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Attack on Azzia part III

Posted on Tue Aug 7th, 2018 @ 7:03pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters - Calhoun
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2018 @ 7:24pm

2,650 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Sum of Our Parts
Location: Boarder of the Azzian Temporal Anomily
Timeline: MD001 2300 hrs

Previously on Attack on Azzia...

The ambassador drew in a deep breath, "I realize that the Federation has been attacked by the Klingons as well but we have tried to honor their request not to use our temporal weapons. I am not sure we can continue to do so."

Tyler leaned forward in his chair staring intently at the screen. "Very well Ambassador we will take this on as a mission of mercy. As stated we will tend to your wounded and try to assist in repairs. However, when it comes to battle we have to remain neutral. Ensign Masters set an intercept course and engage at warp 8. Lieutenant Myles notify Starfleet of our status and request further orders. Set condition Red throughout the ship, battle stations. We will see you soon Ambassador. Pioneer Out."

Tyler leaned back in his chair breathing a sigh of relief. He wanted combat, he wanted revenge...

As if she suddenly woke up, Jenn rose up and started to punch in some things on her console and said, "Aye, sir, warp 8." She would think the captain wouldn't leave this chance slide. Captain seemed a little on edge. They all suffered losses at the hands of the Klingons. She couldn't care one bit about protocol right now, but orders were orders.

And now the continuation...

May 28 2394 2300 hrs (relative time)

The azzian Vessel arrived easily ahead of the USS Pioneer and could have arrived even sooner but Ambassador Dav’orti had been requested to hold back by the Empire while the Azzian forces established a perimeter just outside the Walters Anomily. The colorful Temporal abnormality looked dotted but the pill-shaped Azzian fleet that had been called out to try and defend their boards from the invading Klingons. Ships that had not been used for centuries were called into service while ships that were finished but not yet commissioned were also included in the expanse covering armada. Burned out husks of both Azzian and Klingon ships floated aimlessly and some of those Azzian ships that were still serviceable showed signs of torpedo and phasor damage. Currently, there was no conflict though it could break again at any time.

Dav'orti had received several messages from the empire informing him that the Emperor had made the decision along with both houses of parliament to declare a state of War with the Klingons. The head of state also ordered that all weapons, including temporal, be pressed into service against their aggressor. Standing stoically on the bridge was the Ambassador. He had been given condolences as his family compound had been specifically targeted but as of yet just how many of his family were lost was not known. It was believed that all of his children and bonded women that were there had been lost. His birth mother and stepmothers had perished as well.

He also knew it was still raining and there was rampant flooding as soil that had never received moisture in such a way. Dav'orti was in military uniform now, no civilian attire now and a phasor was strapped to his side.

"The U.S.S. Pioneer has just dropped out of warp," One of the crew announced.

Dav'orti nodded as he saw the Federation ship come into view, "may time have mercy on us all."

Tyler leaned on his hand as he enjoyed the silence of the bridge. This was the calm before the storm, when everyone had a job to do and did without question. The red lights indicating that his ship sat at condition red flashed and served as the only light source on the bridge. He knew that all was ready. The Pioneer coasted into impulse power as they entered the vicinity of the Azzian homeworld.

"Lieutenant Myles open a channel the Azzian flagship and initiate scans for cloaked vessels. I want as big of a heads up as you can give me. Science begin scanning the Klingon wreckage if there is a workable cloaking device on one of those derelicts I want it." The orders came fast, and his crew hopped to them. In short order the image of Richard Ballston appeared on the viewscreen. "Ambassador, as promised here I am. Due to the tense situation of this sector. My recommendation is bring your vessel containing wounded within our shield bubble we can then initiate medical relief." With that and almost as an afterthought he ordered Sick Bay to stand by to receive severe casualties. The voice of Dr Hermia O'Rourke the Pioneer's Chief Medical Officer chimed back her acknowledgment.

"Understood Captain, " Dav'orti replied with a nod, "the Jot'odit will be in your bubble momentarily." He drew in a breath and continued, "if it would be helpful I can transport to your ship to discuss and coordinate efforts."

