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Did the cure take?

Posted on Thu Feb 15th, 2018 @ 7:42pm by
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 9:45pm

828 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Enemy Within
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD004 1400 hrs
Tags: SD 71378.1400

T'Rish's fingers gently brushed the cortical inhibitor that was currently adhered behind her left ear. The actual device caused her no discomfort but the disruption in her empathy was like having too much fluid in your ear. She felt out of balance not being about the feel others to the extent that she could before. She was thankful for being back in control of her own emotions despite it all.

Using her hips to push off the wall of the lift she was in she began moving towards Sick Bay. She was due for a check up to see if the inhibitor was working as it should. T'Rish couldn't quite force down the flutters that she was feeling at seeing Richard. She hadn't seen him since the EMH had declared a cure for her false Pon Farr and that whole situation brought around even more questions. How would she feel when she saw Richard? How much of her attraction and draw to him would be explained by the Pon Farr?

Stopping just short of the door to sick bay she paused. Brushing down the front of her uniform she took a breath before entering Sick bay. To her relief the corner's of her lips pulled upward slightly and her flutters intensified when her eyes fell on Richard. "Excuse me, Doctor. You you have a moment?"

Richard glanced away from his PaDD as his finger read the rows of dots, "For you T'Rish, always." He smiled broadly and his eyes twinkled as he took a step towards her, "Are you ready for the examination?"

T'Rish simply nodded as she moved further into sickbay. She moved to the offered bio bed and took a seat. "I am happy to see you today." She offered with a smile once it was just the two of them.

The physician moved to the side of the bed and began his scans, "So am I, um glad to see you that is." He chucked and blushed slightly, "Things look good are your symptoms gone now?"

"They seem to be." The Vulcan replied. "Getting used to the dulled empathy is taking longer than I would like. For someone who is expected to have suppressed emotions, I never realized how much I relied on what I felt from others."

"I am sorry about that," Richard replied as he gazed at the woman, "I really hate that you have to wear that thing on your neck." He reached down and touched the silvery disk and shook his head, "does it hurt you at all?"

"I forget it is there." T'Rish said as she looked over the Doctor. She could feel very little of what he was feeling, but a hint of guilt flashed over her. She reached out and put her hand on his arm as she looked him in the eye. "It is worth it if it means I can spend time with you." She was honest and heartfelt as she spoke.

"You still want to spend time with me," Richard questioned, "after all this?" He grinned broadly at her, "how about dinner tonight, my place."

"I would love that." T'Rish couldn't help the grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. She was relieved that he felt the same. "When? What should I bring?"

"Yourself of course," Richard said with a chuckle, "How about 1800 hours?" He grinned even farther, "You might want to bring your toothbrush."

The Vulcan's teeth tugged at her lip as amusement flashed across her eyes. She couldn't help the flutter she felt in her stomach. "I will be there." She looked down at bio bed before looking back up at him. "Am I all cleared? I can return to work?"

"Only if you want to," Richard said with a grin and gleam in his eyes, "Not really what I feel like doing right now."

"No..." T'Rish stated not breaking eye contact. "Not really..." She let out a slow, shaky breath. "But what I want to do would be ill advised in our current location." Her voice was soft as she spoke.

"I will bow to your logic T'Rish," Richard said with a grin as he stepped back a bit from the bed, "Tonight then Ensign?" The attempt was to sound as professional as possible though his heart was racing a bit too fast for that.

"It is a date." The Vulcan hybrid said easily as she slip from the bio bed, her feet gently touching the floor before she began striding out the sickbay door. She needed to put some distance between her and the doctor before her logic failed her. The thought brought the faintest hit of a smile to her face.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Ensign T'Rish
Chief of Operations, USS Pioneer


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