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Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 8:15pm

Michael Taggart

Name Michael "Mickey" Taggart

Position Bartender/Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Michael is average height for a human, with a muscular build. He is bald and has a brown hair goatee. He speaks with a Scottish accent, and has a tattoo of the word Albanach on his right arm.


Father Shaemus Taggart
Mother Moira Taggart
Brother(s) Alain Taggart (Starfleet Officer)
Morgan Taggart (Farmer)
Sister(s) Shiloh Taggart (Starfleet JAG Office)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Michael has a genuine personality and love of helping people. He was born in Scotland on earth he has travelled to Empok Nor to live his dream of opening a true Scottish Pub.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths = Mickey is fiercely loyal, he is a no nonsense kind of person and does not stand for anyone stepping out of line in his pub.

Weaknesses = He has a gambling problem and as such will do just about anything for the right price. However, he does have his principles
Ambitions To run a true Scottish Pub somewhere in the galaxy. His dream is to run a pub where people will call home.
Hobbies & Interests His main hobby is gambling, all kinds of games of chance. He is a rather good Texas Hold Em player. He also enjoys fencing and any type of sword play.

Personal History Educated in Glasgow Scotland, he never went to any college level schooling.

Linguistic Ability Speaks, Reads, and writes Fluent English, Gaelic, German, Klingon, Vulcan, Cardassian, Ferengi, Bolian, Romulan, and Orion