"That would be fine. We will see you soon." Tyler replied and then cut the channel. "Larim take a security team and meet the Ambassador in the transporter room. Bring them to the Ready Room when they are arrived."

Jenn looked over her shoulder to Myles. He's going to have a little action while she had to remain on the bridge to watch the ship status. She transferred tactical control to her station. She scanned the area for any activity. She was hoping for a little activity.

"Yes Captain." Larim said. He tapped his commbadge. "Myles to security. Have a team meet me in transporter room one. On the double." He said. Larim hopped the lift right next to his station. An uneventful ride later and he was there, flanked by two of his men

"Lieutenant. We're ready for transport." The chief stated.

"Energize" Larim said. He watched as their guests materialized.

"Ambassador." Larim said. "Welcome to the Pioneer. Lieutenant Larim Myles, Chief of Security."

Dav'orti extended his hand as he exited the transporter platform almost out of trained reflex and then his expression changed, "Dav'orti Ve’hassi, Azzian ambassador to the United Federation of Planets." The greeting was cold, formal yet to the point and much shorter than typical for the man. "Thank you for coming."

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Doctor O'Rourke, I believe I have heard that name before."

Tyler sat in the Ready Room and sipped his coffee. He had to come up with a plan that would be able to allow the Pioneer to fight the Klingons if needed but not seem like the Pioneer is the aggressor. It was quite a conundrum.

However, there were two large prizes in play here. On the one hand Tyler had the opportunity to obtain a cloaking device, and on the other successful negotiations with the Azzians may result in obtaining temporal technology. Tyler sighed deeply sipped his coffee and waited rather impatiently for the Ambassador.

"Shall we begin," the Ambassador questioned, "we expect the Klingons to attack within the hour."

Myles nodded. "Agreed, Ambassador," Larim said. "The Captain is awaiting your arrival to his ready room. Follow me please."

The azzian nodded his head as he followed. Something about the ship was strangely familiar but he wasn't sure exactly what. From the name of the CMO to the surroundings all seemed to play on his mind, "I have a gift for the Captain Lieutenant, it might assist things."

"I'm all for that." Larim enthusiastically replied as they boarded the lift. "Bridge." he ordered. As the lift went on its way Larim spoke. "And I'm sure the Captain will as well." he smiled. It wasnt long before they had arrived at their destination.

Larim assumed his station. "Just passed my station sir. He's expecting you."

"Thank you Lieutenant," the Ambassador replied as he briskly moved on in the direction that had been indicated. and towards the door that separated him from the Captain. The door parted and he stepped inside, "Captain Malbrooke." "Thank you for seeing me." He stretched out his hand in the gesture he had learned was common among members of the federation.

Tyler stood as the Ambassador entered. He took the hand extended and shook it. "Not a problem Ambassador welcome to the Pioneer. So, you will have to forgive me, but what is the significance of rain on Azzia, it rains on most if not all Class M worlds. I would also like to know what exactly do you expect from us?"

The man known as Richard in the prime timeline nodded and took in a deep breath before beginning his reply, "Azzia, Captain, is watered by a heavy dew every morning. It does not rain on Azzia. Only those of us who have ventured off our homeworld has ever seen rain. We are completely unprepared for it and has sent many into a state of panic believing it is the end of life on Azzia." "As for what I expect, I only ask for whatever assistance you can offer."

He reached into a pocket on his slightly less baggy pants than those worn traditionally and produced a small device and set it on the table, "I'm hoping this will be of a benefit to you Captain, it can more easily detect a ship using a cloaking device."

Now that was something, a way to detect cloaked ships would turn the tide in the Federation's favor. Tyler tapped his comm badge "Myles, Masters get in here on the double." Tyler had a mind to have them investigate this technology and integrate into the Pioneer's systems. "Thank you Ambassador I am sure that will come in most handy. What could the Klingons have possibly done to your world to make it rain? It might be possible for us to stop the raining by installing temporary climate satellites. However, your temporal shielding would make that almost impossible."

