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And The Hits Just Keep Coming

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2019 @ 10:38pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Major Cornelius Tremble
Edited on on Fri Oct 11th, 2019 @ 10:42pm

2,629 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 8 - The Silence
Location: After 11 - Deck 11 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD003 1500 hrs

Neil had chosen a back corner table for a reason. He didn't imagine the Captain was going to be very happy about this and mitigating reactions was a good idea. He'd hoped the lounge would lighten the news of a JAG-IG inquiry somewhat.

He didn't expect it to work, but one could always hope.

A container set within the table held ice and several bottles of Tasker's Brown Ale chilling down. He'd poured one into a pilsner glass already and took a sip, then randomly shelled an ate a couple of peanuts from a convenient bowl.

He idely thought that Chloe wasn't likely going to be happy about the mess and grinned to himself as he focused his eyes out the view ports, his mind elsewhere.

The walk to After 11 was brisk and undisturbed. That is to say that everyone steered clear of the Captain as he made his way through the ship. What Tallida told him not only made him angry, it was a slap in the face, a betrayal. Now he had to go talk to Niel. All Tyler wanted was a nice ship, a star to steer her by and a crew who would be an extended family. Yet here he was getting slapped by everyone.

Tyler walked into the lounge and smiled out of courtesy to Chloe. He surveyed the bar and found Tremble sitting and gazing out a viewport. With little to no acknowledgement of those around him Tyler made his way to the table. "Major..." he said as he sat down.

Neil glanced up at Malbrooke's arrival, his fingers busy plucking out newly shelled peanuts, "Grab a glass, sir. Thanks for making the time." He looked Malbrooke in the eyes then and mentally sighed.

"From the look on your face sir, I would hazard to guess you've heard about the JAG-MAN investigation?"

Tyler ordered up a drink known as a bee sting, a pint of cider mixed with a glass of mead. He sat in quiet contemplation of the question as the beverage made it's way to the table. When it finally came Tyler took a sip of the sweet, smooth liquid and let the cold wash his throat. "Yes I have been informed of the blindside investigation." Tyler responded grimly. He was trying to not let the betrayal come into his mind but Tyler was having a hard time of it.

Neil regarded his commander for a few ticks and said, "I picked this spot to give you a heads up. Permission to speak freely, Captain?" The marine plucked a couple of more peanuts out of the bowl, ran the knife edge of his palm over them, cracking them then picked the nuts out. Popping those in his mouth, he picked up his ale and took a sip of his beer.

"I would not have it any other way. We might as well get the air cleared." Tyler responded before reaching for a handful of peanuts himself.

Neil regarded him for a few beats, then said. "I didn't ask for this detail, but both sides are going to have to deal with me doing my job. That being said, you have someone wanting a chunk of flesh from your hind end. From what skimming I did between here and getting the data packet, this is all political."

"Of course it is and I am going to have to be the fall guy for one Admiral. The fact is you could have refused, in fact you should have refused. You are part of this ship, this family orders or no you should not help them take a pound of my hyde. That said things are what they are. So you might as well ask away. However, for the record I don't really care how this comes out. I would do everything that I have done again." Tyler responded and then sipped his bee sting again. He eyed his friend from across the table, he did not envy the position that Niel was in.

Neil met Tyler's look and said, "Better me than a head hunter out of HQ. From what I could find out, there were preliminary plans to put a JAG/IG team aboard, but then the Cardassians needed the planet survey done."

The marine took another drink and shook his head, "I've pre-read the summary and I'll watch the vid's later. I thought I'd give you a chance at me off duty before I dig into this. Ovaa's on board to do the medical review and I'll work the interviews in here and there so as not to disrupt Pioneer overly. Believe it or not, that's why I didn't try to bow out of it."

Then a wry grin spread over his face, "I'll do my due diligence, present the facts and that's what it will be, good or bad. When it's done, you can join the list of people kicking my ass in the gym."

