that my species has a rather long natural life span, so when my tours have ended, I will still have ample time to contribute back to the Romulan people and bring what I have learned to them." He pulled himself up a few more meters, "Until then, I have found where I belong for now. And I will walk this path until the next one arrives."

They both kept climbing as Tyler listened. It was true that Romulans like other species had the benefit of living long enough to have multiple lives. This was one benefit that humans would never comprehend. "I know how that feels in some small way. Before I was granted my own ship, I did not know exactly where I belonged. Now there is no place I would rather be except the bridge of my ship. Although perhaps I will do something about the one thing that is still missing..." Tyler's voice trailed off as all this talk of family had brought his thoughts to the idea of starting his own. "...You know Vaebn human's do not have the same luxury. That is the one about living long enough to enjoy everything you would want. As such we are very selective of what we do, and who we call family. I am proud to call you brother." Tyler looked at everyone in his crew as a member of his family.

As Tyler spoke the word brother he lunged with his right arm to reach the final ledge. The summit as it were, Tyler missed the grip and Vaebn's arm lunged out to grab the Captain's wrist.

Vaebn grunted as Tyler's weight pulled against him, pain seared his right shoulder as the strain built. His hand however, tightened on the ledge and he held fast. He pulled the other man up until his free hand could grab the rock-face again. "Then we should finish this together my friend." The two men finished their climb, and stood upon the summit as the sunset illuminated the mountain, causing it to shimmer as if it were on fire. "I am proud to call myself a member of this crew, and perhaps I should become a better part of it, rather than just filling a role behind a desk." He looked over the trees at the setting sun, "For too long have I allowed my thoughts and feelings of loss guide me on this journey." He glanced at Tyler, "You have created a home for so many here, and I have been hesitant to accept that for myself. Perhaps it is time to let go and move forward without hindrance, and here I can truly do that." He looked back at the sun, "Thank you for joining me today. Although, perhaps next time you join me," he absently rubbed his shoulder, "you will warn me before you jump off the mountain."

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Vaebn tr'Hwersuil
Chief Science Officer, USS Pioneer

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer


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