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Sizing Up

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2022 @ 12:53pm by Major Cornelius Tremble & Captain Edmund Merrick
Edited on on Tue Mar 22nd, 2022 @ 4:37am

1,824 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 12 - Risin' To Risa
Location: Shuttle Bay 14, Empok Nor
Timeline: MD008 1100hrs

Sometime had passed since the wetting down, celebrating his CO of the Marine becoming the XO of the USS Pioneer. Edmund had been getting to know the ship a little bit, plus exploring the station the Pioneer was berthed at. However, he'd not taken the time to actually speak with his CO, and he did need to take the time to do so, to see how the man ticked. And if they would actually mesh well together as a team. Meeting up for a meal would work out for a starter. Merrick could eat, especially if it had good food.

Making a decision, Edmund messaged Tremble, "Major, care to grab a bite to eat somewhere? I'm buying, what are you in the mood for food wise?"

Neil was standing arms crossed as he looked over one of the Brigades dedicated shuttles. At Edmund's message, he smiled. He'd been waiting for the junior officer to seek him out. Regardless of the man's length of service and experience, things in the FMC were done certain ways.

"Actually, Lieutenant," Neil replied, "I'm about to take a run over to Camp McCoy. We can get lunch at the Brigades mess if you're of a mind. I'm in Empok's shuttle bay fourteen."

"I'll be right there." came the quick response. Minutes later, Edmund arrived, he managed not to get lost due to his previous exploration of the place. He walked up alongside the Major and took a look at the sight before him. "Finally reporting in, Major." the man commented to Tremble. "Did you get a chance to go on shoreleave?" the blue eyed marine asked.

"It's coming up when we hit Risa," Neil remarked as he finished doing the walk-around on the shuttle and led Merrick through the hatch and into the shuttles cockpit. As the two marines strapped in, Neil ran began powering the shuttle up and ran through the pre-flight. "I spent some time on Risa working on my tan and avoiding people," Neil chuckled.
After a few minutes of preparation, the Station's Ops initiated launch and the computer guided them out of the bay and into space. Neil laid in the course and activated the shuttles engines, setting a course out and away from the station and loaded a pre-set course to Camp McCoy.

"What about you, Ed," Neil asked. "Did you get away?"

"If you mean away from the station or the ship? No I did not. There was enough things to explore to occupy my time." Edmund replied, glancing over towards his CO. "I did go home for a couple of weeks enjoyed the beach there and also did some hiking to. Love doing that. It was nice to go back home. My parents were very happy to have me there and it was great seeing how well things were going." he gave a grin. "There was certainly a bit of a party going on there too. Seemed that Mom had a surprise party waiting for me."

As he double checked the shuttles systems and made sure they are on the right course, Neil commented. "Nice. It's good you're close to them. My own family is a bit estranged. I haven't gotten back to Earth in a few years now to see my mother and dad keeps threatening to show up to show me what I'm doing wrong."

"My grandfathers told me that if I hadn't gone to see the family they'd be sending out a squad to hog tie me and take me home. And I wouldn't put it past them to do so. " he paused and then remarked. "I am sorry you've got family drama to deal with. I'm going to be blunt though in asking, what caused the rift?"

With the course laid in, Neil pushed adjusted the flight seat to be more comfortable and replied, "Not much of a secret. They separated when I was a youngster. Dad was away all the time in the Corp and they weren't the same people they had been when they married and he was stationed on Mars. Mom settled in on Earth, raised us while dad did his thing."

Chuckling he shook his head, "Last time I talked to him, he was chasing around with a female about half his age and enjoying his retirement, more or less. Once a marine always a marine." Shrugging, Neil turned it into a stretch and said, "We stay connected but I haven't been in the same space with any of my family in years. Just kind of the nature of our dynamic."

Edmund nodded, "I have someone who once was family, I won't be going around in the man's breathing space anytime soon, not even to see his wife, my former mother-in-law. My wife's family is complicated. They were difficult before she and I got married, and now it is even worse since she passed away. Her dad if I ever see him, the encounter would end up coming to blows. He'd be the one to initiate it. Out of respect I just don't go around him." He scratched his cheek for a moment. "Family drama right? "

"Seems everyone's at peace with the disfunction," Neil replied as
he considered the Cure's new XO. "Speaking of disfunction. Now that we've gotten the Cure reorganized, what do you think of it."

