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What Truly Lies Beneath - The Evil That Lies Beneath Wrap Up - Episode 15

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:56pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 12:58pm

Wow... Just wow! What a mission this has been. This plot was one that was designed to be a little bit confusing and you all took to it like a fish to water. Despite the chaos this crew pulled together and showed us what a true family could do. Even with new people arriving in the middle of the chaos nothing was missed.

This mission also gave us a glimpse into what Junior Officers can do. With the Senior Staff out of the way the Junior Officers had to take the reins and bring the story to a close. It was a joy to read and a joy to write. But keep your eyes and ears out there this is not the last we have heard of Malificus.

So without any gilding the lily and no further ado I give you the one, the only, awards... taps mic... Is thing on?

To start things off the Command Team and myself felt that a couple of promotions were in order. It has been about time that these people got what they have earned. These promotions may be a tad overdue, however, they are well earned.


Cornelius Tremble - It takes a lot more than just the Commanding Officer to run a ship/sim. Day in and day out Cornelius is there as a sounding board and a general shoulder to lean on. He keeps our Marine division running and creates incredible stories for them. He is also keeps the ship running. It is for these reasons and a lot more that I am proud to grant Cornelius Tremble the rank of Lieutenant Colonel with all the rights and privileges therein.


Elen Diari - Elen has held the engine room down and kept us sailing smoothly with her humor and unique talent. All of their posts are filled with emotion and a genuine love for the ship and its crew. It is for this reason and many others that I am proud to promote Elen Diari to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with all of the rights and privileges therein.


Narin Valen - Since they joined the Pioneer Valen has been a force to be reckoned with. They jumped in both in the plot and in development stories. It has been a joy to watch him spread the proverbial wings and settle in here on the Pioneer. I am proud to promote them to the rank of Lieutenant.


Mira Jayna - Mira Jayna is the person who knows everything about you and you don't even know it. They are the consummate Intelligence Officer using what they know to investigate the issue at hand. I have loved watching this character move from the background to the foreground and back again when needed. It is with great joy that I promote them to the rank of Lieutenant.

Howard Goldberg - Being the overnight doc has its ups and downs. In the time that Howard has been aboard the Pioneer he has had his hands literally in half the crew serving as assistant to the Chief Medical Officer until recently. It is time the overnight doc got some recognition so I am proud to promote him to the rank of Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges therein.


Mignon Mejia - Here is someone who gave their all for the sake of the plot. She was put through the literal ringer during the Crooked River mission, and has written through some of the Counseling in the aftermath. It is always a joy to have a character who jumps in and volunteers for the hard stuff during a mission and then runs with the plot to show you what happens when the dust settles. If anyone deserves the extra pip it is Mejia. For this reason they are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges therein.


Darius Wren - The Pioneer has waited quite a long time to have a pilot with depth of character. In the short time that Wren has been aboard the Pioneer they have shown us what it means to be a hotshot pilot lol. I look forward to watching as they settle in more and develop their character. For probably the best bit of flying that we have seen in sometime I am proud to promote them to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.


Rachel Sinclair - One of my biggest complaints with Star Trek as a whole is that we do not get to see the aftermath a lot of times. We don't see how these great events effect the characters. Rachel Sinclair gives you that in their current story arch. A young officer who is beset with challenges as the embark on their career. Truly great writing. I am proud to promote them to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the rights and privileges therein.


Flarn - The crustiest Sergeant this side of Tellar has more than earned the extra stripe. Being the Operations Sergeant takes a lot of planning. As such the Tellarite takes no guff. It is a pleasure to see him promoted to Master Sergeant with all the rights and privileges therein.


Tyrigus Fry, Sina Ravenna, Adélaïde Moreau, Rairror Thoran, Andrew Shy - As The Cure gains notoriety so to does it members. Congratulations on earning the extra stripe.


