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Flustered and First impression

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2019 @ 11:50pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2019 @ 11:53pm

1,551 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 7 - Home Again
Location: Ready Room USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD002 1400 hrs

Tallida ran, sprinted rather away from the Crewman in the corridor and didn't stop until she arrived at her destination. Without hesitation, and without thought, she tapped the control and entered the Captain's ready room once she was bid. Had she been thinking, she could have stopped, tucked her unruly hair back, straightened her uniform, or tried to achieve any amount of composure. Instead she entered the ready room a mess and panting.

The time had come for Tyler to meet the last of his new arrivals, his new Pioneers. In truth this one was bittersweet over the time he had known her he came to respect and appreciate Amelia and now she was gone. "On to bigger and better things." He said to the empty room as he approved the transfer request. He saw the file for Amelia's replacement and he set it aside. Tyler did not have to look at it, he new the Lieutenant's record as he selected her personally. He sensed she had something to prove, and Tyler was going to give her just the place to prove it.

When the door chime rang Tyler bade the person enter. What he saw was not what he had expected. The multi colored hair, the out of place uniform. Her file said she was unorthodox but this... Tyler thought. "Lieutenant are you okay? You look a bit unwell." He said with his disarming smile.

Tallida looked down, her hair swung forward showing her exactly how unruly it had become. Add that to the disheveled state of her uniform and her cheeks reddened. "Uh, yes, Sir." She replied as she moved to straighten her uniform and her hair. "I apologize. This afternoon has not gone as planned." She tried to smile up at him as she fixed her hair. She took a few more steps with a fake confidence. "Lieutenant Ovaa, reporting sir."

"Lieutenant..." Tyler paused as he motioned for the couch and stood up from behind his desk. "Tallida please have a seat, relax. Can I get you anything? I want you to understand that I am just Tyler. There is nothing special about these pips, so just relax. Want to talk about what problems happened this afternoon?" He smiled as he ordered a racktijino.

"Oh god no." Tallida blurted before thinking over her response. How on earth would she even explain what had just happened. "Oh, uh, an ice water would be nice." She replied once his words sunk in. She started and stopped a few times before finally resigning and taking a seat on the couch.

Tyler retrieved a glass of water for her and took a seat next to her. He wasn't quite sure where to begin with her, he wanted to get to know her and at the moment she seemed to be wound tight, especially for a counselor. He sipped his drink as he thought about what to say next. "I trust your journey to Empok Nor was uneventful?

"Yes, Sir." She replied in a practiced submission. Holding the glass in her hand she raised it to her lips and took a sip. Both with a need to dampen the parched nature of her throat but also to buy herself some time before having to speak more. "It was fine." she finally added.

"I hope you were able to take advantage of what the station has to offer while you awaited our arrival. The White Stag Pub on the promenade is my personal favorite. Mickey sure knows how to take care of his people." He smiled as he paused in his speech, there was an elephant in the room and Tyler knew it. Tallida's latest psych eval had stated that she could be a bit brazen, so perhaps that is what Tyler needed to be. "Tallida I want you to know something. I am aware of what happened to you, of what you are. However, at the moment I am the only one on this ship that does know. It is the reason that I handpicked you for this crew. I am believer in second chances, and there aren't many in the fleet who feel the same."

Tallida had been taking a sip from her glass of water as the Captain spoke. She was so shocked an embarrassed by what he had said that she began chocking. She coughed, her face turning red. Once she could breathe again she looked at him in horror. Not everything he had said computed in her head and her mind jumped to Vox. "How did you?" She started. "It isn't what you think. Nothing happened. I know he was the executive officer and we never should have but, it was one date." Her voice was in a panic. "I know fraternization between officers is frowned upon but I am not command and I didn't think it was anything that would be in my file. What must Starfleet think?" She hid her face in her hands that were now vacant of the glass.

Tyler actually did a spit take he laughed so hard. "Darlin listen and listen well because I am only going to say this once. What you do off duty, and who you do it with is your business and none of mine. By the way that is a two way street. However, I was referring to your augmentation. I am sure that people gave you a hard time for that. If you think fraternization is frowned upon, that is a whole lot worse." He paused and smirked... "Now the crew doesn't know about your dalliance either however, if you wish I can make sure to tell them that you are ready willing and able to serve." He smiled and small sarcastic twinkle was in his eye.

Tallida didn't move. She kept her face buried in her hands as he spoke. She should have known that he was talking about her status. Her entire existence was forbidden in the Federation but she wasn't. She hated that she had to keep her status secret but it was better this way. Finally lifting her face from her hands she turned her head to look at him. "I would prefer they not know about either." She started sitting up slightly. "As I am sure you know, I have not spent much time around, uh, normal people." She knew that wasn't the best way to describe everything, but it was how it felt in her mind. "I would like the opportunity to prove myself, without, uh, that."

The smile left his face and his visage got gentler and kinder. "That brings me back to my previous statement about second chances. In terms of your status the only member of the crew other than myself who will know is Dr Richard Ballston, our Chief Medical Officer. He has to know, but is also sworn to keep it confidential. In terms of the dalliance no one will know. I will warn you though as Counselor around these parts this crew is far from normal. We have been through quite a lot, in a short time."

"But you have gotten to try and fail." she started with a hopeful tone in her voice. "Love, lose, heartbreak, win." She looked back at him. "You have all gotten to do more than be a lab rat for a society that doesn't like you should exist." she let out a sigh turning her eyes forward so she was no longer looking at him. "I should have known you weren't talking about me and Vox. I really regret saying anything about that."

Tyler sighed and let the humor fall out of his voice. "Well said and well put. I know that it has not been easy for you because of something that was not your choice. I plan on giving you the same chance, and will pull no punches. Your work here will not be just counseling the crew. I use counselors as advisers and at times diplomats. You will have much on your plate. Also, never regret being yourself and saying what you think whether it is right or wrong. If it means anything I do not hold anything against you."

"I appreciate that, Sir." Tallida replied solemnly looking down at her hands where they rested in her lap. "Not many people see past what I am." She had only met one person who had ever seen her for who she was and that hadn't ended the best. "I will do my best." She added once she finally looked up at him.

"That is all I can ever ask of you or any of the crew. If you see my Yeoman, a Crewman Cipriani she can assist you in getting settled into your office. As for your quarters, see our new Quartermaster Lieutenant T'Rish. Other than that my door is always open for you. After all who counsels the counselor." Tyler said with a smile and sipped his drink then he added almost as an after thought. "Tallida I really love the hair..."

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Tallida Ovaa
Chief Counselor, USS Pioneer


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