View Award - Intelligence Prowess Award

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Intelligence Prowess Award

This award is given to an Intelligence Officer who has gone out of their way to protect and better the Pioneer.

This could be from uncovering a spy, obtaining pertinent information which protected their own ship, the Federation, or a vulnerable populace. Sample posts are not required, but a detailed description of the situation is required.

Category: In character
Awarded: 4 times

Lieutenant JG Gage Tohoyia
Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:41pm
For their contribution in this situation on the Pioneer. Their willingness to operate outside command to find out the truth.
Lieutenant JG Gage Tohoyia
Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 8:11pm
It does me great pleasure to award this special award to our department to our newest crew member. From the very start being in a covert situation to joining the Pioneer, the intelligence officer showed great potential for the future.
Petty Officer 1st Class Tobias Beckett
Tue Nov 23rd, 2021 @ 6:59am
From the desk of Jennifer Masters-Calhoun: As my last act as chief intelligence officer of the USS Pioneer I hereby award the Intelligence Prowess Award to Petty Officer 1st Class Tobias Beckett. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye and your personality always clashed with mine. But despite all that you always had the best interest at heart with the department and I haven't always shown that or acknowledged that, I would like to do so now. You have done an impeccable job during hard times when the department as well as the vault itself. You have taken your job serious and you never failed faltered or were late. Where I was usually the field operative and the street fighter you were the brains. And for that I thank you. I don't know who will replace me, but please take good care of them, as I trust you will. And keep an eye on things as you've always done. Kind regards, Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters-Calhoun.
Lieutenant Mira Jayna
Sun Dec 29th, 2019 @ 5:51pm
I, the Chief Intelligence officer of the USS Pioneer, would like to nominate for this award Warrant Officer Mira Jayna. She has proven to be a valuable asset and brought several intelligence cases to my attention. All that helped me significantly in my own work. I am happy she is on my team.