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Dinner for Two and a Half

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 2:20am by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Katherine Malbrooke
Edited on on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 7:37pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: Malbrooke Quarters - Deck 3 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD004 1800 hrs

Kat was feeling great. She had more energy than she had before she got pregnant. Her research told her this was normal, that it was her body telling her it was time to get ready for the baby, so she'd spent the day setting up the nursery. She had some of it set up, but today, with the help of operations and the replicator, the nursery was done and she wanted to celebrate.

She cleaned up their quarters and then prepared Ty's favorite dinner.

Tyler walked into his quarters, his shoulders drooped and his general demeanor seemed that he stopped caring about anything. He saw his wife and it took a moment for him to register who she was. The look on his face albeit brief was one of confusion and slight anger that she interrupted what he hoped would be alone time. This feeling and look dissipated quickly and he seemed to smile to cover it up. "Evening my bride. How goes the bun in the oven?"

"Great," she said, hugging him. She noticed the look on his face when he walked in and assumed it was because he'd been dealing with problems. "The nursery is finished and I have dinner ready. How was your day?"

"Just another day cataloging boring old nebulas. Work unfit for me, this ship, or its crew. You know it is possible that someone in command has it out for me, or this ship." Tyler's voice was a mix of paranoia, anger, and boredom. He did not acknowledge anything that Kat had said save for her question.

"But isn't scanning nebulae part of a starship captain's job? I'm sure your science department is ecstatic." She leaned back to look at his face. She'd never heard Tyler talk like this.

"Yes it is busy work, work that the fleet has given us to keep us out of the way. There is something larger at work here, someone wants me out of the game and I am going to find out who." Tyler began to pace the room wringing his fingers. This was paranoia in its purest state.

Kat stepped in front of him and took his hands in hers. "The fleet respects you and what you do. They made you a commodore. Now, sit down and eat. Then you can tell me what else is going on to get you to this state."

Tyler ignored her request for him to sit and eat. Instead, he continued to pace the room as he spoke aloud but not to anyone in particular. "This could be the work of Leyton. Is it possible the he still has connections in command? No, that is not plausible. But what if there was a changeling plot..." His voice trailed off and became a series of mutterings with the odd name thrown in here and there.

"Tyler." Kat put her hand on his arm. "I may not be working as an engineer, but I do hear what's going on. There is no changeling plot. No one is out to get you. Leyton hasn't been seen since Empok Nor." She was growing concerned. In all their years together, she'd never seen her husband like this. "Come and eat."

"NOOOOO!!!" Tyler screamed as he tossed his arm up, so that hers would be removed from his. He took steps away from her and the look on his face was one that mixed disgust with anger. "You... you are part of this. Want me to let my guard down take my ship away... You will do anything just another pawn in this despicable plot. Do not try to deny it, I can see the guilt all over your face..." He rambled as spittle and foam spewed from the corners of his mouth. One may have believed that Commodore Tyler Malbrooke had gone stark raving mad.

There was definitely something wrong with Ty. Kat tapped her combadge. "Malbrooke to sickbay. I need a doctor in the captain's quarters."

She took a step closer to Ty, but didn't touch him. "I'm your wife. I'm not part of any plot and I don't want to take your ship away from you. I want you to sit down and eat dinner. You'll feel better after you do. I'll even take a bite of your food before you do to prove there's nothing wrong with it." She hoped the doctor would hurry. She was seriously worried about her husband.

Tyler tapped his comm badge just as quickly. When he spoke, his entire demeanor had changed. His old self was back again. "Belay that order Sick Bay. All is well here. Stand down and that’s an order. Commodore out." When the comm channel closed the paranoia returned to his eyes and an evil grin returned to his face. The being that had taken residence in his mind was in full control. In fact, it was Tyler's love for Kat that prevented the being from striking her. "No food... I am not hungry. They won't get me... Won't win... I will show them, show everyone that you can't take me down..." His eyes narrowed and the grin broadened, as if he came to some sort of internal decision. "If you don't think there is a conspiracy at work. Tell me where are certain members of the Senior Staff. Poof gone without a trace."

Kat took a step back. There was definitely something wrong with Ty. If she couldn't get a doctor here, she'd talk to Hermia later. "What do you mean, gone? Gone where?" And if they were, why wasn't he looking for them? That look in his eye scared her. It wasn't her husband and she wondered if whatever it was had anything to do with the disappearances.

Then again, when he countered her request for a doctor, it was definitely her husband. She needed answers more than she needed help right now. "Ty, what is going on?"

"That is a great question and one that I intend to get answers for. Currently, as far as I know Major Tremble, Dr O'Rourke, Counselor Vura, and Lieutenant Michael are no longer on the ship. Where they have gone I cannot say. Lieutenant Commander McGowen is working on that. I am sure she will have a report for me at some point. So, tell me again how there is no conspiracy going on." Tyler took two menacing steps toward his wife, then as if an internal argument had occurred he turned from her and stepped toward the door.

"Ty," she called to get his attention. "How can missing crew be a conspiracy? Do you know what happened to them?" He never called his crew--especially his senior staff by their rank. One more thing to indicate something was seriously wrong. He wasn't even concerned that Hermia and Neil were gone? She was. And how did that relate to what was going on with Ty? She had a lot of questions and no one she could ask. "And where are you going?"

Tyler decided to answer her first question. "There is one of two things going on here. Either the Senior Staff of this ship are abandoning their posts to plot to return to the ship and take it over. Or, and I think this to be more likely. Starfleet is removing people who are loyal to me so they can take over the ship. Either way I am going to the Bridge, for so long as I am there they cannot take this ship from me."

Kat watched him go. She couldn't talk to him. She couldn't reason with him. But she wasn't going to sit back and do nothing. She'd wait for him to leave, eat dinner--she had to because of the baby--then hunt down answers. Someone on this ship had to know something.

Without any further word. Tyler left the quarters he could not return there, as he now knew his wife was against him too.

A Joint Post By

Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Katherine Malbrooke
Operational Advisor, USS Pioneer


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