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The return of the vulcan, kinda

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2019 @ 10:16pm by
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2019 @ 11:51pm

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 7 - Home Again
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD002 0800 hrs

She was nervous. She had learned in the last year that being nervous was ok, acceptable even. The Vulcan hybrid was trying her best to integrate some of her more emotional sensations into her everyday life. While she wasn't a Betazoid she always wasn't a Vulcan. She could find a balance between the two. After a position on another ship didn't turn out how she had hoped she had plotted and waited and was patient and got herself back on the USS Pioneer. There was something about this ship, and her CO that she was drawn to. The denial of her feelings for the CMO not withstanding. She approached Sickbay knowing that she was due for her neural blocker and physical. She only hoped Richard wasn't there, or that he was. The debate continued as she entered.

Richard strode out of his office on a set of crutches. He moved towards a cabinet and then his pale eyes caught sight of a familiar looking Vulcan. His eyes shimmered and the smile on his face beamed, "T'Rish, so good to see you!"

"Hi Richard." She smiled. While not as rare as they once were they still felt slightly foreign to the Vulcan hybrid. "How have you been?" she asked softly.

"I can't complain," The physician replied with a smile as he put his crutches forward a step closer to his friend, "we've been under attack lately so the wounded have been keeping me pretty busy."

"I see." She replied with her trained Vulcan disinterest. "Do you have time to see me? I am newly back at this posting and in need of a refill on my neural blockers." She had been one them since the last time she was on the Pioneer. It had been worth it, for what little time she had been with the Doctor. It still was.

"Always time for you," Richard smiled broadly and motioned towards a biobed, "I'm glad you are back T'Rish, the crew is really going to need you."

"Why?" she blurted with a quizzical look. "I am just the Quartermaster." She shook her head.

"As a quartermaster," Richard began with a smile, "you provide some stability that they desperately need right now. The ship is in disrepair and some have surely been displaced from their normal housing." He nodded towards her, "you T'Rish are a stabilizing influence that this ship really needs."

T'Rish cocked her eyebrow in a Vulcan fashion. "Stability, as in your crutches?" She asked. She had noticed it when he walked up to her, but she had been too nervous to ask. "Are you ok?" she asked, unable to keep the feelings she had for him out of her voice.

"Just a compound fracture," Richard said with a smile, "should heal soon." He chuckled and nodded, "been a long time since I've gotten this injured."

"Sorry," T'Rish said softly. "Sorry, I wasn't here." She shook her head. "I missed you." She said looking up at him with a slight smile.

The doctor's eyes twinkled as he gazed at the woman, "I've missed you to T'Rish, I'd love to cook for you again." He tilted his head "You could come over to my quarters tonight for dinner!"

T'Rish's stomach practically growled at the idea of one of Richard's meals. "I would love that." She smiled. she had missed the twinkle and the way he had looked at her. "What time?"

"1700?" Richard asked, "Wish it was right now though." He chuckled, "I still have some things to do first and I have the cooking to do."

T'Rish couldn't help the flush that came to her cheeks no matter how she wished she hadn't. "I look forward to it." She grinned again. She was preparing herself to leave when she realized she hadn't gotten what she came here for. "Oh, if we are going to have dinner, we had better address the whole neural blocker." she fought to keep her voice level, but with Richard in close proximity it was better to be safe than sorry.

The Azzian smiled and blushed himself, "yes, you do need that shot." He moved with his crutches towards a cabinet and located the hypospray then made his way back.

"I've kept one around in the hope that you would return," He then place the instrument to her shoulder and released the dosage, "there, I can't wait to see how well it works."

T'Rish smiled. "I kept up the dosage while I was away." She started. "Just in case I got to come back." She smiled. He had a way of opening her up and making her act out of character. "I look forward to testing it." She smirked.

"Want to test it a little now?" Richard teased as he stood close to the woman, "or would you rather stay in suspense."

T'Rish watched him for a second. She carefully raised her hand and placed it gently on his chest. She smiled up at him before extending forward, her eyes fluttering closed as she kissed him.

Richard took her into his arms and returned the kiss with earnestness. He had missed that embrace, the feel of her lips on his but then, reluctantly he released to let her breath, "amazing."

T'Rish's heart was racing and she couldn't help the laugh at his reaction to her. "Yes, quite." She replied. She was tempted to kiss him again but found herself clearing her throat. "Perhaps a biomed is not the most logical place for this." She added, not that she had regretted it.

"Until later then," Ballston said softly. He wanted more but the half Vulcan was right, it needed to wait. "I'm so glad to have you back T'Rish."

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Junior Grade T'Rish
Quartermaster, USS Pioneer


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