Lieutenant Vura - Captain's Personal Merit Award - "Vura is not only a great Counselor but they are capable of using their Counseling techniques when faced with scenarios that Counselors are not always faced with. This mission has proved that in abundance. As we close this mission I am sure that Vura will keep us remembering the repercussions of everything we have been through. Ultimately that is what a Counselor in our simming world is all about."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren - Executive Officer's Merit Award - "Alyssa's writer is always at the forefront pushing missions ahead, keeping things moving. This has been very evident during the Evil that Lies Beneath Mission, where we have the senior staff split off and things need moving for two groups at the same time. I really appreciate that. Thanks."
-Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble-

Sergeant Major Lachlan Barr - Second Officer's Award of Merit - "Even though they were unwilling to take on the position, they were forced into taking command with Tremble in the other dimension and Malbrooke and myself unable, he took the leadership of the ship and the command center to bring this all to an end."
-Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen-

Gunnery Sergeant Gaagii - Enlisted Award of Merit - "Bouncing this one around, but I'm submitting this citation for the EAM to Gnnery Sergeant Gaagii. GM-NPC's fill a lot of rolls and Gaagii has been a stalwart of the crew forever. From helping fill in gaps during mainline mission posts, to getting in some character building, Gaagii stood out to me this time around. Howie doesn't get enough credit for all the voices he uses aboard Pioneer, but credit is due. Nice job my friend."
-Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble-

Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen - Crew's Choice Award - "This latest mission is courtesy of Rowena's background and shows a tremendous amount of backstory. Making missions come together takes everyone, but I really appreciate this deep look at Rowena and the Malificent entity and really look forward to the endgame. Nice story."
-Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Temble-

"She is fun to write with and full of great ideas"
-Lieutenant Junior Grade Jordan Spencer-

Lieutenant Narin Valen - Meritorious Newcomer Award - "Since creating the Pioneer I have never seen someone exemplify this award more than Narin Valen. They joined our fairly tight knit crew while we were in the middle of this large scale mission. Not only did they make themselves known behind the scenes and join our community but they hit plot of the story hard. Working all angles. Great work and I overjoyed to have you aboard."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Ensign Connor Turner - Non Player Character Award - "During the course of the mission Connor took the position of comic relief of sorts. With the Senior Staff gone he was left in charge of Engineering and it was not only funny to see him come out of his shell, it was a pleasure and heartwarming. Just a great tale of what could happen when someone gets greatness thrust upon them. Who knows Connor may wake up Assistant Chief Engineer one day."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Sergeant Major Lachlan Barr - Departmental Service Badge: Command - "It is said that some people are born to greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them. Lachlan is definitely the latter. During the course of this mission it has been a pleasure to see the Top take the center chair and show everyone who is really the backbone of the ship. Great work and thank you for keeping the center chair warm for me."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Rachel Sinclair - Departmental Service Badge: Service - "It is exceptionally hard to stand up to an enemy, it is even harder to stand up to your friends. Rachel Sinclair was faced with this decision as she held a phaser on her commanding officer. Ultimately she chose what was right for the ship and its crew. I can think of no truer Service to the ship."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Narin Valen - Departmental Service Badge: Science - "Narin got thrown in at the deep end when Alyssa disappeared and he was suddenly in charge of the department. He handled it well, participating in a science discussion on what might have happened to the senior staff and where they may be. He also met with the other scientists, learning more about them in a series of great character-development posts."
-Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren-

