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The New Engineers

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 5:03pm by Lieutenant Elen Diari & Chief Petty Officer Llaxia & Chief Petty Officer Jol Reena
Edited on on Wed Mar 1st, 2023 @ 1:07am

2,779 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Crooked River
Location: USS Pioneer - Engineering
Timeline: MD003 1000 hrs

Reena made her way through the corridors of the Intrepid Class ship. The Pioneer was the first of this class that she'd been assigned to, but she'd liked the class from afar.

Her carryall was still over her shoulder as she wanted to see Engineering before getting herself squared away.

Entering Main Engineering she took in the glow of the warp core.

She was approached by a Deltan Engineer. "You're new aren't you?" She asked.

"What gave it away? The carryall or the look of wonder in my eyes?" Reena asked. "I'm Jol Reena, Damage Control."

"Llaxia, Structural and Environmental Systems, welcome to the Pioneer." Llaxia said.

"Thank you, is the Boss in?" She said.

"You're Welcome, and yes, her office is on the next Deck."

Elen was indeed in her office, trying to read the latest edicts from Starfleet engineering, but it seemed to her that whoever wrote it had a broken translator as it make no sense at all.

She felt a presence she didn't recognise coming towards her office, so she put the confusing document aside, and went to the door.

Seeing Reena coming through the main engineering door, El waved to her "Hey, Chief Jol ! Over here." recognising her from the file telling El she was on her way.

Reena approached Elen. "Good day, Lieutenant." She said.

"Oh good. That the formal bit over. Reena, welcome, please have a seat and make yourself at home. Just call me Elen, we don't stand on rank here. " El replied, gesturing towards the chairs next to the main systems table.

"Thank you, Elen." Reena said with a smile and took the offered seat.

"So, you're the new damage specialist, you came highly recommended, Surek sent me this, worked with you on the Endeavour " Elen started, pushing over a PADD with a long Vulcan calligraphy script.

Reena took the PADD and read the first few lines. "Chief Petty Officer Jol is a very competent engineer and posses an innate understanding of machines." She smiled. "Great praise, he's such a sweet man." She said.

Elen put her hand to her top lip, wiggling her fingers to mock a moustache "I Do not know what my sucrose level has to do with my appraisal." Putting on a silly voice.

Reena laughed. "I think I'm going to like it here, Elen." She said.

El scrunched up her face "yeah.. I'll hold you to that, especially with the way Captain Big Ears throws this ship around. Think we're on our third set of nacelles."

She leaned back in her chair to reach back into the alcove office and grabbed a small folder. "Here's our disaster plans. Once you've settled in, got your quarters and such, give it a look over."

Reena took the folder. "So, why do you call the Captain Malbrooke 'Captain Big Ears'?" She asked.

El laughed "Short answer, have you seen him ? He must have Ferengi ancestors somewhere. Long answer, about eighteen months ago we were hit by what could be called the mother of all quantum wedgies, which flung us across realities. When we were getting back, the entity who helped called him that as some sort of radiation the entity used to track us gave Malbrooke a reading, shadow thing that had two massive disks coming out of his head like mouse ears, I liked it, so keep using it."

Reena laughed too. It was good to laugh, her early life on Bajor was far too grim for laughter. She said. "You remind me of my sister, Anahera, she wasn't blood, but she saved my life after the Cardassians killed my family, she's an El-Aurian and a red head though."

"The best family isn't genetic. Hope you don't mind Cardassians, my friend Al's one, and he's a teacher on board, he'll probably try to keep out of your way, even though he's not been near Bajor ever, or Cardassia in nearly a century." El tried to explain.

"I only have hatred for those that invaded my world, and enslaved and killed my people, if your friend was uninvolved, he has nothing to fear from me." Reena replied. "I have mellowed over time."

Elen sighed in relief "At least he won't get shoved in the airlock for just existing, like he did on the Dolphin by my replicator specialist, Pagey. They still joke about it, Al's now Pagey's daughter's godfather, or Prophet-father if you prefer."

"I'm glad things worked out for them." Reena genuinely said. "As for the Prophets, I'm not very religious." She added.

"I tend to not want to annoy anything considered a god, deity, or superior being by their followers, or the followers, means a lot less stress, and I get enough of that from here, trying to keep the lights on, and the marines quiet - talking of gods- they think they are, but no followers- yet." Elen explained.

"I leave people to their beliefs and don't mock their gods, I just don't believe." Reena said.

"So, do you have any hobbies, Elen?" She asked.

"Carpentry, mostly. Love making furniture out of wood. If it were up to me all this duraplast would be replaced by proper chunks of wood, like in the old starjammers. That and opera- Terran, Bolian, not the Klingon stuff too up itself and shouty, like something to bounce along to. You ?" El answered, liking Reena more and more.

