A Tip Of The Cap...
Posted on Thu Aug 6th, 2020 @ 6:29am by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
On August 1st 2020 Obsidian Fleet held its annual Obsidian Day celebration. It was a fun filled day with some really good discussions. The highlight of the day was probably the guest appearances. Click the links to see who stopped by.
Chancellor L'Rell

One of the events was the announcement of various awards. I am proud to say the the Gold Unit of Merit Award for the second quarter was awarded to the USS Pioneer. You guys have worked very hard to earn this. We continue to tell the stories we want to tell in the universe that we all love. I am humbled by your writing and your friendship. Thank you for allowing me to run this game.
Keep up the great work, Next stop Platinum Sim of The Year
Until Then
Steady As She Goes,
Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Category: General News