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Rekindling Part I

Posted on Sun Oct 27th, 2024 @ 11:01pm by Commander Jek'Lar Son of Koss & Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren
Edited on on Mon Oct 28th, 2024 @ 6:25pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 16 - Silent Cries
Location: Empok Nor - Various
Timeline: MD002 1800 hrs

Alyssa spent two hours wandering through parts of the promenade, looking at some of the new shops. She mostly visited book stores and antique shops, but she took some time to find a good place for her and Jek'Lar to have dinner.

She made sure to enter the war room exactly on time so she could have a minute or two to watch Jek'Lar work. Well, to look at information, but after the most recent events, she needed a few minutes to breathe. She stood at the back where she was out of the way and waited for him to finish what he was doing.

The past two hours had proved to be fruitful for Jek'Lar's work. He found a solid lead on Calvin Quaid. Now, came the time that he hated, bureaucracy. He had to get clearance for an operation to go get Quaid. He turned to his assistant. "Ensign take all of our findings and data and forward it to General Sobel's staff. Request authorization for a team to go and retrieve Mr Quaid." The Ensign replied "Aye sir." and set to his task.

When Jek'Lar saw Alyssa his demeanor changed from business to a smile, a softer side of his personality. "Alyssa, welcome back. I have just finished and we can go."

His smile made her toes tingle. "Good. I noticed there's an old-fashioned diner on the promenade. It's supposed to be like one from Earth in the 20th century. Care to check it out?"

"I have never actually been to a diner. Sounds interesting I wonder if they serve gagh?" Jek'Lar laughed and motioned toward the door. As they walked out he started to talk again. "So, I want to hear about everything you have discovered on the Pioneer. I keep an eye on your ship's movements and I know you have covered quite the distance."

"We have. I spent my first shore leave building a garden in a cargo bay with the rest of the science department. It was a good way to get to know everyone--and a good way to refocus." She knew he had the access, but she wasn't sure how much to tell him of her own experiences. What surprised her was that she wanted to tell him everything. But she chose to keep it light, not wanting to spoil the time they had together. "It's been...a learning experience. Especially on Igion. Both the Marine and science teams are still processing what happened." She glanced at him. "You heard about the most recent events?"

"I read the official logs from both Igion and what came after. I can tell you that Starfleet is looking into the matter, well both of them. Of course, the Romulan government has nothing to say on the Igion matter. I have decided to reach out to Ambassador Klang to see if the High Council has any information on the matter." Jek'Lar fell into step with Alyssa. "As to the most recent matter other than the reports I have heard nothing." He was rather happy to be back in her company, and he believed that she was as well. However, he was not sure if she wanted another relationship with him. Jek'Lar knew that at times humans could be confusing when it came to matters such as those.

She put a hand on his arm and gently caressed it. "Thank you. I would like to be certain the Romulans aren't going to continue their experiments. I don't want anyone else to have to go through that. As for the other..." She shook her head. "I still have questions about that other matter. I probably always will." One day, she might tell him the role he played in the bubble universe, but perhaps not right now. "And what of you?"

"Life on a station is not as exciting, I am afraid. But we are surrounded by enemies here, with few friends. Captain Winfield is attempting to speak with the Bajorans about joining the Federation again. As for me I simply keep an eye on everything out there. I hunger, I hunger for the glory of battle. Instead, I get the humdrum of paperwork." Jek'Lar enjoyed his work, however, as of late he saw that it was not necessarily the best work for a Klingon. There was little to no honor or glory in it.

The large Klingon was at heart a romantic and as such took the physical contact as a good sign and stroked the back of her hand as they walked. His thoughts again turned toward the mating habits of humans, and how complicated they can be. If she were Klingon she would bite me and be done with it. he thought.

"I wish you were on the Pioneer. We don't have many--if any--battles, but it's seldom dull. Or not for long, anyway." Her thoughts kept going back to their second meeting, when she invited him to her quarters for dinner. At the end of the evening, she did something she'd never done before or since. She bit him. Part of her wanted to do it again and see what happened, but she would either not get dinner--and she was hungry--or he'd reject her and walk away. That was something she didn't want to deal with right now. So, she decided to wait and see how dinner went first.

"I have been keeping an eye on the mission logs from the Pioneer. So, I understand your meaning when you say it is seldom dull." Jek'Lar walked for a moment in silence as he contemplated the rest of what she had said. "There are times I wish I was aboard the Pioneer or any starship for that matter. Then I realize that my place at the moment is here on Empok Nor. Besides what is the human phrase? Someone has to keep the light on for you." He smiled as he walked by her side. Since their parting he had not so much as looked at another woman. As far as he was concerned, she was his par'mach'kai. Now he needed her to realize it as well. "So, where have you chosen for us to have dinner?"

"There's a replica of an old Earth diner that sounds interesting. They have hamburgers, fries, and shakes." She looked over at him. "If you're not interested in that, we could go somewhere else--as long as it has more than gagh. I'll stick with a good steak." As long as they were together, she really didn't care. "There's also a place that has kabobs. You pick the meat and they cook it over an open flame." She glanced up at him. "You've probably been there and would know it better than I."

"Let us try the diner then. Something new is always welcome. Although you have not really lived until you had the raw gagh. Nowhere on this station does it do true justice." He laughed at his own joke. Jek'Lar new that there were not many humans who could stomach Klingon food. As for Klingons they could eat just about anything a human could, so long as it was meat and nearly raw.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll enjoy my chocolate and you can enjoy your gagh. I'll even drink an occasional bloodwine."

Jek'Lar laughed, it was one of those Klingon belly laughs that was contagious. "The younger the better. I am going to hold you to that." They had arrived at the diner and Jek'Lar motioned for Alyssa to precede him into the restaurant. When he walked in he noticed that for a new locale the place seemed to be busy. Music from Earth played. All at once he knew that the food would be good, but that he would not be able to get any blood wine here.

Alyssa looked around the diner, pleased by the atmosphere--and the music. She was looking forward to an old-fashioned hamburger and fries. Then she turned to see what Jek'Lar thought of the place. "Is this acceptable?"

"I would think so." Jek'Lar said with a smile as they were led to a booth.

A woman who seemed to be chewing on bubble gum smiled. "Would you like a cup of coffee hon?" She said with a smile and then added. "I bet you would like one of those Klingon coffees a rachta somethin or other."

"Rachtijino..." Jek'Lar politely corrected the waitress, "...And yes that would be fine," he added.
To Be Continued...

A Joint Post By

Commander Jek'Lar Son of Koss
Chief Strategic Operations Officer, Empok Nor

Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren
Chief Science Officer, USS Pioneer


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