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Thu May 2nd, 2024 @ 10:18am

Captain Rowena Mazumdar

Name Rowena Mazumdar

Position Starfleet Paranormal Unit Director

Rank Captain

Character Information

PNPC By (McGowen)
Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 59

Physical Appearance

Height 165
Weight 70kg
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Half Long dark brown hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned skin. Average build.


Spouse Sareil
Children Vokar & Paaleia
Father Inuh Mazumdar (Zan)
Mother Shyla Mazumdar
Other Family Godchild: Lt. Commander Rowena McGowen

Personality & Traits

General Overview Captain Mazumdar is a strict, but fair and friendly person. She is half Betazoid so she has empathic abilities which she uses as a sensitive.

Personal History Rowena Mazumdar was born on Earth to Shyla and Inu Mazumdar. She didn’t plan to join Starfleet, until she met Arlina and Benjamin. They have been best friends since high school. Both Arlina and Benjamin decided to join Starfleet and they really wanted her to join. At first she joined the diplomatic department. and learned languages.

Through Arlina and Benjamin McGowen she also came in contact with the Paranomal unit. She was both witness to their wedding and she was also present when their only child Rowena McGowen, who was named after her. She was really honored by this.

When Arlina and Benjamin died under mysterious circumstances, Rowena started her own investigations, because she couldn’t find any answers with the Paranormal unit. For her goddaughter’s safety, she brought her to her grandmother on Earth. Rowen and Megan never saw eye to eye, but they did agree that Wena should never know what happened to her parents, as neither knew if it could affect. But Megan was sure Wena should never join Starfleet, as she thought it was a mistake her son made. Rowena on the other hand thought Starfleet was still a great institution, and that it was up to Wena if she wanted to join or not.

Rowena came across a conspiracy in the Paranormal unit that involved Arlina and Benjamin. And later she found out the Paranormal unit had been working through the ranks of Starfleet, pulling the right strings to get Rowena on the Maleficus. She found out a serious problem with that, and when Rowena was taken off the Maleficus as the sole survivor, Rowena had her suspicions, but with the current leadership she couldn’t get to her godchild. When she was able through the Science council to retain the entire paranormal unit, she got Lt Tahoya’s message. Would she be on time to save the Pioneer and her goddaughter?
Service Record USS Seagull Diplomatic
USS Hares Paranormal unit/Sensitive/Science and diplomatic
USS Hares Commanding Officer
Paranormal unit Director