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Fri Mar 22nd, 2024 @ 1:23pm

Lieutenant Junior Grade Anzhelina Walker

Name Anzhelina Konstantinova Walker

Position Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade

Character Information

PNPC By (H O'Rourke)
Nickname 'Seraphina'
Gender Female
Species 1/2 Vulcan, 3/8 Human, 1/8 El-Aurian
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 1.57 m
Weight 54kg (119lb)
Hair Color Reddish brown
Eye Color Brown


Father Constantine Walker [DECEASED]
Mother T'Vara [DECEASED]
Other Family Robert James Walker (Grandfather) [DECEASED], Anahera Chernova, XO USS Carthage (Grandmother), Roimata Grigorieva Chernova, aka Roimata Eon, Civilian Exobiologist (Great-Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Intelligent.

+Skilled and experienced pilot.

+Skilled swordsman.

-Has a habit of teasing people.

-Can be reckless.

-Can be cocky
Hobbies & Interests *Fencing/blade based martial arts

*Flying small air/space craft

Personal History Anzhelina Konstantinova Walker was born on Rolan City, Barisa Prime, the only child of Constantine Robert Walker and T'Vara. Her parents ran Walker Mining Inc. a small asteroid mining operation.

When she was 9, her parents and grandfather were killed in a shuttle accident. Shortly afterwards her grandmother, Ana was arrested by the local police forces on behalf of Starfleet Security, Anzhelina found herself in the custody of Children Services.
Service Record 2374 - 2389 - piloted anything from shuttles to heavy freighters in the private sector
2389 - Entered Starfleet Academy
2393 - Graduated Starfleet Academy 2nd in her class
2393 - 2396 - USS Nova Scotia as a flight control officer
2396- Assigned to the USS Pioneer as a flight control officer