"Rumor has it that list begins with your girlfriend... But I digress." Tyler smirked. "There really isn't much to say and i am not sure even why Command is going through with this investigation. Everything was done by the books. Wakefield was court martialed and a verdict read. She was supposed to be removed from this ship, but Admiral Sutherland pulled some strings and here we are. The only thing that I did wrong, for which JAG has issued a formal reprimand into my file, is not pay attention to the signs of burn out there was present in Wakefield." He sipped his drink again, and once again closed his eyes as the liquid filled his being. This was a moment that he savored in these trying times.

Neil scowled slightly and then shrugged it away, taking a drink from the bottle. "Aye, Lieutenant Ovaa did surprise me in the gym. As did Warrant Mira."

Continuing to peel the label, he diverted back to the matter at hand. "I think someone is wondering about the rest of the crew. You missed a department head going, to use an archaic earth term...Tilt and they're wondering how many others might be on edge as well. If such cover-ups are a normal thing under your command...that sort of thing. It very well may be someone trying to create a pattern..."

He shrugged then and slouched purposely into his seat, "And maybe I need more gym time. I'm not supposed to have my backside handed to me this much."

Tyler looked at the man across from him and regarded him. This was a man that Tyler thought of as a friend. "You're the Second Officer now, third in line for the center chair. Tell me what do you think of our crew. Do you think they suffer from burn out or that they simply put care too much about what we are trying to do here?" He paused in his speech. Tyler was fuming and used every ounce of his self control to not explode at his friend. However, he continued before Niel could answer. "Because I will tell you want I think of the crew and what happened. The crew is fine they are not burning out, they may be scared as are the rest of us. Since we are surrounded with no help. As for Wakefield she executed a very stressful order at a stressful time. She failed to speak up, to say anything to anyone. When she was asked why she did this, her answer was she thought that was the right thing to do. Do you know who's fault that is? Her father Admiral Sutherland, believe me I have met the man." Tyler spoke forcefully but not loud, he did want to air the ship's dirty laundry as it were.

Neil listened dispassionately, watching the Pioneer's captain and heard him out. "You want to know what I see? I see a crew that's backed into an what is, at best, an ill-advised positioning by Fleet. Fleet seems more concerned at hurting the Cardassian's feelings then looking out for their own."

"So, it's not surprising some things fray, is it? Given that, perhaps medical should have done more screening. Perhaps putting officers in strange, stressful positions for questionable reasons might have been ill advised."

Then he gave Tyler a look. "And perhaps, based on your reactions I should have given you a chance at me in the gym instead of looking for answers in the bottom of a glass. You're sounding wound pretty tight, Tyler."

Tyler smiled and sighed. "It's not you, it's this fleet. They attack it's Captains, and it's crews from politics and it sickens me. This is not why I joined up. As I am sure you did not join the Corps to investigate your CO but orders are orders. Look I am not wound to tight, I just do not want this crew investigated unjustly."

Neil shrugged then. "It's better than an IG/JAG probe. Would you rather have some data pusher coming aboard for an extended period, tearing everything apart and being in the way while you're trying to get work done? The Cure hasn't had a Marine IG come aboard yet and I rather dread it. Everything gets taken apart, cleaned and put back together with just enough flaws to make them feel good about themselves, but not enough to make them wonder what kind of a mess you really are."

The marine shook his head and took another sip from his drink. "And I wasn't looking for this either. I've done nothing but run since Cardassia Prime. I started to yell at this marine the other day who needed a shave and looked half drunk. Then I realized it was a mirror...."

Tyler laughed as he realized that Niel and he were two peas in a pod. He subconsciously rubbed his chin and the small amount of stubble that had accumulated there. "I too am looking a bit haggard. I know you were not looking for this. I guess you should ask me your questions so we can get this over with and move on with happier business. Eh?"

