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Mon Nov 25th, 2024 @ 5:56pm

Brigadier General Francis 'Judge' Sobel

Name Francis 'Judge' Sobel

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Brigadier General

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 200 cm
Weight 91 kg
Hair Color Lt. Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Frank is a tall and lanky, human male with intelligent eyes and quiet, steady manner. He tends to listen first and speak after giving things due deliberation. His uniforms are all tailored and generally spotless, though that speaks more to his mindful nature that he is a General officer and must look the look rather than anything else.


Spouse Tempest Marie Hardie-Sobel
Children Agnes Marie - age 16
Jean Luc - age 13
Sergei N.M.I.- age 11
Father Henry N.M.I.
Mother Janet Agnes Kincaid
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family TBD

Personality & Traits

General Overview Frank rose through the Corp’s Air-Arm, where he served with distinction, experiencing war and peace. With ability and skill in any profession, those who gain the respect of those above and below them will do well, and Frank has.

He’s experienced the futility of the Borg, the dominance of the Dominion and the supremacy of the Sathnar, learning from those experiences. Mainly what he’s learned is that the FMC (if given its head and politics is kept to a minimum) can meet any threat the Federation or her allies may face.

Frank and Tempest have worked hard to keep the family as close together as they could through both of their postings and the Federation has helped. Their toughest times came during the Sathnar war. Everyone in the family has a call sign. Judge, Temper, Angry, Lucky and Surge.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Organized

-Bull headed
Ambitions ..Become the very picture of a modern major general..
Hobbies & Interests Building military models
Flying anything
Holodeck reenacting

Personal History Personal / Family History

2351 – Born to Henry NMI Sobel and Janet Agnes Kincaid-Sobel, New Saint Petersburg, Kalingrat. Henry is an art critic while Janet is a pilot in the Kalingrat Defense Patrol Force.

2358 – 2363: Home schooled and participated in neighborhood troupe program where students socialized and experienced field trip outings together.

2363 – 2365: Attended Tolstoy District home schooling/troupe/community service program.

2365 – 2368: Attended Putin Preparatory school, interned with KDPF.

2368 – Selected to attend Star Fleet Academy and chose to join the Federation Marines.

2374 – Met future wife Tempest Marie Hardy while assigned to Betazoid Defense Forces. Tempest was part of Federation Disaster Relief Bureau as a diplomat.

2377 – Tempest returned to Earth, where she was stationed with the Federation Council (taking a promotion) and Frank saw the chance to be stationed near her, applying for and getting posted to Star Fleet Academy as a flight instructor (combat, advanced).

2378 – Frank and Tempest married (Tempest Marie Hardy, DOB: 1/5/2352)

2380 – First child, Agnes Marie (DOB: 8/15/2380)

2382 – Second child, Jean Luc (DOB: 9/22/2382)

2385 – Third child, Sergei NMI (DOB: 2/19/2385)

2386 – Tempest assigned to Federation Embassy on Bajor, raising to become a diplomatic attaché for the Federation Department of State taking many trips into the Gamma Quadrant over the next ten years.
Service Record Professional History

2368 – FMC Recruit (boot) training
2369 – Appointed to Star Fleet Academy
2370 – SF Aviation cadet Selection
2373 – Emergency Anti-Borg Defense Squadron; Sector 001 / WIA
2374 – Graduated SFA; Appointed 1st Lt., FMC – Squadron 4444
2374 – 4444 assigned to USS Delphi; Detached to Bajor Sector
2375 – Promotion to Captain (Battle of Betazoid) WIA
2375 – 4444 transferred to MEF/Betazoid – BDF supplement
2377 – Reassigned SFA / Flight Control – Small Craft Instructor
2379 – Attended SF Intelligence Training / Company Officer
2381 – Reassigned – Headquarters Staff – S2, MAG 421 / 385th Bat.
2381 – Brigade Expeditionary Force 421, Triangle Sector
2381 – Assigned as Flight Leader, 15th Reconnaissance
2384 – Promoted to Major, reassigned S3. MAG 421 / 385th Bat.
2384 – FMC – Field Officer Training
2386 – Reassigned Aide de Camp, Brigadier Gen. Deg’ger, MEU 147
2386 – MEU 147 Assigned to Bajor System
2388 – Promoted to Lt. Col., MAG 832 / MEU 147 / 215th Battalion
2388 – Sathnar Campaign. MEU 147, detached USS Delphi
2392 – Promoted to Col., CAG, MAG 832 /215th Battalion - BEU 217
2392 – Sathnar Campaign. BEU 217, CAG, Truane’s Sector WIA
2393 – BEU 217 re-assigned to Sparta 267 / Tanitive System
2393 – BEU 217 Romulan / Cardassia Neutral Zone Peace Keeping
2394 – FMHQ – Earth. Aide de Camp, Maj. Gen. Foyce. FMC – Air Arm
2396 – Promoted to Brigadier General.
2396 - Given command of 258th MEB, 81st Federation Marines