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The Aftermath

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 5:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Lieutenant Vura & Sergeant Azure Thompson
Edited on on Sat Jun 24th, 2023 @ 11:28pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Sick Bay - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD006 0800

Hermia awoke to see Azure Thompson starring down at her.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" Azure asked with a mixture of anger and fear. "You know how dangerous it is to instigate a sexual relationship with a Deltan. The only reason you're still sane is due to Bones' actions, he flushed your system of your erstwhile 'cure' and the Deltan pheromones."

"I wasn't thinking." Hermia said weakly. "I felt lonely and being around Vura made me feel good.

"Well, if that's the case, we can find someone who can help you with your needs with out driving you insane, or taking a 'cure' the would leave you in a vegetative state." Azure said. "I'm going to leave you in Bones' care and go and talk to Lieutenant Vura."

"Oh, Vura. I should go and apologise to her in person." Hermia said trying to sit up.

"Absolutely not. You are to say away from her until further notice, doctor's orders." Azure said.

Knowing she was defeated Hermia lay back on her biobed.

"Computer what is Lieutenant Vura's current location?" Azure asked as she headed for the door.

"Lieutenant Vura is currently in her office." The feminine voice of the computer replied.

"Thank you, Computer." Azure said as she headed for Vura's office.

"Thanks, are not required, but are as always appreciated, Sergeant."

Vura had just finished dictating some notes on her last patient when she heard the chime on her door. "Come in," Vura answered in a sing-song voice.

Azure did so. "Good day, Lieutenant, I'm Sergeant Azure Thompson, I'm acting as Commander O'Rourke's doctor, and I like to discuss with you the incident that took place in Sickbay earlier today, if I may?"

The Counselor sighed and sank back into her chair. "Please come and sit." Without waiting for explanation Vura shook her head. "I did not even touch her. We had a nice dinner in After 11. She did my physical, and then out of the blue, she kissed me!" After a soft short laugh, Vura continued, "She shouldn't have done it. She should have known better. I had the usually discussion about the Oath. I will not tell you, though, that it was not nice. I cannot tell her that, though."

Azure took the offered seat and listened. "Okay, I'm not here to place blame, and I'm happy to tell you that she has been treated and currently shows no signs of mental instability." The Andorian hybrid explained.

"Oh! That is very pleasant to hear," Vura replied relieved. "About Hermia, not about the blame," she offered. "I would hate to even accidentally be the cause of losing such a valuable crew member. I probably should be out of her sight for a good week or two, if possible...."

"Indeed." Azure said. "While I'm here, I'd like to check your pheromone inhibiting medication, maybe we should increase the dose, to be on the safe side."

"Certainly you know that there is no such thing for Deltans."

"I was afraid you'd say that." Azure said. "Perhaps we can come up with something."

"Unlikely," Vura replied with a sigh. "Federation scientists have been looking into it for over a century without success. The problem likely has to do with the fact that we are also touch telepaths. So when someone touches us, they get a sense of our complex thoughts and sensual natures. It likely produces an overload of sensation in non-Deltans. That's why non-Deltans can literally go insane from having sexual relations with us. Such prolonged contact...."

"Well, it seems a problem without a solution." Azure said. The hybrid thought a moment. "Maybe, they were going about it the wrong way. I'm a botanist, perhaps a plant extract could be of use."

"I would welcome your research, as would any Deltan. If something could be found, it could free us of the need of the Oath."

"Good, I'll begin my research asap." Azure said. "So, how are you feeling after the 'incident'? She asked.

"It has been a long time since I have had that kind of contact with anyone," Vura answered. "It was very simple, but pleasant, even if I did not reciprocate." She paused for a moment and said, "Imagine that you were paralyzed and for just a few seconds, you could walk again. It is a momentary thrill; but suddenly, the paralysis returns and you fall, unable to get up. Something like that is how I feel. It is not easy for a Deltan taking the Oath, but it is very necessary."

"Although its necessary, it must be a lonely way to live." Azure said. "I was exiled from my world, but you chose to leave."

"That is true," Vura responded, hoping not to need to expand upon her answer.

"I know what it's like to be alone, I'm an Andorian-human hybrid, the only living one of my kind." Azure said. "My three 'brothers' died protecting me."

Vura looked curiously at Azure. "I know that we did not have a scheduled appointment, but did you want to talk more about that?"

"Yes, please, Ma'am, if you have the time."

"I would not offer if I did not," the Deltan responded simply. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Azure did as she was instructed. "I was born, well created on a science station orbiting an Andorian colony world." She began. "The world was experiencing a loss in fertility, so a scientist came up with the idea of fusing Andorian DNA with that of other species in an attempt to make fertile hybrids. The only viable hybrid he was able to create, before his illegal experiments were exposed and shut down, were myself and three males. I was fertile, but the males were not." Azure paused a moment remembering her brother's and the sacrifice they made for her.

