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What is this place?

Posted on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 @ 8:46pm by
Edited on on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 @ 9:03pm

600 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Sum of Our Parts
Location: Jati's Quarters, alternate Pioneer
Timeline: MD001 0900 hrs

May 28 2394 0900 hrs (relative time)

Jati woke up later than usual. She noticed something was off immediately but she could not place her finger on it. She felt warmth in her bed but the air was cooler for some reason. Something tickled her nose. She opened her eyes and looked into those of a blonde lying in bed across from her.

"Good morning, love", the woman greeted her. Jati had to clear her throat before responding. They kissed and it felt good, though in equal parts familiar yet unfamiliar. Jati wondered whether she was dreaming, she felt like she didn't belong. But it was a good dream, she wasn't complaining.

Who was this other woman? Jati felt she should know her but she couldn't even remember her name. She wasn't going to ask, though. That would have been awkward, and it would have killed the mood. Maybe she'd ask later, she figured.


An hour and a half later, and after a long, hot shower, they sat facing each other at the breakfast table. "I feel strange today", Jati admitted to her, slowly gaining more familiarity with the situation. She no longer thought of it as a dream, and she had remembered her lover's name and that they had been together for the best part of a year.

"When we woke up this morning, I didn't know where I was", she explained. "I didn't even know your name."

The other woman laughed. "So, you thought you'd just sleep with a stranger for a change?"

"No, I mean it", Jati said. She wasn't playing around. "I've still got a weird feeling in my stomach."

"Note to self", her lover said, "never let Jati have that much whisky again."

Jati grumbled. "Cut the crap. I'm serious."

"Okay, so what's my name, then?"

"Valentina", Jati said. "I remember now. Look. you know how we Cardassians are trained to have near perfect memory. When it fails, that's worrying."

Valentina slowly chewed her food. "I could take a look, see if there is anything unusual on a brainwave scan", she offered.

"I think that would be best", Jati agreed.

"I still can't get over you sleeping with me, not knowing who I was", Valentina prodded.

Jati smiled at her. "Put yourself in my shoes. You suddenly wake up next to a stunningly beautiful woman, you have no idea how you got there but you've obviously been intimate. She kisses you. Would you want to ruin that moment by asking an awkward question?"

"Probably not", Valentina admitted. "And good to know I've still got it. Especially first thing in the morning."


Jati lay down on the biobed. The scanners were doing their magic and Valentina prepared a hypodermic needle. She jabbed Jati in the butt with it and took a sample.

"Ow! Tina! Don't do that in public!" Jati complained, then saw the device and said, "Oh. That."

Valentina smirked. "I'll analyse both the scans and the sample and I'll get back to you once I've found something, okay?" It was her way of asking Jati to leave so she could concentrate on her work.

Jati got off the bed. She kissed her favourite doctor. "Thank you, love. I'll bring lunch, and questions." With that, she left Dr. Valentina Rossi to her work, heading towards astrometrics to begin her shift. She'd have to try to put her mind off it for the time being, though the queasy feeling hadn't left her.

Glen Jati Niall
Cardassian Liaison Officer/Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Pioneer


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