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Phase Four: Tango with Zelora

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2019 @ 1:01pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Fri May 31st, 2019 @ 9:37pm

1,744 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Old Habits Die Hard
Location: Cardassia Prime
Timeline: MD004 1340 hrs

Last time on Star Trek Pioneer

Quinn had gathered his team, the assault to reclaim the central command had begun, he looked over at his team. Jackson and Zano where hurt in the initial onslaught.

"Petty Officer Jackson and Lieutenant Zano, will head back to the ship, I need Jerane with me, we will distract Zelora. Meanwhile Vaebyn and Lyna free the council members. I want Diari and O'Rourke to stay near the computer terminal, to make sure the Cardassians do not raise the shields on this compound. I hate to split up, but if we are going to pull this off we need to divide our tasks." Quinn said, as he looked at each team, then sent them on their way.

Now the Conclusion....

Quinn watched everyone else leave, he looked over to the Cardassian liaison officer, with the USS Pioneer. "Are you ready to tango with the devil?" Quinn asked his partner, as the prepared his hand held phaser. Quinn knew they needed to leave soon, to keep the element of surprise on their side.

The man raised an eyebrow and looked at the Commander for a moment. "An interesting choice to describe them, but the rebels will be crushed. The true heart of Cardassia must never be allowed to die." Double checking his phaser settings he grinned "Shall we start setting up?"

Quinn nodded his head in agreement, as they started to move towards the door way, stealth was going to be their best offense against this Zelora character. Quinn was hoping to catch Zelora alive. He had never worked with Jerane before, so he was a little on edge. The man was still cardassian, and he really knew very little about him. At the moment, he was watching his back, so Quinn was trusting him. Taking a leap of faith.

The two men started to walk out of the room, with there weapons drawn. The target was simple, capture Zelora if you can, if not use any measure necessary to stop Zelora. Quinn and Jerane, were able to slip through most of the fighting, and enemy lines. Quinn noticed Zelora, all alone monitoring a station.

Ensuring he was hidden in a nearby shadow, Jerane did his best to visually check for anyone else nearby that may be protecting the woman. When he didn't see any other Cardassians he pulled out a small scanner and shook his head. "It's all clear" he whispered to the commander "But she's not without protection. It appears she's got a power source of some kind around her although I'm not able to determine exactly what it is." He smacked the side of his scanner a few times in a futile attempt to see if that would somehow clear up the readings. When there was no change he placed it back into his pocket and trained his sights on the woman just in case.

Quinn kept slowly walking up behind the lady, his approach was very stealth, he was looking at Jerane. He was waiting for the visual cue, to go in after her, and take her down. Jerane was attempting to figure out what the device was, and how to neutralize it.

The Cardassian held up his hand to indicate a hold for the commander as he moved to re position himself. There was something he couldn't quite put his finger on so he risked moving closer to observe what looked to be going on. He quietly crept closer to the woman until he was only a about four meters away. Hiding behind a column he dared to peek out for a moment while her back was turned. Brecat could see as light distortion around her that went about a meter and a half in all directions. A sphere enveloped just like his scanner had already shown him. There was a small device of some kind on her belt however he couldn't make heads or tails as to what it was.

Zelora had been monitoring the ensuing attacks on the planet's sensors. Her mouth moved into a rather crooked smile. She was half smiling and half frowning. The orbital battle went according to plan, the CDF did not know what hit them and the Pioneer was down, hopefully for the count. Hence the smile. However, the ground assault was unseen in their planning and she now knew they were coming for her. Hence the frown. Zelora knew that this attack would not last long for if they did make it to her she would enact the contingency plan. In fact she prepared for it now by placing a comm channel to Starfleet command on standby. That combined with the displacement field would protect her. As soon as the channel was on standby a dose of the serum coarsed through her veins causing her to relish in the high it gave her.