"I like the refinement that was made. Makes things easier to navigate, get people to where they are needed and good support all around. It does get aggravating when red tape gets in the way of us getting things done. " Merrick answered.

"With your new position, you've got to have the rest of us operating as smoothly as possible. This includes the Star Fleet personnel as well. I've not met the chief of security yet, I aim to do so soon. I'd like to get a feel for the man, see what his mindset is on with the new setup being put in place." he paused then asked, "Have you had any interaction with him recently?"

"Larim?," Neil asked thoughtfully. "Probably talked to him a couple of days before we went into R&R. But as XO I need to checkin on all of the department heads. He can be hard to pin down sometimes but overall a good officer. For a while we were talking a blue on blue paintball game between security and the Cure. It never got off the ground though."

"That does sound intriguing, and it is too bad it didn't get off the ground. Any particular reason why it didn't or just life on the ship taking precedence. Which often happens. " he looked back out towards the stars then said, "I'm here to help in anyway that I can."

"Pioneer and especially the Cure doesn't get a lot of down time," Neil remarked. "I try to make sure that they don't...marines need to be doing something. Maybe we'll get to it."

Casting a glance at the Lieutenant, he said, "You'll be ground commander of the Cure most of the time. Headquarters element will be providing support and supplementing the tactical elements. You're here to lead them and get the job done. Get to know everyone and ride them like rented mules until you get yourself established with them. You know the drill. Helping wherever you can isn't the same as taking charge and getting shit done, Ed. There's a difference."

"And that is the help I am talking about, I think I needed to have phrased that differently. " Edmund admitted. "And actions speak louder than words, so better for me to do and take care of things than just say I will and fall flat on my face." he regarded Neil, "I am quite well aware of what is needing to be done. And I do not intend on them sitting idle, too much pent up energy would cause things to explode."

Keeping a level eye on the lieutenant, Neil considered his next words and then spoke. "You know there's not a lot of love in the corp for getting overly cozy with Fleet. Fleet tends to think we're a appendage of them and while we function within the bureaucracy, most of the corps prefers likes to make sure we're not seen that way. There's a reason people in and out of the fleet get nervous when there are Marines about: and we like it that way. You've done a lot of hand in hand work with Fleet, but as you move up in your career, keep the distinction in mind."

Neil waited a few beats before remarking, "Yes there's been a lot of steps taken to integrate. That's why you and the Master Sergeant were hand selected for the Cure and I was encouraged to take on the XO slot. But it doesn't change things so much from the Corps looking out. We acknowledge the need to work better with Fleet...but maintain our autonomy. You may know this, you may not. But visiting the Brigade and moving forward, you'll run into the attitude and it's how I run the Cure."

"The Corps is its own entity much like Star Fleet. I left Star Fleet as there just wasn't the sort of training, that was needed for away teams. There does need to be a bridge formed but, we can do things that Star Fleet can't do. They take and deal with the everyday citizen and we go out when the chips are down to take care of things that security can't do. Having the ability to interact on a whole new level will be a good thing as well. But we are not an appendage of Star Fleet. Quite frankly, Star Fleet Security needs to up their game." And that was how Merrick felt.

They traveled in silence for a while, and then the control chirped that they were dropping out of warp. Seconds later the IFF warbled and Neil sent the authentication codes. He grinned as the point defense sensors went off and he saw a flight of fighters fall in behind them.

"Well, there's our escort, Mr. Merrick. We'll be down in ten minutes and lunch at the officer's mess. Time to meet the Brigade."

"Impressive." Edmund remarked as he turned to get a better glimpse of them. "Looks like they know you are arriving." he grinned. Merrick felt a sense of elation and eagerness looking forward to meeting the brigade. It was also mind boggling that he was here, at this time. In fact he felt humbled as well. "Lunch sounds great and more importantly meeting the brigade."

A Joint Post By

Major Cornelius Tremble
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer
Commanding Officer, The Cure

First Lieutenant Edmund Merrick
The Cure Executive Officer, USS Pioneer


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