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On the Mend

Posted on Sat Jun 22nd, 2019 @ 12:13am by Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Edited on on Sat Jun 22nd, 2019 @ 12:56am

1,418 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 7 - Home Again
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD001 0600 hrs

The sickbay was full of wounded from the attack and Richard did his best to limp around to each patient. He had done his best to hide his own injuries yet it was still obvious he was himself in need of medical care. Looking at his face as pale from blood loss and wincing from time to time as he moved his swollen limb and held his side. Richard's left knee had swollen more than twice it's normal size and the fabric about it was already cut in several places allowing read fluid to leak out around it. On his right side was another gash, the fabric was blackened even more from the burning.

During the operations, the attacks had continued. The gravitational controls momentarily failed and the department shook sporadically. Richard tried to steady himself at the biobed while a gurney slid striking his knee pinning against the side of the bed. A piece of the ceiling fell at the same time crashing to the floor and then, with energy cables still active struck his side.

Dr. Ballston did his best to continue but now there was no way for him to ignore the pain anymore. He stopped gritting his teeth and bending over and grasping a biobed with one hand while the other grabbed his knee.

"Right, Richard. You've done well, but it is time for you to rest." Hermia said as she helped him onto the biobed.

Richard didn't physically resist his assistant's efforts and easily moved to the table though he did protest some verbally, "but there are still wounded that need to be cared for, I shouldn't leave it all to you."

"Nurse Adler, get me a surgical kit." Hermia called. "You're going to assist me in treating the old man."

"On my way, ma'am." Adler replied.

"Surgical kit"? Richard furrowed his brow and raised a hand, "what do I need surgery for?"

"I don't need a tri-corder to tell that leg needs more than a once over with the dermalregenerator." Hermia replied.

Richard winced he looked down at the swollen limb and then over at Hermia, "you are right of course." He held his side, "I'm just not used to being the patient."

"None of us are." Hermia replied. "Now lie still and I'll begin."

Nurse Adler returned with the surgical and set out the instruments. Hermia activated the biobed's sterile field.

"Richard, I'm going to give you a local anesthetic, because we can't afford to have you out for too long." Hermia said. "Plus you can critique my method."

Richard nodded his consent and winced a little, "I'm sure your method is fine." He winced a little but that local sounds like a real good idea."

Hermia took a hypo from Adler and placed it to Richard's leg, just above the wound. She waited for the anesthetic to take affect.

Balston winced a little but nodded, "so what is your diagnosis? Just a patch right?"

"Afraid not, you have a compound fracture." Hermia said. "I'm amazed you could even walk."

"Determination," Richard said furrowing his brow trying to offer an explanation, "I don't want to let my crew down." He winced again as he looked at the bone shard that was poking through his skin. "Now that I see it I'm really feeling it."

"Admirable." Hermia said. Then to Adler, she said. "Laser scalpel."

"Laser scalpel." Adler repeated handing over the instrument.

Hermia used it to cut away the material of Richard's pants leg. Then studied the wound.

She then changed the settings and made an incision in Richard's leg. Turning to Adler, she requested the magnetic spreaders

"Magnetic spreaders." Adler repeated handing over the instrument.

The Azzian watched as his leg was sliced open and winced a bit, "always different when it's your own flesh getting cut into me managed as he readied himself. Haven't had a compound fracture before."

"Me, neither, but I've treated several." Hermia said. "Okay, now, I'm going to realign the two ends of Tibia, this will hurt, even with the anesthetic."

"Adler, osteo-regenerator?" Hermia asked.

"Osteo-regenerator." Adler said handing over the instrument.

"Adler, I need you come over here and hold the two ends of the bone together, while I knit the bone back together." Hermia instructed.

"Yes, Doctor." She said reaching into the wound and bringing the two ends together. "Ready." She said.

Hermia ran the instrument over the two severed ends stimulating bone growth. "This will take a few minutes." she said.

Richard raised both eyebrows and nodded. He drew in a deep breath relieved the pain was subsiding. "first bone break I've had on duty, we've got to get operations to improve systems backup." He chuckled knowing how ridiculous he sounded, "sorry must be the drug."

"Its okay, you'll be able to complain to them in person, soon." Hermia said as she monitored the bone growth.

"Lot of good that will do with so much of the ship needing repair," He chuckled as he looked at Hermia, "I just need to stop my wining."

When it was ready, Hermia had Adler remove her hands from the wound and return to the try of instruments. The Doctor then reclaimed the spreaders, handed them to Adler and requested the dermal regenerator a sealed the incision.

"You do good work, both of you," Richard said as he watched the wound start to close."

"There you go, all done, but you're going to have to wear a leg brace for the next 24 hours." Hermia said. "I'm also giving you anti-inflammatories for the swelling and analgesics for the pain. And as your physician I'm ordering a 5 minute break and a sandwich, before you return to work."

"Ok, ok" Ballston, "you've been reading my replicator logs haven't you." looked at the fresh skin and took a breath, "what has it been twenty-four hours since I ate anything?"

"Yes, twenty-four hours and 27 minutes actually. Hermia said. "I only nag you, because I care. That and I don't want to have to run this place on my own."

"Adler, could you apply his leg brace and make sure he wears it." Hermia said.

"Aye, aye, Lieutenant." Adler said as Hermia went to check on their other patients.

"What about you Hermia," Richard asked as he tested his leg out over the edge of the biobed, "when did you get something to eat or take a break?"

"I don't know, what time is it?" She asked by way of reply.

The CMO steadied himself on the newly repaired leg and chuckled, "you might want to consider taking one once in a while."

"Okay, I'll get a sandwich and bring you one, Boss." Hermia said.

Again Richard chuckled, "that wasn't an order Doctor, just a suggestion." He smiled then grimaced a little when he put some weight on the mended leg, "but we should probably discuss what to do the next time we get so many, visitors."

"I was raised as a Marine, suggestions from a superior are to be treated as orders, is what my father drilled into me, Boss."

The CMO nodded and gave a smile, "your father was a wise man Doctor, I'm just not used to people listening much to my advice."

"I'm sure he'd agree." Hermia said. "Unfortunately, he all but disowned me when I joined 'Fleet."

Richard raised an eyebrow, "I am sorry to hear that Hermia, it is really his loss that he couldn't support your decision." He smiled and tilted his head, "I can't say my mother was against it took an admiral to pull some strings for me to get accepted even as an enlisted crewman."

"Well, you appear to have made the most of the opportunity given to you, Boss." Hermia said.

"Oh I am still working to pay back that opportunity Hermia, I owe a great deal to the Federation and those who believed in me." He put all his weight on the mended limb, "better start heading towards his office, "if I was your father Doctor I would be very proud of what you've become."

"Shucks, Boss, you're making me blush." Hermia said.

Richard chuckled as he limped along and turned back towards her, "well-deserved words Hermia, I'm not into flattery."

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Hermia O'Rourke
Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer


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