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Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Posted on Fri Feb 22nd, 2019 @ 2:52pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Legate 1 Markuul
Edited on on Fri Feb 22nd, 2019 @ 3:01pm

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Old Habits Die Hard
Location: Cardassia Prime Orbit
Timeline: MD004 0800 hrs

As the comm channel was placed on "hold" Tyler turned to his XO. "I don't know how I feel about this Number One. We arrive and then are immediately hailed priority one and then told to wait. What do you think?" Tyler was slightly on edge and loosing patience fast.

"You can always count on the unexpected when dealing with the Cardassians, its time to play the cards we have been dealt, Captain." Quinn simply said. The time for debate was over. They were now locked on this course of action. The two options, was to either abort mission and break orbit, or proceed with the mission.

"Agreed! I just thought the days of covert talk were behind the Union. I guess I was incorrect..." Tyler said with a smirk as he sipped his coffee. His mind wondered to what took so long on the other hand. As minutes faded so did their window.

"I am not fond of my mission sir, but my team is ready to carry it out." Said Quinn. The time had come, and he knew what he had to do. He was a little agitated that the Cardassian's placed him in this predicament.

Tyler responded by slapping his friend on the shoulder as he rose. He replicated a steaming cup of coffee, his fourth for this morning. "Want something while you wait number one?"

"I'll have the same with two Irish creamers added to it." Quinn said, as he watched Tyler replicate the drink, and then started to sip from it. He wanted to get this over with, as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Aboard the CDF Berak

Markuul paced as Malbrooke and his crew were kept at bay. "We are no closer to getting in there then where we were when we contacted Malbrooke. Glen please tell me you have better than the informants."

"I have" he replied. "I did manage to pick up on their shift rotations as well as a couple of different ways to enter the building." He held up a Cardassian data rod. "I memorized a few different access codes my prying eyes managed to see however I am not sure how long they may be good for or how much access they grant." Brecat had managed to make a few notes when delivering promotion orders to a very ecstatic soon to be Gul.

Markuul nodded and smirked. "Yes, yes you have done quite well. I have a new assignment for you. One that I think not only would help in the immediate but would also help in the time to come. I am sending you aboard the USS Pioneer. You will serve the CDF interests there and report directly to me. I want to make sure that our Federation friends have Cardassia's benefits at heart. Well that will be in the long run. For now you will assist them in gaining access to the Council Complex and save the council."

A look of extreme confusion appeared on Jerane's face. Why would he be the one sent to liaison with the Federation? He didn't particularly care for them one way or the other and it seemed he was the worst possible choice for such an assignment. He didn't get it.

Markuul reestablished the channel. "My apologies Captain, and Commander we had to go through some great lengths to make sure that this channel is not monitored. The situation on the planet has changed over the past few days. With that in mind I would like to introduce you to Glen Brecat Jerane. He will be able to brief you further and he will be assigned to assist you on the ground." Markuul took a step back allowing the younger officer to step toward the screen. He tented his fingers as he did so.

He stepped forward after erasing any emotion or other signs shown on his face and gave a nod to the two senior Star Fleet officers. "Gentleman...I look forward to assisting in the coordination of our tactical forces and execution of the plan. " What else was he supposed to say?

"I invite you to come up to the Pioneer, and work with my team. We will need to coordinate the surgical strike, if we are going to be successful." Said Quinn, looking into the monitor at Glen Brecat Jerane.

Tyler nodded in agreement "I am going to have to agree with the Commander. Glen Jerane come aboard the Pioneer. If there is a danger that this channel is being monitored then I would like this conversation in person. Gul Markuul I extend this invitation to you as well. There is much for you and I to discuss."

The Gul held his answer as he wanted to test the junior officer. So he was satisfied with waiting for Jerane to answer the Captain.

In all truth the young Cardassian didn't see much else in the way of options/ "Very well Captain, Commander. I will transfer over as requested and we can plan this in person." It only made sense considering he was likely the most recent person to observe what the current placements were of the rebels and their garrison in the city. "Once I have been released from duty here accordingly, of course." He ensured the showing of proper respect to Gul Markuul.

Markuul stepped forward. "Captain we will beam over in twenty minutes. Please rendezvous at the coordinates that I am sending you. It will keep us off the main sensors."

"Twenty minutes you got it. Thank you Gul." Tyler replied.

Quinn looked over to Tyler, he knew it was time to carryout their mission. He hoped his team was up for the task. "Team Beta meet me in the observation lounge." Ordered Quinn, as he started to walk over to the conference room.

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Commander Quinn Ó Flannagáin
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Gul Markuul
Commanding Officer, CDF

Glen Brecat Jerane
CDF Liasion, USS Pioneer


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