Staff Warrant Officer Rommie - Departmental Service Badge: Marine - "The Marines did not have a large role in the outcome of this mission. However, those that were there made themselves known. One of these is the new holographic Aide-De-Camp who played a unique role in verifying that our beloved XO was not dead. Rommie is an exceptional personality and I am looking forward to seeing this character stretch themselves more."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Gage Tohoyia - Intelligence Prowess Award - "For their contribution in this situation on the Pioneer. Their willingness to operate outside command to find out the truth. Early on in the mission the work he did laid the groundwork for what was to come."
-Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Daris Wren - Flying Cross - "Flying a shuttle while being fired upon by your Captain is never something that you sign up for. Having to land the shuttle manually is something that you definitely don't sign up for. The Ensign not only did both of these things, but they did it while their Commanding Officer was being tended to by medical staff. I can think of no greater moment for the first time this award is given in this ship's history."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Ja'sol H'ros - Most Creative Cross Sim Post - "This award is granted for something Ja'sol did to assist another sim/game. A security briefing was needed for a group of Marines and Ja'sol jumped right in to assist and thus the post "Hot On The Trail" was born. This post may not seem like much but it is a great example of how a briefing should be written. All the while being creative. Thank you for volunteering to help out and for crafting such a great post."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Commodore Tyler Malbrooke, Gunnery Sergeant Flarn, Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhara Rynn, Captain Edmund Merrick, Lieutenant Junior Grade Daris Wren, Lieutenant Junior Grade Jordan Spencer - George S Patton Jr Memorial Award - " The "Flight of the Serenity" was anything but serene. It took a lot of planning both in character and out of character to get this sequence planned. It has all the confusion and intensity that you would expect from a Star Trek style action sequence. Great work all around."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jordan Spencer - Library Excellence Ribbon - "It is always a pleasure when I get to write a post with someone who I rarely get to write with. Just such a post occurred between Spencer and our EMH Bones. The two had a conversation about medicine and the meaning of life aboard a starship. While writing a post it seemed to be more like a face to face conversation than an actual written post. This is what this ribbon is all about. Thank you for the great experience. Keep up the great work."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren - Creativity Award - " One of the facets of this award is coming up with an outstanding idea during a mission. When you have what could be a murdered XO and you cannot trust many people on the ship, who do you turn to for medical advice. The EMH that's who... This was a brilliant idea to get a little used character involved in the story. I want to thank you immensely for this. Great work."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen & Commodore Tyler Malbrooke - Purple Heart - "Being taken over by another entity and almost destroying their own ship counts for this award. It is going to take a lot of counseling for Rowena to get through this. The crew is also going to take a lot of time before they trust their Intel Chief again. It is going to take a lot of counseling for the Commodore to get through this. Giving of yourself both mind and body is deserving of a Purple Heart."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren - Outstanding Volunteer Award - "There are times when I believe that Alyssa does not know the word no. Whenever a member of the Command Staff comes to her with an idea the answer is always yes. From having one of her characters cut their limb off to using one of their characters to connect the dots on a mystery. Alyssa is always ready to lend a hand. Thank you for everything you do in keeping the Pioneer a great game and greater community."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke - Community Service Citation - "For the first presentation of this award there is no one better than Hermia. Our good doctor is always willing to join in and take care of what is needed. They have spread their wings in multiple departments with their non player characters adding to the world that is the Pioneer. As of recent they have created their own mini sim within the Pioneer world the USS Carthage. This adds to the one world concept that the Pioneer is based on. Hermia has created missions for us and so much more. I can honestly say that the Pioneer would not be where it is today without Hermia's hard work."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Rachel Sinclair - Professional Merit Award - "Very often in Star Trek we do not see how the actions of the "heroes" effect those below them in the chain of command. During this mission it has been enlightening to see Rachel's reactions to the Commodore going insane and going as far as to lock herself in the Brig for disobeying orders. Definitely one of the shining stars of the lower ranked characters. Thank you and keep up the great work."
-Commodore Tyler Malrooke-

Captain Edmund Merrick & Lieutenant Vura - 100 Post Ribbon - "Awarded for achieving 100 posts. Welcome to the 100 club."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Lieutenant Commander Rowena McGowen - 200 Post Ribbon - "For achieving 200 posts. Welcome to the 200 club. Great work."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

Commodore Tyler Malbrooke, Lieutenant Colonel Cornelius Tremble, Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke - 300 Post Ribbon - "For achieving 300 posts. Wow just wow... You all wrote a novel."
-Commodore Tyler Malbrooke-

With every story that we complete I feel I not only get to know these characters more but I get to know you all more. This mission not only saw the junior officers step up and show us what they can do. But it bonded the crew in support of the Captain, Second Officer, and each other.

A couple of new people have joined us this mission and we saw the return of someone from time gone by. It just goes to show that this is more than a game, more than a sim, we are a family and community.

I am honored and humbled as always for your faith in my leadership, and stories. Thank you, thank you a thousand times thank you.

For Now
Steady As She Goes,
Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer


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