Outstanding Post Ribbon Non-Player Character Award


  • 67 Mission Posts

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Wed Oct 30th, 2024 @ 9:14pm

Lieutenant Commander Katherine Malbrooke

Name Katherine Malbrooke

Position Operational Advisor

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

PNPC By (Maren)
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Katherine is average height for a human female. She is thine and lithe. Over the many years she has worked at her flexibility as she is capable now of contorting her figure to fit into the tightest of spaces. She has a temper but keeps it well under control.


Spouse Captain Tyler Malbrooke (CO USS Pioneer)
Children None
Father Albert (Al) O'Donnel (Lt Cmndr Starfleet retired)
Mother Emile O'Donnel (Teacher)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Leslie O'Donel (Aunt) - resides on Earth in France

Personality & Traits

General Overview Katherine could almost be labeled as bi-polar as she can be two different people depending on circumstances. When she is on duty, she is all work with very little room for jokes or horsing around. She is serious and expects not only seriousness from those around her, she frowns upon those attempting to make light of serious situations. However, when Katherine is off-duty, she is pleasant, warm and a caring. She has a lot of fun with friends and likes to make others happy. Her close friends and her husband have a tendency to call her Kat. When off duty she can let her hair down and has a wild streak, however, when she is crossed her temper is one to be feared.
Strengths & Weaknesses S – Creative
S – Friendly
S – Works well with others
S – Confident

W – Demanding of herself and holds high standards for people to achieve
W – Perfectionist
W – Her husband, he is away on mission and she worries constantly.
W – Her confidence can border on arrogance
W - Her Temper
Ambitions Kat wants nothing more than to get her own Engineering department. Ideally this would be on her husband's ship. However, Starfleet and Tyler have made it clear that will not happen. She also would love to be a mother, and has trouble reconciling that ambition with her Starfleet career.
Hobbies & Interests Katherine enjoys outdoor activities most of all. She participates in mountain climbing, biking, hiking and camping. However, her biggest outdoor love is horseback riding. After all, that is where she and her husband fell in love. If she were not an officer in Starfleet, she would be sitting in the wilderness. Katherine also has a strong interest in music and can play many different instruments with proficiency. Including the flute, french horn, and cello.

Personal History Katherine was born in 2357 to Albert and Emile O'Donnel. She was born into a Starfleet family as her father was the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Jupiter under the command of Captain Seamus Carroll. Her mother was a teacher on the same vessel, teaching the children of the crew aboard.

Kat grew up running the decks of the ship and managed to get her hands into everything. Her father was constantly removing her from harms way as she would attempt to watch her father's work closely.

Katherine was an only child and did not make friends too easily back then. In fact most of the other kids on board shunned her as a "teacher's pet" all except one. A serious child named Patricia Montgomery. She was the daughter of the Ship's Chief Surgeon and the Captain's Yeomen. The two little girls hit it off and would often be found playing together throughout the ship. They became the best of friends, developing nicknames for each other, Katherine called her best friend Trish, and Patricia call Katherine, kat. Both names holding through the years as did the friendship.

At the age of nine tragedy struck her friend and Kat was there to help her through. Trish became a serious child doting on her younger brother while he recuperated. Kat began to look at Trish's younger brother as her own, and there was Kat playing and helping the little boy with her best friend.

Kat had taken on the aptitude of her father. Being able to fix things and make them work was a natural ability for her. She quickly became an assistant to all the engineers on board. Willing to do anything that they would let her.

At the age of eighteen she found out that she was accepted into the Starfleet Academy Engineering Program. Kat was further elate to learn that her best friend was accepted in to the academy as well so they would be together.

Katherine studied hard but her natural aptitude helped her through the Academy. In her freshman year she met a man through her friend Patricia. Tyler Malbrooke, he was a cadet in the Operations Program. He was everything that Kat had been looking in a man, but they clicked almost too well. So she was wary. it wasn't until their junior year that Tyler asked her out and the two of them became an official couple. The two have been romantically linked ever since.

Katherine graduated the academy with a major in warp field mechanics. Her and Tyler had managed to get their first assignment together, she was assigned as an Engineer to the USS Sutherland, Tyler would be working in the Operations Department. It was now though that she felt the pang of guilt. Katherine's friend Patricia was off to a different assignment and the two fell out of touch.

Shortly after, in 2383 her longtime boyfriend, Tyler Malbrooke's mother died he asked Kat to marry him and she agreed. So Captain Mettler of the USS Sutherland married them. Although they had not been in touch for a few years Katherine's oldest and dearest friend Patricia Montgomery served as Maid of Honor. It was a Starfleet wedding and just about everyone was wearing the dress uniform of an officer. So Katherine O'Donnel became Katherine Malbrooke.

Tyler was reassigned shortly after the wedding and Kat remained aboard the USS Sutherland. The newlyweds spoke once a week every week unless there was a communications blackout in effect.

Katherine was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exemplary service in the year 2384. She was then transferred to the USS Churchill where she served as the Assistant Chief Engineer, it was aboard the Churchill that she learned how to command. How to effectively manage people. She loved the ship and her crewmates. Captain Robinson of the Churchill was forgiving in that he allowed her access to a private channel so she could contact her husband once a week. Katherine would serve the Churchill with distinction until 2392.

In 2386 Captain Mettler promoted Katherine again to full Lieutenant. This time it was because she recircuited an entire runabout in an effort to save survivors from a warp core breach.

In 2392 Katherine received good news and bad news. The good news was that she was to be reassigned to Utopia Planetia shipyards to assist in a starship design team. The bad was that her dear friend Patricia Montgomery was on Earth in rehabilitation from a leg injury. Katherine made it her business to contact Patricia every week yelling at her that she had to get back on her feet and pushing Patricia to get better.

In 2394 Katherine was offered another promotion and transfer. She was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and offered reassignment to the USS Ticonderoga as the Chief Engineer. She took the rank but not the position. Tyler called her and told her that he was to get his own command based out of Empok Nor. She tried to get herself assigned as his Chief Engineer but Starlfeet would not allow it. Siting that they would be a distraction to each other as they were married.

So she pulled some strings and did the next best thing. She managed to get reassignment to station Empok Nor as the station's Assistant Chief Engineer. She also managed to talk her husband into offering the XO chair to her oldest friend Patricia Montgomery. Katherine also asked Trish to keep an eye on her hothead husband. Katherine's resourcefulness extends to more than just Engineering.
Service Record May 2376 – Completes Academy Freshman Year

May 2377 – Completes Academy Sophomore Year

May 2378 – Completes Academy Junior Year

May 2379 – Completes Academy Senior Year – Graduates with a major in Warp Theory and a minor in Temporal Mechanics.

May 2379 - Sept 2384 - Ensign Engineering Officer USS Sutherland.

Sept 2384 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exemplary service. Transferred to USS Churchill as Assistant Chief Engineer.

June 2386 - Promoted to Lieutenant by order of Captain Neil Mettler USS Sutherland. Promotion granted for saving survivors of a warp core breach.

March 2392 - May 2394 - Utopia Planetia shipyards design team member.

May 2394 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transferred to Empok Nor as Assistant Chief Engineer.