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Shifting Sands

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant JG Mira Jayna & Staff Warrant Officer Rommie
Edited on on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 7:23pm

2,166 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: XO's Office - Deck 2 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD004 1600 hrs

Something was wrong, and Jayna had no idea what it was. She'd been careful to collect all the data she could from the Serenity after the Marines returned. Sensor data, communications, data from the suits she and Schultz wore. None of it showed Kavicus or what he'd done as it had mostly been in their minds. She didn't have anything from the others' trip to engineering, other than the comms.

But now, when she went back to the shuttle with Merrick, Fellini, Schultz, Michael, and Xeres, it wasn't the same. The data had been deleted. The information they found pointed to Rowena McGowen, but she didn't know why. She wanted to talk it over with Neil. Granted, she could have sent the new data to him with an explanation, but he'd been so busy recently that she hadn't seen him much and she missed him. A lot.

She tried to contact him first, but he wasn't answering his comms. The computer said he was in his office, so she went to see him, pausing outside his office door a moment before ringing the chime.

The chime caused the Rommie program to engage. She materialized, clad in an FMC form fitting black and tan jumpsuit and boots, per her programming and frowned, as other sub-routines kicked in. Rommie checked the door's controls, saw it was one of the Intel divisions JG's. Noted that the Lieutenant had proper permissions (and what appeared to be a personal relationship with the Major) and subsequently opened the door.

As it slid open, Rommie stood at field and said, "Greetings Lieutenant. I'm afraid the Major is out of the office just now but if you'd like to leave a message, I'd be happy to assist.

She didn't add that THAT was all she could do given Commodore Malbrooke's views. She'd been programmed to be polite.

"Did he just leave? The computer said he was in his office." Jayna liked the jumpsuit, but she didn't recognize the woman. "I'm Jayna. Mira Jayna. Do you know where he is?" She was disappointed he wasn't there and hoped she could find out where he'd gone. Thinking she should give a good reason for being there, she added. "I have some information I need to discuss with the major."

Rommie kept her parade rest stance and said, "Hello Lieutenant Mira Jayna. I am Rommie, a holographic AI assistant the Major has been testing. The major departed this space approximately twenty minutes ago, according to my internal chrono. According to the Pioneer's internal tracker... you are correct. He is supposed to be here.."

Rommie glanced around the space, which was unnecessary since she could scan the area. Between one second and another, the major's readings...

"Disappeared?" Rommie vocalized. It is odd, Lieutenant Jayna. The major's com tracker showed him here up until .008 seconds ago and now the badge reading is not showing anywhere aboard Pioneer.

Jayna felt the knot form in her stomach. She tapped her combadge just because she wanted to see if she got something different. "Computer, where is Major Tremble?"

"Major Tremble is in his office."

She looked at Rommie. "Just checking to see if I got a different message. Something is definitely odd." She tapped her combadge again and got the same message Rommie did. Major Tremble was not on the ship.

There had to be some explanation for this. She tapped her combadge again. "Computer, where is Commander McGowen?"

"Commander McGowen is in Major Tremble's office."

"I'm going to check if there's anything wrong with the comm system, but I'd like some information from you first, if I can." She took a moment to organize her scattered thoughts. "Has anything else odd happened recently?"

Rommie regarded Jayna for a moment and said, "Unfortunately, I don't know that I can answer that ma'am. My program has only recently been added to Pioneer and that in a limited scope due to Commodore Malbrooke's wishes, as well as the Major's decision to work through slowly. Right now, I can only read only generally available data from the ship’s sensors. My primary duties have been gathering associative data on the Major to build the profile necessary to do my job." She smiled slightly and said, "And no offense, Lieutenant, your query was vague. Was there something specific about the Major you were seeking information about?"

"Neil keeps a tight schedule because he has so many responsibilities. Has he done anything recently that seems unusual based on the routine you've noticed so far." She ran a hand through her hair. "I know, that's vague, too. I'm asking an AI to give me her gut feeling." She wrapped her arms around her waist. She shouldn't worry just yet. It could still be a computer malfunction. "Okay, let's try this. Is there a computer malfunction that would account for the answers I've just been given about the location of Neil Tremble and Rowena McGowen?"

Rommie's eyes fluttered slightly as she worked through the various databases she DID have access to and said, "Computer malfunction. No, however both of those officers could simply tell the computer to not see them and hide the accesses. I can't speak of the Lieutenant Commander, given my access. Or the Major's for that matter, but according to my creator the Major is, and I quote, a sneaky bastard."

Jayna had to smile at that. He definitely could be. It was one of the reasons she loved him.

After a few tics, the AI added "That leads that either they are missing from the ship, or want it to appear that way, ma'am."

"Thank you." Jayna could think of no reason why either of them would hide from the computer at this time. And wouldn't Neil tell her he was going dark, even if he didn't tell her any details? She hoped so. "So now I go off the premise that they're missing." She paced the office, thinking. "If you learn anything about where Neil is or what is going on, could you tell me?"

Rommie tried to hide the frustration. Or didn't know she was frustrated, but it showed as she sighed and said. "Of course, Lieutenant. If the Major should go missing, officially and I learn anything, you are on the notification list."

Then she repeated, strangely, "Notification list," and her remarkably humanlike appearance ceased and she became wooden, her eyes taking on a pale violet glow.

