Chief Petty Officer Jol Reena
Name Jol Reena
Position Damage Control Specialist
Rank Chief Petty Officer
Character Information
PNPC By | (H O'Rourke) | |
Nickname | "Gunny" | |
Gender | Female | |
Species | Bajoran | |
Age | 40 |
Starfleet Indentification
Starfleet Serial Number | JR-0629-011956 | |
Data Access Level | Level 2 | |
Security Access | Level 3 | |
Duty Shift | Beta |
Physical Appearance
Height | 1.78m (5' 10.5") | |
Weight | 170lb | |
Hair Color | Reddish Blonde | |
Eye Color | Deep Blue |
Father | Jol Aron [DECEASED] | |
Mother | Jol Shela [DECEASED] | |
Brother(s) | Jol Kal [DECEASED] | |
Sister(s) | Jol Tela [DECEASED] Anahera Chernova (adopted sister) |
Personality & Traits
Strengths & Weaknesses | +Clever. +Resourceful. +Professional when on duty. +Hardworking. + Caring. -Can be stubborn. -Curses in Klingon. -Often over indulges in alcohol. -Unlucky in love. |
Hobbies & Interests | *Enjoying her downtime; spending time with friends. *Martial Arts *Swimming *Tinkering with machines/weapon systems. |
Personal History | Jol Reena was born on Cardassian occupied Bajor. She was the youngest child of Jol Aron and Jol Shela. When she was 6 she saw her father beaten to death for some perceived slight. Four years later her mother and brother, Kal were taken to workcamp. Her and her older sister, Tela never saw either of them again. Her sister got a job at the local market during the day and studied to be a teacher at night. A few years later Tela, Reena's sister, met Anahera and the two became lovers. One night while Anahera was off-world, Tela was attacked and killed by Cardassian soldiers. When she returned, Anahera took Reena on a mission of vengeance. The two women then left for Earth. When they arrived, Anahera traded her own liberty, so the Reena could get asylum. When she was old enough, Reena joined Starfleet in order to leave the death and destruction behind. She became an Engineer to honour her (dead) father. She served on several ships, including a Klingon ship, where she learnt how to curse like one. Served with distinction during the Dominion War. Can be a 'little' gruff especially to new Engineering Cadets, which she believes are too full-of-themselves. |
Service Record | 2372 - Graduated boot camp and Engineering school. 2372 - Engineering Apprentice: USS Ångström Promoted to Engineering Crewman 2373 - Engineering Crewman: USS Ångström Promoted Engineering Specialist 3rd Class 2374 - Engineering Specialist 3rd Class: USS Bainbridge Promoted Engineering Specialist 2nd Class 2375 - 2376 - Engineering Specialist 2nd Class: IKC Varchas 2376 - Left Starfleet when the Active part of her contract was up. 2385 - Returned to Starfleet at her same rank 2386 - 2389 - Engineering Specialist 2nd Class: USS Ark Royal 2389 - Engineering Specialist 2nd Class: USS Atlas 2390 - Retrained as a Tactical Specialist. Promoted to Tactical Specialist 1st Class 2391 - 2396 - Tactical Specialist 1st Class 'Gunner's Mate': USS Endeavour 2396 - Promoted to Engineering Chief 2396 - Engineering Chief - Damage Control Specialist : USS Nightingale 2397 - Engineering Chief - Damage Control Specialist : USS Pioneer |