
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 5:16pm

Chief Petty Officer Xoán (John) Rocha

Name Xoán (John) Nicolau Rocha

Position Operations Officer

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

PNPC By (H O'Rourke)
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 1.64m (5'4.5")
Weight 62.6kg (138lb)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Xoán is rather short for a human male.


Father Subinspector Estevo Xoán Rocha NCP
Mother Sarah Rosanna Rocha (nee' Miller) Civilian mathematician
Brother(s) Lieutenant Vitor Xabier Rocha (elder brother) [DECEASED)
Sister(s) Sabela Rosalia Rocha (younger sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xoan is quite introverted, he is more comfortable with programming languages and cryptanalysis than with people. He is nervous around attractive woman, the exception being Marisol Puerta, with which he has developed a brother-sister relationship.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Sense of humour

+Can think outside of the box.



-not a fighter.
Hobbies & Interests Logic puzzles


4D chess.

Personal History Xoan was born in Guitiriz, Galicia. He was the second of three children.
Service Record 2376 - Boot Camp

2377 - Promoted to Crewman Apprentice

2377 - Assigned to USS Trinidad (Galaxy-Class) as an Operations Specialist

2378 - Promoted to Crewman

2379 - USS Trinidad (Galaxy-Class) as an Operations Specialist

2380 - Promoted to Petty Officer Third Class

2380 - USS Trinidad (Galaxy-Class)

2381 - Recruited by Starfleet Intelligence under went Crypto training.

2382 - Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence, Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth.

2382 – 2386 - Intelligence Analyst: Starfleet Intelligence, Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth.

2386 - Promoted to Petty Officer Third Class

2386 -

2391 - 2396 - Intelligence Analyst: USS Endeavour

2396 - Operations Chief - Data Analyst/Cryptographer : USS Nightingale

2397 - Operations Chief - Data Analyst/Cryptographer : USS Pioneer