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Medical Mystery

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2018 @ 2:14pm by
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 9:54pm

1,421 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Enemy Within
Location: Executive Officer's Office
Timeline: MD002 1720 hrs
Tags: SD 71373.1720

Richard's fingers were touching the Braille letters that indicated he was at the only other MD, other than a hologram, that was on the ship. He drew in a deep breath and looked up for a moment before pressing the door chime. In his other hand was a PaDD that contained the medical data he felt was pertinent to the situation. The man took in another deep breath as he awaited the reply.

“Come.” The response was automatic as Patricia’s hand moved to deactivate the PADD in her hand and sit back into her chair. This was a juggling game she still needed to get used to, the people aswell as the paperwork. Although it was similar to her medical days, sitting in a chair all day was made her leg itch and it was hard to tell if it was the old wound or just an itch to get up and move. “Lieutenant Ballston, what can I do for you?”

The CMO offered a smile though his pale eyes gave away his concern, "Commander I would like to request your assistance, it seems Ensign T'Rish may be in the very early stages of Pon farr and," he pause for a moment then continued, "I think it may be a false Pon farr triggered by, me."

"Right...please take a seat Doctor." Crossing one leg over the other at the knee, Patricia took a small breath as she tried to analyse the information to hand. "Can you outline to me what cause caused both of these conclusions?"

"Alright Commander," Richard began as he made his way towards the offered seat, "T'Rish stopped by my quarters less than an hour ago. I invited her in and offered her something to drink before I got back with it she experienced an episode of vertigo, luckily she was already sitting or I think she would have collapsed on the floor." He drew in a breath and continued, "she informed me this and forgetting things had been going on for the past few days."

Richard blushed, "I know that is not the typical signs of Pon farr but that was my first hunch as she had been acting less like a Vulcan lately. We've, We've become close friends Commander though nothing has essentially happened between us."

He drew in another breath, "anyway I got her to sickbay and her hormones mach those of a Vulcan that is only seven days from the onset of Pon farr, it will be her first."

"As to why I feel my pheromones may be responsible," Richard continued, "it actually is a hunch at this point but it seems like something that should be investigated seeing there is no real data regarding the interactions of Vulcans to Azzian hormones."

Patricia couldn’t stop the frown, she knew that crew fratinisation would be part and parcel of a ship but in all honesty she’d hoped to not have to deal with it so soon...especially between two departmental heads whom close contact working together was vital.

Letting out a breath, the woman took her time processing the information before allowing her own observations. “If vertigo and forgetfulness is part of Ensign T’Rishs onset symptoms, is there a concern regarding her fitness for duty? Especially if we are dealing with symptoms that aren’t typical for a Vulcan in her state?”

"There is a concern so I'm going to suggest she be evaluated on a daily bases," Richard lowered his gaze for a moment and then brought it back, "...that evaluation should probably be done by someone other then me if I'm the one to blame for this mess."

“Right...and you feel that this goes beyond your current medical personal? One of the nurses perhaps?” It’s not that Patricia wasn’t willing to do the job, it was more so to do with her not wanting to invade medical’s space. Not many others would appreciate their executive Officer moving in on their territory, no matter the experience she may bring.

"I would rather you would evaluate her Commander," Richard said shifting in his seat, "because of your more complete medical training and partially because I would like your personal opinion on her condition and because I feel we should work together to evaluate if my hunch is correct and if so develop a way to keep my pheromones from doing this to anyone else."

Patricia let out a breath as she moved out of her chair and too her feet. Moving across to her office window, the officer stood there for a moment just staring at the stars streaking by outside as she carefully choose her words. "There's a danger here Doctor which would be of a concern. It's difficult to juggle being the Doctor of a person and also their executive officer. I need a person with experience on this but I hope you understand my predicament. I will help but...the ship and crew as a whole are my main concern. Should I feel that there is reason to consider T'Rish to be a threat to the environment and people around her, I will move to remove her from her position without further question."

"Thank you commander," Richard said letting at a sigh of relief. His pale eyes followed the woman as he watched her move and listened to her words, "no further questions."

Patricia hesitated a moment more before turning back around, remaining standing at the window. "And you Lieutenant, and T'rish...I assume you are both professional enough that you will both know when your positions are priority over anything else?"

"Thank you Commander," Richard said with a nod, "I appreciate the reminder but I can assure you we can remain professional it's just if I am the source of her ailment my taking care of her would only exacerbate her physical condition."

“I’m talking more so about the visits to each other’s quarters out of hours Lieutenant.” Moving up to her chair, Patricia rested one hand against the back rest as she studied the officer. “I dont want you feeding the ship’s runour mill if there’s nothing to be talking about.”

"There has only been two incidences where she has come to my quarters," Richard said with a nod of understanding, "she made some adjustments to the atmospheric controls." He drew in a breath and continued, "the other, well I already told you about that one but I do understand the concern."

“Your two consenting adults...I just ask that you are...” Patricia searches for the right words as she understood this to be a sensitive manner. “...discreate and given the situation that T’Rish has found herself in...I just ask that you yourself are careful.”

Richard nodded, "Commander I will do my best to be discrete and until this is sorted out I certainly will not be pursuing any sort of relationship."

Patricia studied the other man for the moment before nodding her head in responce. “So where do you wish me to start Doctor? Have you scans to review or do you feel it more prudent that I meet with Ensign T’Rish herself?”

"I would suggest we evaluate the scans first and then meet with her," Richard offered with a nod, "hopefully by that time we will have devised a way to block my pheromones."

Leaning over, placing one hand against the desk to balance herself, Patricia used her free hand to pull her terminal closer in order to pull up her diary. “I could meet you in sickbay in say...ninety minutes? I’ve a block of time available then to be able to give this matter my full attention.”

"Thank you Commander," Richard replied with a nod, "I will be there." He drew in a deep breath and stood there for a moment, "may I be dismissed?"

Raising her head to survey the man, pulling her hand back as she drew herself back to standing also; Patricia nodded her head in achknowledgment if the man’s request. “Indeed. See you at eightteen fifty hours Lieutenant.”

Richard nodded, "thank you Commander, I will be prepared to begin our research."

A Joint Post By:

Lieutenant Commander Patricia Montgomery M.D.
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer


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