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Different Sides/Same Coin

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2017 @ 8:27am by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 9:56pm

1,942 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Enemy Within
Location: Marine CO's Office - Deck 9
Timeline: MD001 1230 hrs
Tags: SD 71370.1230

Now that the ship was underway, and the bridge left safely in the hands of the XO, Tyler thought it was time to meet the latecomer. He proceeded down to Deck 9 and Marine HQ. Along the way he encountered nothing but smiles and nods from the various personnel that he saw along the way. "The crew seems to be in good spirits..." he thought.

When he arrived at Marine HQ he walked right in. When he walked in a couple of Marines that were there the were there snapped to attention "Captain on Deck..." They said in unison... "As you were, I am here to see your CO..." Tyler replied. He came to the door to the COs office and pushed the door chime. "After that greeting, I am sure he already knows that I am here." Tyler thought.

Jack was hunched over his new desk, still going through the personnel records of his new unit. He wasn't a huge fan of desks or personnel records but some burdens must be borne. He heard the commotion outside of his door and was surprised when the door chimed. Marine COs would have just walked right in. He stood up and placed his hands behind his back.

"Come in," he said.

Tyler walked in and saw the man before him. "A Marine through and through but he had a thoughtful look to him." he thought. "First Lieutenant glad you could make it. I thought I would come down and fill you in."

"Yes, sir," Jack said. "I admit that I am still getting my bearings. My transfer orders were rushed. I apologize for not getting up to see you myself but I didn't want to bother you while you were taking care of our departure. Also, leaving Marines unattended can have unexpected results."

"At ease First Lieutenant, at ease." Tyler said as he relaxed a bit himself. "No worries, better for you to join us late then never." Tyler laughed and then he continued "Yes indeed I have been told that Marines can be an unruly bunch. I hope that you and they can acclimate to a slower lifestyle aboard ship." Tyler smiled.

Jack frowned. "Respectfully, sir, I hope not. Marines need to be kept with an edge, not relaxed and acclimating to comforts," he said and gestured for the CO to sit. "I'm already looking over their performance results and working up our training routines. I don't know how the previous skipper was running the detachment but I intend to keep them well trained. In fact, I'm hoping to get regular use out of one of the holodecks and some of the programs SFMC approves."

Tyler took a seat and crossed his legs. "Well, I have been thinking about just that First Lieutenant. You see in my perfect world the crew of the Pioneer is more than a crew, they are family. In order to encourage that bond the rivalry between fleet and the Marines has to be fought against at least on this ship. In effort to fight that fight I would like your Marines to integrate into the crew of this ship as part of their duties. For example your Corpsmen can assist the Chief Medical Officer in Sick Bay. Please work out a rotation list and submit it when you are ready." Tyler looked at the Marine as he spoke he was trying to gauge how the Marine felt about this integration.

"You are the CO, sir. I will follow your orders. However, the value of a Marine is that he is not a Starfleet officer or enlisted. We are on this ship for a very specific purpose. If you think integration is the most important thing, then maybe you should just ask for more personnel who are fleet members. That is not to say that some cross support is bad, but the majority of time Marines need to be Marines," Jack said.

Tyler laughed "Precisely and it is Marines just being Marines as you put it, that I think the fleet would benefit from. This not an order, consider it an interdepartmental request. Put the offer out to your men and if they wish they can pick up duty shifts where they would like. That being said the one thing that is an order, is that you are to coordinate with my Chief of Security and the Chief Intelligence Officer. The goal is schedule for guard duty. The SCIF requires an armed guard at all times."

Malcom pursed his lips. "Twenty-four hours a day? I've got fifteen Marines... I'll work out a schedule with the Chief of Security, sir. I'm sure we can come to come kind of arrangement. Do you have any other tasks that you would like the Marines to take care of?"

"Indeed, there is someone on duty in Intel 24/7 so there needs to be a guard there 24/7. However, it doesn't have to be a Marine. Hence the coordination with security. I am allocating one our auxiliary craft, The Hawkeye, for Maine use. The Hawkeye is an Argo Class Transport. As to the rest of the team, there is nothing else for them. However, the ship needs a Second Officer, Commander Montgomery and myself believe the Commanding Officer of the Marine Detachment would be the best person for the job. That is if you want it..." Tyler smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"Well..." Jack started to say and then stopped. Second in command? Of a starship? "Sir, I don't think I'm qualified to command a starship like this. I'm a Marine. I command men. I've never held a space command of any kind. In fact, this is my first non-ground posting in my career."