Jenn was seated at her station. Everything looked quiet out there, for as quiet a battlefield would look. She heard the call from Captain Malbrooke. She turned around and looked to Larim. She then got up. She would let the security chief confirm with the captain. She walked to the tactical station. She was wondering what the Captain would need them for.

Larim nodded at Jenn as he gave up his station to a tactical officer. Sure he should try and read what the CO wanted. But where was the discovery in that. He entered the ready room as ordered.

"Here, Captain." he said

Tyler placed the device on his desk and slid it across to the two newcomers. "This device can detect cloaked ships. It is a gift from the Ambassador. I would like the two of you to see how it can integrate into the ship's systems. Pull up a chair as well, I want the two of you aware of what we have gotten ourselves into. Please proceed Ambassador." Tyler leaned back in his chair and tented his fingers.

Larim took the seat as instructed. His eyes never left the device. "detect cloaked ships you say?" he said, eyes lighting up with glee

"Yes Lieutenant," the Ambassador nodded as he offered a faint smile, "we are using this technology on many of our ships now that we have come under direct attack." "It was in development until now."

Tyler sighed heavily "Ambassador we need to know why Azzia was targeted. The other question that comes to mind is you folks have temporal technology. Why not simply use it and destroy the Klingon attack force before it arrives?" He was fishing and he knew it. However, he had another reason for being where he was. Tyler Malbrooke had received orders from Starfleet Command and they were to get the temporal tech by any means necessary.

"There are two known reasons why the Klingons have decided to attack us, Captain," Dav'orti began, "the first is an outstanding grudge where they believe we did them harm a millennia ago and the other is because we possess temporal technology that could turn the tide in the Temporal war."

"Your second questions is a rather odd one coming from a Starfleet officer Captain," the ambassador continued, "seeing the reason we have not been accepted into the Federation is we refuse to give up our technology."

"Not odd at all. Starfleet wants you to give it up so there is no risk to the timeline. However, you won't so no membership in the Federation for you. I am not asking you to give it up, or give it to me. I am asking why you don't use what you have at your disposal to protect your planet. Surely there is no problem with you using your technology to solve your planet's problems." Tyler sipped his coffee, if he could get the Ambassador to even use the temporal device. He would be able to get scans and possible build his own.

"Don't tempt us, Captain," the Ambassador replied tilting his head, "we have chosen not to use our temporal abilities in respect to the Federation but if we do use it that timeline will change not just for Azzia but the Federation and the Klingons." He shook his head, "with the knowledge you now have Captain the Federation could join forces with the Klingons in hopes of gathering our technology by force, that would not bode well for any of the parties involved."

Jenn took the device from Larim. She looked it over and turned it around in her hands as she listened to the two man argue. They would of course not admit, but that's how she was looking at it. The device in her hands was a simple device. It would be easy to adapt. "With all due respect, ambassador," Jenn suddenly put her voice in as she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. "Just by saying that you just don't know who the federation is and what we stand for. We completely understand your dilemma. The weapons you poses are dangerous. And you know it, we know it. Which is why the federation wants you to give it up in the first place. But the way I see it, the Klingons have invaded your homeworld. If it was my homeworld I would have given it all I have to get them out. But you know that's me, who am I?" She shrugged and looked to the device again. "I think we can adapt this little device easily, sir, what is your opinion, boss?" She looked to Larim.

Just after Masters' question the lights in the Ready Room dimmed and started to flash red alert. Tyler pressed the intercom. "Report" he shouted. "Sir it is best if you come to the bridge." The wavering voice of the Ops Chief spoke.

Tyler looked around the room with a stern look. "Whelp this is it I think. The time we separate the men from the boys. Ambassador, I think you should join us." With that Tyler rose and made a bee line for the bridge.

The Ambassador furrowed his brow as he watched the movement around him. Something seemed wrong but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He shook his head and took in a deep breath as he turned to follow the crew out to the bridge."
To Be Continued...

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Larim Myles
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer

Petty Officer First Class Jennifer Masters
HUMINT Agent, USS Pioneer


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