Neil grunted and raised a glass in sentiment. "That would be welcome. We've all got enough real work to do without Fleet scruddleing with things even more..."

After a couple of beats, he said "From what I've read and seen, most of it has been answered. What the reports don't show is frame of mind...where everyone other than Ensign Wakefield's emotional state was at. Why pick that time to put her department under stress?"

"She put her own department under stress. She called out one of her officers during a departmental meeting. I knew then that she may have been in over her head. However, she would not come willingly to talk and all of the hints that were dropped for her to talk were ignored. So it was thought that she should be tested, the test went too far." Tyler replied as the weight felt ever heavier.

Neil felt his eyebrow go up and he frowned. "Hints? Not come willingly? Test... With all due respect, Tyler but what the drahk? Were you waiting to see if she'd self correct or just too distracted by the dog mess that is Cardassian politics and Federation intervention to not call her on the carpet. For that matter, where was the XO? His wife was involved I know..."

Tyler raised his hands for a moment in supplication. "She called out one of her own for something personal, not work related. In front of other members of the crew she should have known better. She was called to the carpet for it, and a formal reprimand was filed. We wanted her to self correct, wanted her to remain where she was. As far as the XO, it was his idea to make sure that her head was still in the game. We devised a way to keep an eye on her. In fact we contacted Starfleet Operations to make sure everyone was on the same page. They gave the go ahead for it. Then Cardassia happened, and no one was ready for that. We were going to give Dana her final warning after the incident with Ameri. But Starfleet wanted an example made, they wanted to make sure that their butts were not left out in the wind, so a Court Martial was convened. Then came Admiral Sutherland and I think you know the rest. "

Tyler sipped his drink heavily and let everything hang in the air for a beat. "Everything was done by the book. However, since an Admiral's daughter was involved and now said Admiral is raising a rukus. Someone must pay. Guess that person is going to be me. Point of fact I was going to bounce Wakefield off my ship, she made her case. She wanted to prove herself to herself."

"Fleet Ops? Why and who did you read in there? " Neil stopped himself before letting more of his thoughts verbalize. He was still a virgin when it came to operating a star ship.

The sheer thought of that was ludicrous in itself.

"Neil there is one large difference in the way the Corps operates verses the way the fleet operates..." Tyler's voice trailed off as his train of thought switched tracks. "...We were lied to, Quinn and I. Fact is Dana kept her emotions so close the vest that no one could see it, that is until it was too late. The Director of Fleet Operations, which also handles officer placement was informed of what was going on and approved the plan of action. I can end this here and now for you. The fact is a Captain is responsible for those under his command. I let Dana down, and in turn she is paying the price." As he spoke his voice turned from one that was defiant ready to defend himself, to one that more resigned to what was happening.

The marine slouched even more in his seat, plucking at peanuts and shelling them, popping the nuts into his mouth and chewed. Finally, he groused, "Politics. I'm getting the sense that the powers that be, namely Wakefield's father, believe that you should have sat on this; kept this from going to a full court martial. Gotten the aggrieved party to change their statement for the good of the service and the ship, then give Dana brig time and then transfer her out."

Tyler touched his finger to his nose Niel had hit the nail right on the head.

Taking another swig, he sighed "So now, we have this. And everyone involved gets looked at under the microscope. But, not so much that it overly disrupts the operation of the ship by inserting an actual JAG team."

Neil drained his bottle then and reached for more peanuts. "Just what I needed; more Fleet BS thrown onto my pile." He gave Tyler the eye and made a face. "Thanks boss."

"Heavy is the brow that wears the crown. But I think according to regulation this is an assignment that you can refuse...." Tyler smiled warmly. "...However, I am glad that you did not. I would rather you get this over with then having my sister and her team swarming my ship."

"You say that now," Neil said, "But wait until you start catching complaints because I'm a pain." He weighed that, and amended, "Probably more than normal, even."

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Captain Cornelius Tremble
Marine Commanding Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer


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