"I know. However, this is a new crew and you are the only officer outside of the XO and myself that has any command experience. Secondly what is a crew of a starship if not men to command?" Tyler smiled and then went on "Look it would entail two things, the first is you would have command of the bridge during the overnight hours. Secondly you would be third in line for command if the XO and myself were away or incapacitated. Your training in command, and strategy makes you ideal for this position." He added.

"I've always been ready to accept responsibility if needed and I won't turn away from that now. I just want you to know that if I am in command on the bridge, for whatever reason, I won't change my style. I'm still going to be me and I know that some fleet officers have problems with Marines," Jack said.

"Oh I know that, and if any problems arise, even if you can handle them, I want you to inform me straight away. My officers are expected to act professionally no matter who is sitting in the big chair. I also want you to know that I am putting the Hawkeye, our Argo Class transport, complete with ground assault vehicle at your disposal for any and all operations or training exercises. That is the Marine shuttle as of now. Do you have any questions for me, or anything you would like to say?" Tyler found this man to be all business at least for right now. However, he sensed that inside was a regular human being who waited to get out.

Jack nodded. "Thank you, sir. I'm sure Lance Corporal Kunadt will be excited to hear about the Hawkeye. I don't have anything else that I think warrants your attention just yet. I appreciate you coming down here to Marine country to see me. I look forward to working with you."

Tyler snapped his fingers, how could he be so empty headed. "I almost forgot the other reason that I came here was to brief you. Currently, the Pioneer is en route to the Badlands. Our mission at least on the surface is a scientific one. However, there is a secondary reason that Starfleet is sending us there. Lately there has been a resurgence of terrorist style attacks in and around the Badlands. A group calling themselves the New Maquis is claiming responsibility for these attacks."

Tyler handed his Marine CO a PADD with transcripts of the Firebird's communications with the Sagan. "What you are looking at is for the eyes and ears of the Senior Staff only... For now. Information will be made available on a need to know basis." Tyler's demeanor switched from the friendly courteous CO to a sterner one. "I and ,by extension Starfleet, have no idea if these people are actually a threat. However, if they can severely damage a vessel then they are a threat. I need your men to be ready for anything. Boarding enemy vessels and repelling enemy boarders are a distinct possibility. Any questions Lieutenant?"

Jack took the PADD and played the audio portion. He looked up when it was finished. "Sir, I would say they are certainly a threat. We don't know their motivations or objectives but they attacked a Starfleet vessel, a medical vessel and that is all I really need to know to classify them as hostile. I recommend that we travel under yellow alert once we reach the Badlands. I'll use the data in this PADD, with your permission, and begin building a holoprogram to practice boarding operations. If we run across these New Maquis again, our priority should be to disable one of their ships and capture some of them for intelligence exploitation."

Tyler nodded, "Agreed Lieutenant, cross reference your source material for the training exercises with what we already know about Maquis tactics. Tell your men that this is routine training, if need be blame it on me. Tell them I have never worked with Marines and do not know what they are capable of. Starfleet does not want this out at large as of yet, that is why it is for Senior Staff only for the time being. I will let you know when you can disseminate the full information. You also should be in close contact with Lieutenant Myles, as Chief of Security he is responsible for repelling anyone trying to board this vessel. However, he will most likely need your assistance should that eventuality arise. As a matter of protocol, should we need to board an enemy vessel, that task will fall to you."

Tyler paused for a moment and thought that he would like to get to know this new arrival when there was not work to be done. "Upon arrival at the Badlands I will convene a command briefing, with myself, Commander Montgomery, Command Master Chief Williams and yourself. We will discuss what the next step will be."

"Understood, captain. I will set up a meeting with Lieutenant Myles as soon as he is available. I will also get to work on our boarding procedures as soon as I can," Jack said. This was more talking than he had done in a couple of weeks and he was surprised at how much he disliked it. Sometimes being a regular Marine in the line was easier. "I hope the Marine Detachment can be a valuable resource, sir. Don't hesitate to call on us."

"Will do, and thank you Lieutenant..." Tyler drew himself together, into 'command stance'. "As you were, Marine..." Tyler added and then walked out of the office.

A Joint Post By

Commander Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

1st Lieutenant Jack Cunningham Jr
Marine Commanding Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer


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