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Hitting that midmorning wall

Posted on Thu Jul 12th, 2018 @ 4:49am by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles
Edited on on Thu Jul 12th, 2018 @ 6:28am

505 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Weary Travellers
Location: Empok nor
Timeline: MD001 1030 hrs

Larim had just left Lax. She went off with some of her engineering buddies. So Larim considered himself footloose and fancy free to have fun. And fun he would have. You enjoy yourself, honey he sent over the waves as he walked along, clearly lost in his own world. Until he suddenly hit the deck.

"Who put a brick wall here?" Myles said, dazed

Darf looked down as he was prepared to round another corner. There was the Chief of security laid out in front of him. "I think I am going to have to get a beeping noise when I am nearing corners."

Larim laughed, picking himself off the floor. Well, that was fun he thought as he dusted off his clothes. "Yeah, maybe." He grinned

"Sorry about that Lieutenant you OK?" Darf replied feeling like crap about what had happened. The two started to make their way down the corridor of the Pioneer. "We going anywhere in particular?"

"Fine, sir." Larim laughed as he stretched. "It's all good." he smiled. "And call me Larim."

"Very good. I am Darf. Your the Chief of security, correct?" Darf retorted

"Guilty as charged i guess." Larim replied, feeling jovial for some reason. "Pleasure to meet you, by the way."

"Thank you, I am trying to get around and run into all the senior staff." He said with a huge grin at his pun.

Larim grinned. He offered a thumbs up. "Well, that certainly happened." he chuckled. "I was just on a walk. Care to join me?" he offered.

"Its the least I can do." Darf said with a grin

"Got no real plan or anything. Wife's with her friends." he laughed. "Just aimless." Larim said

"Well next time don't aim for the big rock XO." He said with a smile. "Want to go get a drink?"

"Sounds great to me." the betazoid replied.

The two made there way through the corridors headed to get a drink making some small talk. Darf figure it was a good idea to make nice with the Chief of Security. He is one of the most respected positions on the ship in Darf's mind. As they found there way and got a drink Darf started off. "So how did the first mission go for you?"

"Surprisingly well. For someone whos been at the Academy for a while. Felt good being back on a starship." Larim smiled

"That is good to hear. It can be a real transition going from base or planet life to like on a ship." He said as he took another drink.

"Anything you need from me?" Darf asked

"Not at the moment, Darf." the Betazoid. "But youll be the first to know if I do." the Betazoind grinned.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Darf Krakden
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Larim Myles
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer


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