What's a Displaced Engineer To Do?
Posted on Sun Jan 7th, 2024 @ 11:03pm by Ensign Connor Turner & Ensign T'Ket
Edited on on Wed Jan 10th, 2024 @ 8:59pm
0 words; about a 1 minute read
Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: Operations - Deck 6 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD001 - 0900 hrs
Waking without Marjani should not have felt awkward. After all, they had only shared a bed once and he had slept without Holly for over a year. However, there was something just "wrong" about it. The engineer could not put his finger on the reason. It should be logical, but it was not.
After going through his morning routine, he headed to ops. He was still smarting from his transfer to ops due to Ensign F'rar. He betted that she was super thrilled that he was gone. He knew that he was not.
The Chief of Ops seemed not to know how to utilize a computer specialist. It did not help that she was female, so he could not speak to her as effectively as he would have hoped. He was relieved to find another ensign, at least partially Vulcan waiting for him. "Hi," he started. "I'm Ensign Connor Turner. And you are?"
An interesting morning it had been for the half Vulcan, half Human man that stood in the main operations centre of his department. He said his as even though he was an ensign he was made the assistant department chief due to his scores at the academy. His father was displeased by his choice not to join Vulcan educational/training establishments but T'Ket supposed it was the Human side of him that made him rebel even if he didn't overly show it.
Hearing the doors swoosh with their usual calmness he looked up and saw another ensign approach. He found it curious the man wore corrective eye lenses. Was that a fashion choice, or had he not gotten his eyes repaired? Maybe they were unrepairable? Some of these thoughts were fleeting as the man opened his mouth to speak.
"Ensign T'Ket," he said simply and with little emotion. "What can I do for you ensign?" he asked knowing other species required these niceties. That, and his mother had taught him better.
"I am looking for the new Assistant Chief of Operations. I was transferred here by Engineering for a month, so approximately three and a half weeks left now," Connor answered simply.
"I see." T'Ket nodded and raised his eyebrow as he called up the man's transfer orders. "Ensign Boone is not here at the moment. I believe she is attending to a personal matter. Maybe I can assist you." he said simply and looking down at the maintenance schedule. "I see that you have not been assigned any task, curious." he said more so to himself than Connor. That had been several shifts wasted in his opinion.
"An Assistant Chief as an Ensign? That is impressive," Connor admitted. Of course, Paisley was an ensign and she had been made an assistant chief. He privately wondered why the Captain was willing to do that with so many young officers. He also wondered why he was never considered. Maybe it had to do with his problems talking to beautiful women and there were so many on this ship. Of course, he had an amazingly gorgeous girlfriend now, so maybe he could talk to them now? Maybe that was another conversation with Zhara.
"And yes, that is the issue. I'm a computer specialist but the Chief has not determined what to do with me, I'm afraid."
T'Ket nodded. "Indeed, her score seemed to be quite satisfactory in the Academy that they deemed the position acceptable. Also, I have heard the Captain likes to give young officers a chance which is rare in Humans as they are usually much more cautious when putting people in positions of authority or power."
He had brought up some schematics of the computer core as well as some other systems that he felt could use some attention. "As a computer specialist I will assume that you know better than most that computer core uses a lot of processing power," he said rhetorically. "Recently we have seen a drop in processing time from request to result and I am thinking there is possible degradation somewhere in the system that I am yet to find. Would you care to assist? If this is somewhat in your skillset?"
"It is," Connor responded, his eyes getting screwed up at the mention of degradation. What would dare happen to his computers? His friends? He had to help. "This would not be the first anomaly that I have had to address on this ship. I am becoming concerned that there may be something more seriously bugged with this ship."
"Yes, we are long overdue for a refit according to the records." T'Ket spoke with what could be described as a Vulcan frown. "I believe it has been over 5 years since its last overhaul. I often find myself in Jeffries tubes fixing things more than I find acceptable," he offered an insight into his mood and mind.
"A refit would not be necessary if the ship was properly maintained," Connor shot back. "I've been able to improve a number of the local computer systems thus far. I even improved a fighter ship," Connor beamed a rare wide smile, thinking of Marjani and their initial meeting.
"Whereas you are correct it would not be necessary we are supposed to undergo a refit every 4 years and we have not done so in over that timeframe." T'Ket replied and nodded to the additional information Connor provided. "That is commendable, ensign. I am always agreeable when someone can improve on faltering or inefficient systems. I am sure Lieutenant Michael will be pleased about that fighter."
"It was Lieutenant Marjani Smith's. I made some special modifications for her." The ensign's pale skin pinkened at the mention of Marjani's name. "Nevertheless, I am happy to assist in whatever needs improving."
T'Ket noted the change in skin tone on the young Ensign's face and raised an eyebrow. Whereas he was half Human he had embraced his Vulcan side and still struggled with understanding emotion and the attachments Humans form.
"Ah, well I am sure Lieutenant Smith is most grateful. I have heard she is a rather 'passionate' woman," he stated before looking back down at his console. "However, if you could take a look at the computer core that would be acceptable to me." he added.
Connor's eyes widened at the rumor regarding his girlfriend. He was not sure how to handle that and was shocked that a Vulcan would comment like that. His mind barely picked up the second sentence. "The computer core?" he asked slightly shaken. "Of course, I would look at that. We're becoming fast friends."
"Yes, well, I am sure you will give it your utmost attention." T'Ket raised another eyebrow. His stoic appearance and attitude was almost unwavering, but that was Vulcans for you. "I am sure both Lieutenant sh'Zoarhi and Ensign Boone will be most grateful," he added with a finality to it that their conversation was reaching a conclusion.
"Very well, I should get to that, then," Connor concluded, a little anxious to be away from this Vulcan who had unsettled him regarding Marjani. "I shall see you around, then."
"Until then." T'Ket replied.
A Joint Post By
Ensign Connor Turner
Computer Systems Specialist, USS Pioneer
Ensign T'Ket
Operations Officer, USS Pioneer