"The government wanted us destroyed as we were abominations, but the scientist pleaded for our lives and we were exiled instead."

"The transport that was supposed to take us to our new 'home', was attacked during transit. My brothers hid me and were killed fighting off the boarding party." Azure said, a tear forming in her eye.

"I don't know how long I survived alone, before I was rescued by a Starfleet Away Team. Eventually I was adopted by the ship's Chief Science Officer and his wife, my first and only mum and dad." She laughed. "They were responsible for naming me 'Azure', it was a joke based on my skin colour."

Vura nodded. She had already figured out the reason for Azure's name but it would have been rude to point out the obvious. "How old were you at the time, when you were rescued?"

"About 9 Earth years old in appearance, the scientist had sped up our growth rate, but I began to age at a normal rate once I went through puberty." Azure replied. "I don't blame the scientist, I believe his name was Thelian, he was just doing what he had to to save his people."

"I don't understand. What do you mean, he was doing what he had to to save his people?"

"From what I understand, he created myself and my brothers in an attempt to increase fertility in Andorians on the colony. Normal Andorian reproduction requires four individuals, I believe he was hoping to transform Andorian reproduction through the introduction of foreign genes in order that it only required two individuals male and female."

"Did it work?" Vura asked curiously. "Or are you still tied to the three others?"

"In a way, I not tied to three others, but unfortunately, for my people, I'm a lesbian and I have a steady girlfriend." Azure replied.

"Well, that would be unfortunate for your maker, but not for you. You have a right to make your life what you want it to be, not what someone else set it out to be. So how long ago did this all take place: your rescue and what caused you to enlist?"

"I was rescued about 24 years ago. My uncle John is a Marine NonCom, and I enjoyed the stories he told. We'd talk long into the night about the Corps." Azure said. "I talked it over with my parents, they were very supportive and I enlisted in when I was 17."

"And you're happy with your choice?" Vura asked, knowing that Azure likely was.

"Of course, I get to help people, isn't that what life is all about?" Azure said.

"I agree." She opened her arms wide. "I mean, look what I do for a living." She smiled warmly at Azure.

Azure returned the smile. "I know." Her smile faded. "I received a message from an aide to the Andorian Chancellor recently, apparently all is forgiven, and I've been asked to go to Andoria for a celebration in my honour."

"Have you considered your response?"

"I told them to shove it up their six, and didn't wait for a response." Azure said. "I know its juvenile, but they left me and my brothers to die in space."

"OK, so you did not consider it, you just responded," Vura responded laughing. "Well, I cannot say that I blame you based upon what you have told me. But, I can't say that burning bridges is the best way to handle things, either."

"I know, but I can't forgive them, not right now anyway." Azure said.

"Understandable. What happened to your brothers remains, if I may ask?"

"They're buried in a cemetery near my parent's home, on Earth." Azure said. "I visit them each time I'm on Earth."

"I see," Vura replied thoughtfully. "So, tell me about your girlfriend."

"Her name is Marisol and she's a transport specialist. We met when we were both serving on the USS Tauranga." Azure began. "She's beautiful, and sharp as a whip. I love her and recently she's been teaching me how to cook."

"A very handy skill, especially if technology goes down. Unfortunately, I lack it. No replicators, no Vura."

"If you're interested, I'm sure Marisol would mind teaching you too." Azure said.

"Perhaps some time," Vura replied non-commitally. "I know that I have to make some more time for myself but right now I really need to get to know the crew."

"Maybe, you'll get an aide." Azure said. "So you can concentrate on the crew."

"Whether I do or do not will not matter too much," Vura answered. "An aide will merely be able to stop folks from just popping in. I have a good team with Zhara here to compliment my work."

"I'm glad you have a good team." Azure said. "I'm lucky, I'm part of three. The Marines, Medical and Sciences." She said.

"You are lucky. This ship seems to have endless amounts of talent."

Azure raised bemused an antenna. "I hadn't thought of it that way," she said.

Vura shrugged. "Part of my job is to get people to see and think in ways that they had not previously. Perspective is a unique way of looking at things."

"You do it well, Lieutenant." Azure said.

"Thank you. Unfortunately, in the case of Hermia, I may have done it much too well...." She shook her head slowly. "I probably should stay away from her for at least a week and that will be difficult."

"It wasn't your fault." Azure said. "I haven't known Hermia that long, but you don't need to be an empath, to see she's lonely. It was just an unfortunate convergence of things, that's all."

"Whether it is my fault or not, the effects will be difficult for her to shake. So, avoid her, I must."

"Agreed, now I better let you get back to your work." Azure said. "It was great meeting you."

"And you as well. Take care of Hermia for me and apologize for me, if you would."

"Of course." Azure said as she left the room.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Vura
Chief Counselor, USS Pioneer

Sergeant Azure Thompson
Corpsman, Team 1, The Cure
USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer


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