"I like to tinker with old machines and weapons, I originally trained as a tactical systems engineer and spent a lot of time crawling through Jefferies tubes and the like tracking down system malfunctions. I even served on the IKC Varchas as a crew exchange. Let me tell you Klingon access tunnels are filthy, humid and hot." Reena said. "I also enjoy swimming, when I get the chance, but mostly I enjoy spending time with friends, and lots of alcohol." She paused a moment, and said. "Wood would look nice, but I'm concerned about the practicality."

"I know about Klingon ships, they used to come to my old posting for repairs a lot. At least on the Vor'chas you can isolate stuff before repairs, hate doing it on the K'vorts, everything's fully integrated, and have to hot-swap. You weren't part of Surek's prank with the cannon were you? I remember making the new wheels afterwards." El asked.

"No, I try to keep away from such things." Reena replied.

"Shame. It was a brilliant restoration. We'll have to get a workshop organised. Gave the space we used to have to the Science labs for a communal garden. Maybe once you've settled in, we can have a look for some free space, and get it set up? " Elen suggested.

"I'd like that." Reena said. "I do have an interest in ancient weapons."

An evil smile flashed across Elen's face " Right, you go and find your quarters and get organised, I'll start having a look for space big enough to build a catapult- what do you think poplar or oak ?"

Reena thought for a moment "Definitely oak for the base and poplar should work for the arms." She replied, a smile on her face and awaited the Lieutenant's response.

Paisley was LATE. Oops. She was still getting used to the more formal setting of an actual ship as opposed to the slightly more lax treatment she had received in the Academy. PLUS, she had been putting off showing up; self doubt was one of her shortcomings, and she wasn't exactly sure she could *do* this. She pushed open the door to the Engineering office, and peered in, a brown ponytail covering blue eyes and strange ridges on her neck. Her reedy voice preceded her body. "Ensign P'rar, reporting for duty. Sorry. I got lost." She hoped that they would believe her tale. She pushed the door open the rest of the way.
"I am looking for the...uh, Lt. Diari? I am the new Ensign." She said, a small smile on her lips but her gaze on the floor. Captain Taylor had been one thing. A real, live Starfleet ship was something else, and she felt small.

"Ensign. We're over here" Elen chuckled from the MSD table in front of the warp core, "Don't worry about being late, your paperworks not even here yet."

Llaxia watched as the new engineer entered engineering and made her way to the Boss's office. "Um, she's attractive." Jedeli's voice said in her head.

"I thought you were trying to fix me up with Crewman Andresen?" Llaxia asked.

"I am. Everything isn't all about you, Sister, I have my own attractions." Jedeli's voice replied.

Llaxia just sighed in exasperation.

"Everything Ok, Llax ? Rado was having problems with that console earlier," the chief shouted over.

"Yes, Boss." Llaxia said and began to examine the console.

At hearing her name, Paisley quickly hurried across the room. "Ma'am." She waited to be told to sit. It was odd for the half-Cardassian, Half-Bajoran woman to be so...tense, but she wanted to make a good impression. "Ensign Paisley F'rar, reporting for duty." Jesus, that sounded dumb as hell. With a flick of her black hair and shining blue eyes, she sat.

Reena gave the new arrival the once over. She was shorter than herself and slimmer. Her skin was a shade common to Cardassians, but she lacked most of their omnipresent ridges and her eyes were usually blue for a Cardassian. Probably a Cardassian Bajoran hybrid. She'd seen many of them during the Occupation, she hoped the woman's mother was a willing participant in the marriage, but was almost sure, she wasn't. The Bajor had no hatred towards the other woman, only sympathy.

"I am Ens. Paisley F'Rar, Damage Control Specialist. Uh, I was sent over as part of the Romulan Exchange even though I am not Romulan. They uh..they gave me a lift, rather." It was hard to explain her life without a lot of detail she didn't want to go into yet. "When do we start?"

"Nice to meet you, Ensign, I'm Chief Petty Officer Jol Reena, I'm also a Damage Control Specialist, I'm new here as well." Reena said.

She nodded. She felt ridiculously out of place here. "Nice to meet you. It's a big ship. Biggest I've seen." She closed her eyes briefly, and felt a strange heat crawling up the back of her neck. "Is this where we're all supposed to be?" She glanced an eye downward; her uniform suddenly felt like a vise. She recognized the Bajoran in the other woman, and silently cursed her father's name. AGAIN. She spoke to Reena again. "What are you working on?"

"Well, the Boss was quizzing me on the best wood to use to construct a catapult." Reena said, repeating it it sounded crazy. "I have an interest in ancient weapons, and I used to be as tactical systems engineer, oh and a Security specialist for a while." She explained.