Like most shield devices, they were designed to stop high energy pulse explosives or projectiles. They were nit very effective against slow moving projectiles. Like blades. Quinn got into position, behind the arrogant Cardassian, and used his knife from his sheath, and stab the shoulder blade holding the device which forced her to drop the device. There was a momentary struggle to grab the device.

Taking advantage of the distraction Breccat sprung from his cover and dove for the device. However instead of getting his hands on it he received a boot to the face and he accidentally knocked it away. From where the boot came he wasn't quite sure but while momentarily dazed his eyes darted around searching for what he assumed was the emitter.

Spotting it off in the corner the Cardassian found his footing once more and scrambled again for the device.

The Distraction allowed Quinn to tackle the Cardassian down, and subdue them. Quinn, had his weapon drawn, as as he looked over to Jerane. "Do you have the binds? I would like to complete this mission, and get back home." He said, holding her down forcibly.

Zelora squirmed and fought under the hold of Quinn. Internally she was chastising herself for being surprised. She had given too much stock into Rakuul's device. This is a mistake that she would not be making a second time. The human was clearly stronger than she was however an idea sprung to her head. Zelora let out a scream, one that was intended to get the attention of anyone near by and she head butted Quinn. "Unhand me I am a member of the Detapa Council you are committing a crime against the Cardassian people." She headbutted again.

"We know who you are." Quinn said, as he put the restraints on her wrists with the help of Jerane. Quinn tapped on his combadge. "Commander Ó Flannagáin, to Pioneer, we have secured the package. Requesting extraction." He said, expecting to hear Tyler's voice. However, all he heard was static that came from his comm badge.

Quinn looked over to Jerane. "Are we being jammed?" Quinn asked, as he continued to hold down Cardassian woman, with brute strength. He hoped the issue was on the Pioneer's end and not an ambush.

Zelora continued to struggle with her captors. "You will not escape his will, the Order's will be done." The Cardassian woman began flail, but could not do much under the hold of the Commander. She knew that she had to get to the pouch on her belt, then she could hit Starfleet where it hurt.

"Stop resisting, or I will be forced to restrain you further." Quinn said, as he looked over to Jerane. He had the hypo spray, that would render her unconscious. Quinn needed to focus on the current objective. Leaving this area with her, and securing her in the brig of the USS Pioneer.

Not wanting to deal with the woman's useless words, Jerane pulled the hypo from his bag and pressed it against the woman's neck rendering her unconscious. He couldn't stand listening to her continue to try and resist when she knew she was beaten. He pulled out his scanner and looked over the different communications spectrum's "Not that I can tell. Everything looks clear." He closed the device and placed it back into his pocket. "I'd recommend we strip her of any gear before moving out, I can carry her if you like. No telling what other tricks the woman may have had." The Cardassian picked up the device the woman had dropped and then handed it to the commander.

"Make it quick, we need to carry her out." Quinn said, as he looked over to Jerane. He was glad that Jerane, was going to check her for gear and weapons.

Zelora knew that the one place they would not check would be her mouth. The tooth shaped capsule sat in the place where her molar had been. If she broke the capsule she would die within seconds. However, for the moment she decided that if she allowed them to take her prisoner she could do the Gul's work for from the inside of Pioneer. These were her surface thoughts, deep inside her brain another group of thoughts brewed. These were the thoughts of the real Zelora the one that knew a drug coarsed through her veins. The Cardassian woman's body went limp as both minds became in sync albeit for different reasons. She was resigned to go aboard the USS Pioneer.

Quinn started to pick her up, but keeping one hand on his phaser, encase he needed to shoot her or respond quickly. They needed to leave the area in a hurry. "Let's get out of here." He motioned for Jerane to assist him, in dragging her out of the command centre, and to the brig of the USS Pioneer.

Quinn did not know the USS Pioneer was on the surface, till he met up with his other away team members. Everyone made it back on the USS Pioneer.

A joint Post by

Commander Quinn Ó Flannagáin
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Glen Brecat Jerane
CDF Liasion, USS Pioneer

Detapa Council Member, Cardassia Prime
(NPC Malbrooke)


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