"Lieutenant," Rommie's voice said with an echo-like quality. "Is the Major missing?"

"I can't say officially, but it looks like it," Jayna replied. "He's not answering his comms--but that could also mean he's busy. He's not where the computer says he is." She shook her head. "Data was deleted from the Serenity about the last trip to the underwater lab. Something is definitely going on. I'm going to check with operations and see if I can find Commander McGowen. I will let you know if I learn anything, or if Neil's disappearance becomes official." Although there was every chance Rommie would hear it first. "Is there anything you think I should do?" She didn't know, but it was worth asking.

The office walls all dimmed and the Rommie AI went dark, appearing as a silhouette covered with a glowing mesh. The mesh flowed down from the AI and moved over the walls ceiling and deck, encapsulating the wall. Then the mesh flashed three times to glow a blood red and AI Rommie's voice intoned, "Secure. Beginning playback."

A hologram of Neil appeared and looking harried. "Jayna, somethings not right aboard Pioneer. Tyler's not...I dunno. Somethings off. I tried getting a hold of Hermia, but can't find them. Comms are wigging out and I can't even punch a message through to the General. I'm going to have to take steps but if something happens to me... Well don't necessarily trust Rowena. She's been off too since Igion. That leaves a pickle and I'm going to try and get something planned. Tyler's bio signs don't mesh with his normal baseline and he's getting paranoid. Watch yourself."

The image of Neil squeezed his eyes together then reopened before continuing. "I've been having migraines and bad dreams of worse times. I really don't buy coincidences so I'm recording this from the Morgue. Rommie... has read only privileges on the Pioneer, her server is in the floor of my office. I've got it locked down so only you can pull it unless they rip the floor up."

The image of Neil was sweating now, but he grinned wolfishly, "Which, if they try is booby trapped and will wipe and flash fry the server. I put that in because Tyler doesn't like AI's but maybe it was a good idea."

Neil rubbed at his head and said, "I know this is a lot in a rush but I have a bad feeling..." Neil was sweating more now and he looked around before continuing. "Rommie’s set to respond to you if something happens to me and you need her. Letting her access the main computers will be up to. you. And on your head as far as Tyler is concerned since I told him I'd keep her out of things."

He wiped at his forehead and then glanced to one side, his eyes narrowing. "Something is creeping about..." Blinking back he said, "I've got to get busy. Use or don't use the AI. She's locked out from this transmission and no copies will be kept. Pioneer is locked out too, so. Yeah. Maybe. Hell, I don't know...anyway, to access. The camera feed began to fuzz out and static ran up and down the walls and over the silhouette of the AI and Neil said, "Yeah. Somethings here... Remember I love you."

And then the holo was gone.

Jayna wiped the tears from her face. "I love you, too. I'll do everything I can to find you," she whispered. Malbrooke and McGowen were compromised. Neil was missing. Something was here... And it was up to her to find out what was going on.

"Rommie, I think we can officially say Neil is missing. I'm going to find him, but we have to be careful as there's definitely something wrong here. Keep this conversation between the two of us...and Neil, if...when he returns. Do you want me to keep you updated on what I find?"

Rommie blinked slowly as her form took on light and color again and the walls of the office resumed their normal appearance. She glanced around apparently confused but gathered herself. "Missing. I will note that in my log and suggest you tread carefully. If the Major is gone that means Commander McGowan will assume his duties. The Major's orders to me supersede anyone else's, even my creators. I would appreciate being kept in the loop, Lieutenant."

After what she just learned about Rowena, that comment concerned Jayna. "I will. Based on what Neil said, I suggest you avoid Commodore Malbrooke and Commander McGowen. They've both been compromised. I'll let you know what I find." She paused. "Thank you, Rommie."

"Of course lieutenant, the AI stated," then she glanced about and said. "Maybe as often as you can? With the major gone...I'm alone in here. I know it's silly but..." Rommie shrugged, the gesture seeming odd to her.

"I will. Are you also in Neil's quarters? I could meet you there as well." Rommie was a connection with Neil, and right now, Jayna needed that connection. And if Rowena and the captain were compromised, Jayna needed to do all she could to protect Rommie.

"Only when he is present and activates the program," Rommie stated, maintaining her easy posture. "In this eventuality, you do the permissions to request my presence there."

"Perfect. I don't know if Commander McGowen will come in here, but I'm pretty sure she won't be going into Neil's quarters." And Jayna would feel better if she could spend a little time somewhere that reminded her of Neil and didn't have the equal concern that someone might wonder what she was doing there. "Thank you, Rommie."

"I'm here to serve, ma'am," Rommie said as she contemplated the walls.

"Jayna, please. I'm sure we'll be talking again soon." She looked around the office again and sighed. She shouldn't stay here much longer. There were people to talk to and Neil to find. "I'll talk with you soon."

Rommie clicked her heels together and straightened into attention as the Lieutenant exited. Then she glanced around and sighed. And winked out, the lights dimming in the office and the atmosphere taking on a chill.

A Joint Post By:

Staff Warrant Officer Rommie
Artificial Intelligence
USS Pioneer/The Cure

Lieutenant Junior Grade Mira Jayna
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Pioneer
Intelligence Liaison, The Cure


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