View Award - Whoopi Goldberg Diversity Ribbon
Sim Level Award
Awarded for the successful portrayal of a non-human character aboard a simulation.
In the interest of diversity, this award is granted to individuals who have done an exemplary job writing and developing their non-human characters. Playing ruthless Romulans, killer Klingons, freeloading Ferengi, clever Cardassians, benevolent Bajorans, vigilant Vulcans, aspiring Andorians and any others, while doing so in an excellent fashion, is worthy of recognition.
Category: In character
Awarded: 4 times
Lieutenant Vura Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 12:45am |
Deltans are arguable one of the hardest races to portray in the Star Trek world. A people who have to be celibate seems like it is not that hard to play. However, when you are a Counselor it can make things a tad difficult. Over the last year Vura has shown us what it means to be a person who owns themselves. They have managed to write a post evaluating the psychology of just about the entire crew, all the while showing us what it means to be a member of a race that we know little about. |
Lieutenant Ja'sol H'ros Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 11:57pm |
In the short time that Ja'sol has been with the sim he has made his race known. The Eldoran race is a little known race from a very little part of the Trek story. He brings this race to life with what seems like little effort. |
Sat Jun 1st, 2019 @ 1:14am |
For an outstanding Cardassian |
Mon May 21st, 2018 @ 11:27pm |
This award is given with great pleasure to the good doctor. He not only created the race of Azzians and wrote the entire Wiki for them so other players can learn about them. He constantly creates posts where he is exploring more about this race and their interactions with others. I am overjoyed to have him and this unique race on my ship. Thank you Doctor Ballston for this addition to the 'verse. |