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Be Careful on Casperia

Posted on Mon Nov 19th, 2018 @ 1:28pm by Chloe de la Vega
Edited on on Tue Nov 20th, 2018 @ 12:34am

697 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 5 - It Would Be Their Pleasure
Location: Casperian Market
Timeline: MD009 1100 hrs

She didn't want to go down to the planet too early, hangovers for the young don't tend to last and she liked a long lie under her covers. Chloe was alone, no bed buddy last night as she had decided that she'd go down to Casperia today and see what supplies she could get for After 11 and if any eye candy caught her eye.

It wasn't often that they stopped on planets for any specific amount of time and she was sure to enjoy herself.

The market itself was bustling with activity, she had been told that midday was the height of trade on the planet and she was sure that with many customers to deal with haggling would be easier.

Chloe approached a stall with various looking liquids, some food stuffs and other assorted items. She picked up a bit of food only for it to be smacked from her hand by some form of tentacle.

"No touch smooth skin!" came the shout from behind the stalls more 'seafood' looking items. It looked like an octupus/squid mixture and she honestly got him mixed up with parts of the items for sale.

"Damn!" she replied rubbing the back of her hand. "You need to try blinking squid, it helps let customers know you're not part of any bargains going!" She added sniffing the air. "You know instead maybe you'd be better off in the trash, no-one's going to buy you."

Turning she heard a rather angry reply in a native tongue she didn't understand but still she felt happy with how the interaction had gone minus the suction mark on the back of her hand.

She heard the mumblings on what sounded liked Spanish, familiar sounding Spanish but she thought her ears were playing tricks on her as she continued through the market.

Again she heard it as she looked through some clothing items but this time the name 'Gabriel' was mentioned. It send chills down her spine as her eyes opened wide to spot her father. Captain Gabriel de la Vega, the reason ran away.

For those that didn't know, and that was pretty much everyone, he was physically abusive towards her during her teenage years.

At one point Chloe had called him a 'Neanderthal' due to his un-evolved behaviour and attitudes towards women. She loved her family, her mother and brothers meant the world to her but they never knew their fathers animalistic side.

In conversation he never hid that he favoured her brothers, and men in general, maybe that's why her mum became a Chef as she never needed to leave the kitchen. Behind more closed doors he hit Chloe as she began to assert herself more, become more rebellious and stand up to him. Never above the neck he always kept it in areas that were hidden and Chloe didn't feel she could tell anyone or do anything about it.

Until one day they had both been drinking and they argued in family company. Gabriel struck her across the face, his Academy ring cutting open her cheek, and her brothers erupted. In the ensuing fight Chloe escaped, tears in her eyes, and never returned home.

She still talks to her mother and brothers but never her father. He has tried, with little success, and it constantly on the lookout for her. To trap her possibly...

At the sight of him she threw herself behind a stall, her back against it. Her chest rising and falling as if almost hyperventilating, she could feel her eyes filling up. This man being the only one she feared, the only one that could do damage to her.

In truth you could say he was the reason she didn't trust many men, didn't have many relationships, drank and partied as much as she did.

Chloe closed her eyes, trying to slow her breathing, calm herself down. This allowed for her to move a little as she gingerly began to move away from that area.

Maybe somewhere inside would be better.

Where was the nearest bar?

Chloe De La Vega
Owner/Bartender "After 11", USS Pioneer


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