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Walking for clarity

Posted on Mon Aug 27th, 2018 @ 8:59pm by
Edited on on Thu Sep 6th, 2018 @ 4:47pm

743 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Sum of Our Parts
Location: Courtyards of Krios Prime
Timeline: MD001 0915 Hours

Last Time On How Did I Get Here

The last thing she remembered clearly was being in the quarters of Captain Tyler Malbrooke. She had become a partner to him. A third wheel so to speak. She cared for him. For some reason, unknown to her, she drawn to him. And it was not because he was a married man. It was more genetic a pull of the soul.

Now with him out of the area, she felt a moment of sadness. She wondered and hoped Tyler was doing okay. Elloma had been silent for to long, she knew she needed to say something. "Yes father, of course. Doesn't everyone want to see the Metamorph?" She asked with a curious tone, as the scene starts to fade.

And Now The Continuation

May 28 2394 0915 hrs (relative time)

Elloma left with her sister, her next stop was a meeting with the Prime Minster. She wondered how this could be? Why did everyone think she was the metamorph? She started to be wonder if she was caught in an alternate reality. It seemed liked the logical choice.

Her eyes were wrong, her clothing was wrong, her location was wrong. Nothing about this seemed right. She walked silently, trying to observe everything that she could. She noticed a lot of people looked the same, but their personality was different, she could sense it. But no one seemed to notice that she was different. Why was that? She had never been good at hiding her emotions.

Then it dawned her, maybe inhabiting the metamorph in this universe, key her access to the abilities of the Metamorph. This was very strange, and she was not sure how to handle this gift.

She did consider it a gift. She had no idea, what it felt like to be a metamorph, but now she did. Part of her liked it. In a way it made her feel the way she did, when she was with Tyler in her own reality, but amplified.

Elloma walked into a large courtroom, she left the comforts of home. She could see several eyes focusing on her, most of them were in awe. And she could sense that, what a strange feeling she thought to herself.

She tried to push through the rush she felt by everyone's mind. So much energy and power. It was a little frightening. She did her best to continue to follow her sister.

"Not sure how you do this Elle." Said Nassie, as they continued to walk.

"I really do not have a choice. I try to focus on a moment, a place or a thing." She said, being forthcoming. She was focusing on Tyler, at this moment.

She was trying to drown out the sea of emotions from the crowd that had gathered around them.

She continued to wonder, what Tyler was doing? Was he okay? Was he still in their reality? The further she walked down the courtyard the more lost she felt without him.

Nassie was taking her to a one way street. Her one track mind focus, was starting to buckle, but she needed to keep focus. She could not afford to break this fake faced that she had created.

She knew she needed to keep her mind distracted, she needed to keep the faced up or face the mob, when they realize she is not the Metamorph.

She did not want to think how they would punish her for the crime of impersonating the metamorph. She was nervous what they would do to her, when they found out.

Her best bet was to learn everything she could about this place, and try to plan her escape. First she needed to escape this place.

She kept wondering how much longer would she have to walk, before they reached their destination. The walk seemed to go on forever. But eventually Nassie walked to a door.

She took a deep breath, as she felt a sudden rush of relief. She was starting to understand, what she had to do to survive here. She knew she had long ways to go.
To Be Continued...

Ensign Elloma Essu
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer


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