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Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2019 @ 5:35am by Legate 1 Markuul
Edited on on Wed Mar 20th, 2019 @ 5:38am

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Old Habits Die Hard
Location: Jerane's Quarters, USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD005 2000 hrs

Having spent the last few hours reading about strategy and thinking of different approaches to situations he and his new crew may find themselves in, Jerane set down the book he'd been reading. Earlier going through a reading list given to him by one of his instructors at the academy he took note of a human book, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Since he was now stationed on a ship with humans as well as that being the species of both the captain and executive officer, Jerane hoped it would give him some insight as to their frame of mind. With his quarters now refurbished and taking on much more of a Cardassian look and feel he was able to be a bit more comfortable and focus back on his work.

One thing had been gnawing at him since coming on board however which was the sudden assignment to a Federation craft. Granted he'd had a spotted career so far but such a tasking was typically reserved for individuals that were much more of a thorn in the side of the Cardassian Defense Force than he was. It wasn't somewhere he should be.

Moving over to the comm station, one that was now of Cardassian architecture aesthetically, he made sure hte system was online. Next he entered the sequence to encrypt his channel with one of the codes he'd been provided before leaving Markuul's ship and placed a request to speak with the man. Knowing how busy he would be with everything going on, Brecat didn't expect a response at that moment but had to try.

Glen Markuul had his hands full. In the aftermath of the attempted coup on the planet he was given temporary control of the government. Garak was rebuilding the Detapa Council and when he was ready Markuul would relinquish the government back to Garak. Markuul had a military mind, one meant for strategy and yet here he sat at a desk with reports piled to the sky. These reports ranged between casualties, after action requested by Starfleet, and just day to day government operation. So when his Aide De Camp stepped in and told him that he had a call from the USS Pioneer he was rather unpleasant.

He expected to see Captain Malbrooke on the other end and as such had plastered his most diplomatic smile to his face. You can imagine the shock when the comm channel opened and Markuul saw the face of Glen Jerane. The smile left his and a exasperated sigh escaped his lips. "Glen Jerane I am quite busy. What can I do for you?"

In truth the liaison was surprised to see that the Gul wasn't on board his ship but made no comment about it. "Sir, I can appreciate your station and tasking however I would like to discuss my assignment to the Pioneer. It seems it may have been a bit hasty." Brecat always felt it best to dive right into a discussion as he had little use for pretense.

Markuul tossed the data padd on the desk and looked at the screen rather petulantly. "And why pray-tell do you think it was so hasty?" The air of superiority oozed from the Gul. If he was totally honest with himself, he knew this call was coming. If roles had been reversed Markuul would have come to talk in person.

Jerane had thought the answer to his superiors question rather obvious but answered anyways. "Well to begin with your operations staff barely managed to extract me from Cardassia, my pattern nearly being lost in the process because they thought it better to deviate from the parameters I provided. Then shortly after my debrief on the situation you and I are talking to a Federation captain and within minutes I'm blindsided with reassignment that is now somewhat permanent for the time being. Usually I would have expected a passing notification beforehand so I could be aware instead of the Federation being notified the same time as me. I wasn't even on your ship for three hours sir."

"As for notification, while you may expect notification you are not entitled to one. As for the reason why you were sent to the Pioneer, I should think that would be obvious. However, since you seem to need the guidance I will explain." Markuul leaned back in his chair as he sipped the Cardassian equivalent to coffee. "With all the upheaval I would think that it would be obvious that there are not many people that I can trust. I have had my eye on you, and this mission was the final proof that I needed. I can, at least for the time being, trust you. That said I need someone to keep an eye on Malbrooke and Starfleet. You are that person, you are those eyes." His eyes narrowed as he began to gauge the junior officer's response to this new mission.

He sounded like his old Gul, the one he'd made sure had come to an untimely end during the liberation of the planet and council. Of course he'd never admit the decisions he made actually contributed to several deaths of those he'd vowed to target. Always making decisions without input from those they were involving. "I am not sure where the source of such trust comes from, however I will see that it has not been misplaced. Are you expecting regular reports or simply only wanting notifications on situations that are more event oriented?" Jerane was a keen observer by nature.

"Reports filed once a month, unless there is something pressing would be fine. I expect that you keep Malbrooke on the path that leads to Cardassia's best interests. It is time to use Starfleet for what they are good for. I know it will most likely be a tough time for you as you are forced to work under their command structure etc. However, I believe that you can handle it. Do you think you can handle this mission? Success all but guarantees your path to the top of the CDF." Markuul replied conspiratorially.

While Brecat had particular aspirations, taking Markuul's place was not one of them. He certainly didn't envy the other mans parish. "I understand sir. Reports will be filed accordingly and I'll let you know if anything out of the ordinary comes up." It was a great opportunity for him to study the mentality of the crew and begin building a first hand profile for not only himself but his fellow Cardassians.

"Excellent, I knew that we could count on you Glen. If that is all I will leave you to you mission." Markuul responded with the typical Cardassian smile.

The younger man returned the smile and gave a nod. "Jerane out." This assignment was going to be a challenge in itself. That he was certain of.

A Joint Post By

Glen Brecat Jerane
CDF Liasion, USS Pioneer

Gul Markuul
Commanding Officer, CDF


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