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Checking In

Posted on Wed Oct 17th, 2018 @ 12:57pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Fri Oct 19th, 2018 @ 1:53pm

1,306 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - It Would Be Their Pleasure
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD002 1000 hrs

Andrew stepped off the lift of the engineering deck dressed in a black excursion uniform with his jacket undone. It had bee over a year since they'd disappeared, though, it seemed like only a few days. Moore still had no idea why, however, he was just glad to be back. What he'd done to get back bothered him, he'd swore he was done with that life and would never go back. As he walked into main engineering he shook it off and grinned seeing a few engineers tense up, "relax guys, I'm not here for phaser wielding intruders today," he said as he passed and moved over to the CO and leaned on a nearby bulkhead, crossing his arms, "hey Cap."

Tyler had been going over the engineering reports and assisting with repairs where he could. After all the ship had been through he felt that it deserved the Captain taking care of it. He looked up and saw Andrew enter. "Chief! How are you doing? Glad you made it back." He smiled broadly.

"Me too," Moore replied with a relieved smile, "I'm doing alright, our....trip was kind of therapeutic, believe it or not," he added with a chuckle and pulled out a PADD, "the ship looks like it came through pretty nicely."

"Really, do tell Chief. My experience was quite the opposite. The ship has pulled through the Pioneer can do anything I am convinced of it. But it is also Lieutenant Diari getting everything back in order. Speaking of getting everything pulled through and back in order. This last mission has brought something to my attention. I think that everyone on this ship should have a point of contact for command, for leadership. How do you feel about that subject?" Tyler replied. He had something in mind for Moore, but wanted to feel him out first. In the back of his mind Tyler heard Darf's words that this could be one of the biggest mistakes that he would ever make.

Andrew handed the PADD he'd been fiddling with over with his report, "long story short I had to put my past out of my mind and go back into operator mode," he explained and took a breath, "blend in, gather intel, infiltration, et cetera. Kinda reminded me who I am," he replied honestly, a hint of more confidence and less bravado as he spoke, "I'm still crazy as a loon though," he added with a smirk then nodded, "I think it's a good idea, some of us in the enlisted rates and I'm sure in your combat centric departments are a little uneasy at times going to command, especially when those of us enlisted have to go to out department head who may or may not understand the difference in our needs from the officers.''

"That is something I agree with you wholeheartedly on. I think our enlisted have been glanced over, and for that I apologize. As I read the reports from our enlisted men and women and their experiences something they keep speaking of is that there is a separation of sorts, that most of us in command do not know what they go through. I have a mind to side with them. To that end I was thinking of appointing someone to the position of Chief of the Boat. What do you think of that idea?" Tyler made sure that when he spoke his tone sounded like he was not too keen on the idea. He was trying to feel Andrew out, before he just handed the man a promotion.

"I think it's a step in the right direction," Moore replied honestly and folded his arms, "but, you'll need to be careful not to overlook who you appoint, it won't do you any good if the command staff as a whole just sees this as a token posting," he added with a shrug, "a big issue is there are officers in Starfleet who think we are just there because they need someone to do the menial grunt work while the officers themselves are the ones who are qualified to be the forefront of everything.''

Tyler laughed slightly maniacally and slightly hysterically, he laughed as he reached into the leg pocket on his uniform. "Chief you are too right I do have to be careful. I also have a tendency to like it when my command staff challenges me. It is for both of these reasons that I am going to make you the Chief of the Boat. That is if you want it?" Tyler smirked as he handed Andrew the wooden box.

Andrew hesitantly took the box and regarded the CO for a second before opening the box, "Senior Chief of the Boat, huh," he said and looked at the Senior Chief Petty Officer pip with gold lines laid for the rank emblem, "I'll take it, thank you, sir," he said with a smile then looked up, "so, how many people told you this would be a bad idea?" Moore asked with a smirk.

"Oh just about everyone not the least of which was the XO. So it seems you might have your work cut out for you. But like I said I am partial to having my staff challenge me at all sides. So, I am glad you will take the job. Consider your first task to close the gap between the officers of this ship and the enlisted." Tyler smirked which concealed the small amount of doubt that he had about the decision.

"So, nothing to difficult for my first assignment, need the warp plasma changed without protective gear too?" he asked with a joking tone and grinned, "I'll get it done. How much rope do I have to operate with?''

"As much as you need or just enough to hang yourself with. You operate with my authority on this issue, if anyone has cause to question send them to me. Also Andrew you will have a bridge shift to go with that shiny gold pip. Your station is on the upper level just above my chair. You are also now officially a member of this ship's Senior Staff. I expect you to act the part, lead by example." Tyler started with a jovial tone and then changed to a more serious one. The Chief of the Boat was no laughing matter.

"Of course, just know I'm still going to handle things....well, in my own way," Moore replied, "like with the Maquis boarders. But, I know this isn't a game," he added honestly.

"If I did not like your way of doing things, we would not be having this conversation. However, you need to find a balance between the way you do things and ensuring that the chain of command is followed." Tyler spoke honestly and then a smirk developed across his face. "Speaking of you know you are now in the chain of command. You are the last person in the senior staff to have the center chair. So brush up you command protocols." Tyler chuckled.

Andrew grinned, "aye, sir," he replied, "and I appreciate the faith in me," he added happily, "with your permission I have some things it looks like I need to get in order?''

"As you were, Chief as you were." Tyler said and then added as an afterthought. "Oh and Andrew thanks..."

Moore nodded and smiled, "no problem, sir," he replied ten turned and headed off to study for the bridge command officers exam.

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Command Senior Chief Petty Officer Andrew Moore
Senior Chief of the Boat
Behavioral Health Specialist, USS Pioneer


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