View Awards - Elen Diari

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Service Citation 6 Months Service Citation 6 Months
Awarded Wed Nov 21st, 2018 @ 3:04am
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Thank you for being a strong part of the Pioneer Community. Here is to a great six months and many many more.
Service Citation 1 Year Service Citation 1 Year
Awarded Sat Jun 1st, 2019 @ 1:06am
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
What would this ship be without it's spunky Chief Engineer. Diari always adds an air of lightheartedness to their posts that make them a joy to read. Thank you for being a part of this community for the past year. Here is to many more.
Crew's Choice Award Crew's Choice Award
Awarded Sun Dec 29th, 2019 @ 5:49pm
Lieutenant Diari has interjected an interesting twist on the standard Engineer. Her colorful background allows for compelling stories as she shares her writing skills with all of us.
Outstanding Post Ribbon Outstanding Post Ribbon
Awarded Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 3:25am
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
I am giving this award for the post titled "Redemption" It is an emotional, action packed post. One can tell that a lot of energy went into that post. It wasn't just a death scene, it gave us three things all at once. A triple gut punch if you will. First there was what was going through Dana's mind when she died, an allogory to what may go through anyone's mind when they die. Next a friend, by way of Diari gives us what it is like to witness a death and be helpless about it. Finally, Malbrooke gives us the removal from death, that life continues without the knowledge of someone dying. Very powerful... Just a well written post. Bravo!
Creativity Award Creativity Award
Awarded Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 3:25am
Nominated by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles
For the idea for "The Still" post
Service Citation 2+ Years Service Citation 2+ Years
Awarded Mon May 25th, 2020 @ 7:29pm
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
I would like to congratulate and thank the Lieutenant for two great years of service to the Pioneer. Thank you for keeping everything running down there in Engineering. We appreciate you being a part of this community and being a friend.
DeForest Kelly Humor Award DeForest Kelly Humor Award
Awarded Tue May 3rd, 2022 @ 3:20am
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Our very own blonde bombshell in engineering adds a hefty dose of humor and mirth to their posts. Even serious posts have a small amount of wit and sarcasm. Having someone like this on a sim is extremely important and we can't always have the mood be somber and filled with anxiety. Having someone to lighten the mood and and add some comic relief is always refreshing. Keep up the great work and thank you.
Good Conduct Medal Good Conduct Medal
Awarded Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 8:06pm
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Although I would like to see more of our resident blonde bombshell on our Discord channel (hint hint), they are always ready to come through when needed. During Crooked River our Chief Engineer turned two of our shuttles into submarines. They are always ready to jump in when you throw the ball at them.
Outstanding Post Ribbon Outstanding Post Ribbon
Awarded Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 9:37pm
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
The post titled "The Adventure Begins" stands out during this mission for me. If I am honest nothing major occurs there is no great revelation about a character. However, a simple look into what a crew talks about while approaching a station and vacation. What those expecting them talk about. There is a general happy feel about this post and that is something that after the last mission this ship sorely needed. I would like to commend everyone in this post for creating a great general Star Trek type post.
Service Citation 5+ years Service Citation 5+ years
Awarded Tue Apr 30th, 2024 @ 8:19pm
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
You are officially part of the furniture. Having you here on the Pioneer is a pleasure and knowing that engineering is well taken care of is a comfort. Thank you for everything. I know we would not be where we are if it were not for your contributions to this community. Here is to many many more years with us.
Character of the Month Character of the Month
Awarded Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 11:35pm
Nominated by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
For the month of August Elen Diari shows us that humor is very often the cure to any situation. When life through her lemons she made lemonade and sat in the corner and drank it until she was returned to her home universe. Sometimes in a story such as ours it can be hard to sit back and let events transpire. Yet Elen did it with a smile. Great work.
Creativity Award Creativity Award
Awarded Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:50pm
Nominated by Lieutenant Vura
I cannot think of a writer more creative than the person that writes Elen. The stuff that this writer comes up with on the fly nearly always makes me laugh, yet the character is always relatable. The Chief that would not be Chief but for the fact that the ship needs a Chief....