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Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 3:22pm

Lieutenant Commander Brianne Redstone

Name Brianne Redstone

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Lanthanite
Age 950

Starfleet Indentification

Starfleet Serial Number BR-0416-309517
Data Access Level Level 3
Security Access Level 7
Duty Shift Alpha

Physical Appearance

Height 1.6m
Weight 56kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Small, slight. Easily ignored. Looks early 30s, despite being 950 years old.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Guillem Redstone (died 15th century Earth)
Mother Mary Redstone (died 20th century)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family not aware of any.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-- Large amount of knowledge, experience in Engineering
-- Good problem solving, improvisational skills (as been there done that)

Weaknesses-- Can be a bit distant with people in new surroundings
-- being smaller than most, she has difficulties with more physical activities
Ambitions To see the whole of the galaxy, from outside of it.
Hobbies & Interests An avid reader, has a 'to be read' pile of books nearly as tall as her, but only keeps a few of her absolute favourites.

Also paints, trying to copy old masterpieces she's seen and enjoyed, with varying success. Wants to master the technique first before doing her own compositions.

Personal History 1445- Born St. Andrews, Earth

2225-2232 Engineer on the private transport ship SS Gilmore.

2232-2246 Part of the group who sets up New France colony, privately surveys local space.

2247- 2258 Worked with Trill Space Agency on their first warp ships.
Service Record 2258-2265 Joins Federation Starfleet. Assigned to Starfleet Design Bureau on project Miranda (later becoming the Miranda class starship)

2265-2270 Warp Specialist, USS Gothenberg, five year exploration mission of alpha quadrant. First contact with Ktarians.

2271-2275 Takes commision as Ensign. Engineering officer on USS Victory, who work on diplomatic affairs for Betazed to join Federation in 2273.

2275-2282 Joins Starfleet corps of Engineers, building new starbases on Klingon border.

2283-2287 Part of team building the first Constellation-class ships on Luna.

2287 Leaves Starfleet to help research on Trill pre-warp space travel history.

2291 -2293 Rejoins Starfleet. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise-B shakedown team, leaves before ship enters service.

2293-2312 Assistant head of design, Antares shipyard. Promoted to lieutenant (2310).

2313-2335 Chief Engineer, USS Sagan (Oberth-class)

2335-2342 Design team of the Ambassador Class, Earth.

2342-2364 Chief Engineer, USS Montgomery (Ambassador Class)

2364-2370 Chief Engineer, USS Hood

2371-2377 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Returned to Antares Shipyard to build fleet during Dominion war.

2378-2390 Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Future Starship Fleet Design and Manufacture, Antares. Works on Titan Class.

2391-2398 Chief Engineer, USS Triton

2398- Chief Engineer, USS Pioneer