"Make yourself at home, F'Rar. Yeah, was thinking of trying it on the captain if he gives us too much work. Romulan exchange ? Wow, only took Minnie, sorry Centurion Mineti, a year to sort it out" Elen explained, smiling "And Please, it's Elen, never Ma'am unless the warp core's on fire, OK?"

Paisley nodded. "Got it, sorry. And yes.'s a long story but I am glad to be here. I guess I can replicate some coffee and get my tools together if you don't need me immediately." She moved out of the way, letting out a breath. It would take her just a little bit to be back to herself but these ladies were already welcoming.

"Do whatever you need to to feel comfortable here. There's a fresh pot of coffee over by the replicator, just relax and take it all in. Don't be scared to ask anything." Diari tried to reassure the young ensign.

Llaxia made her way over to the newcomer. "You can use some of my spice sugar in your coffee." The Deltan said. "I'm Llaxia, welcome aboard." she added.

Paisley nodded, relaxing a little. "Thanks, that'd be great. What are you ladies doing?" Was it an all-female Engineering team? That would be a nice change from the Jarok, but different, too. She'd never been around this many women in a LONG time, not since school. Luckily, the Carjoran woman was pretty happy-go-lucky, and would adapt quickly.

"We've been running a systems diagnostic." Llaxia said.

Paisley nodded. "Great. What is the diagnosis? Do we have one? By the way, I can fit through tunnels pretty easily, but I hate the refrigeration ones." Once, as a prank, the Romulans who'd rescued her had sent her through the refrigeration system in the mess hall. She hadn't been a happy camper and it didn't do much to improve relations. She could laugh about it now, though.

"Things seem to be running well." Llaxia said trying to ignore her sister's voice in her head.

"If you're volunteering to go to crawl through the tubes, that's great, it means I don't have to." Reena said with a smile.

"I am willing to do whatever you need me to do." She hoped it made her sound like a team player and not an over-eager little sister type person, trying to tag along on fun times. She sat back down.

"I know we've just met, Ensign, but my sister finds you interesting and would like to meet you." Llaxia said.

Paisley nodded. "She...does?" Paisley looked around wildly. There was only the three of them here. Was she missing something?

Llaxia seeing the woman's questioning look, said. "Its a long story, but the short version is my twin sister, Jedeli is dead, but her consciousness, life essence, Pagh, katra, soul, spirit, whatever you call it, now only inhabits my body." The Deltan explained.

Paisley blinked once, but shrugged. "OK!" It wasn't the weirdest thing she'd seen in space; she'd just spent six months with Romulans, after all, retrofitting an old warbird. "Let her out...." Was that the right thing to say?

Llaxia closed he eyes for a moment. When she opened them her body took on a visibly relaxed state. When she spoke her voice was higher, almost younger. She said. "Hello Paisley, I'm Jedeli, its so great to meet you. You're gorgeous."

Elen came over to refill her mug. "Made a decision. Jedeli, give the new ensign a tour of the ship, and if you end up getting ice cream all the better. I'll finish off the diagnostic for you sister. Just let her know that her shift tomorrow is cancelled as well, so she doesn't have to come in. As you all were."

Paisley was trying to not freak out, but it was a tiny bit weird. Still, she smiled, and answered the "new" woman. "Thank you. Nice to meet you. Is it JED-ELI, or JED-ELEE?" Paisley asked to confirm. She hated to mess up people's names and such-it was rude as heck. "What do you do here?"

"Its JED-ELEE." She said with a smile. "Not much, mostly just trying to get my sister to be more open to life." Jedeli replied.

Paisley smiled. "Maybe I can give her a few lessons on this side, too." Paisley wasn't really one to stand on formalities-she was generally the happy-go-lucky type, and got on with most people. "I don't mind interacting with people!" She hoped she didn't sound too excited.

"Okay, Paisley, let's go." Jedeli said holding out 'her' hand.

Paisley took the women's hand, and let herself be led wherever. This might be a bad idea, but she never learned, did she?

Reena thought "What a strange and delightful Galaxy this is."

"Where are we going exactly?" Paisley asked, curiously. "Are we ALLOWED to leave?" She glanced around, hoping she wasn't going to get in trouble.

"We're going to take a tour of the ship, and yes we have your Boss's blessing." Jedeli said. "So stop worrying and enjoy yourself, Beautiful."

Paisley nodded. "Ok, let's go."

"Do you like plants and trees?" Jedeli asked. "If so, you'll love the arboretum and the food gardens."

A Joint Post By

Chief Petty Officer Jol Reena
Damage Control Specialist, USS Pioneer

Ensign Paisley F'rar
Damage Control Specialist, USS Pioneer

Chief Petty Officer Llaxia
Structural/Environmental Specialist, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Elen Diari
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Pioneer


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