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Answer The Call

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 5:39am by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles & Lieutenant Commander Vaebn tr'Hwersuil & Lieutenant Amelia Zano Psy.D. & Lieutenant Elen Diari & Major Cornelius Tremble
Edited on on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 5:45am

1,527 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 4 - The Sum of Our Parts
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: MD001 0900 hrs

Tyler stood behind his chair and tilted his head down. His officers had gathered as he requested. The truth was he did not know how he could ask them for options when they weren't sure what they were heading for.

"Alright everyone you heard the distress call. I need options, can we speed up the ship, what can we do when get there, everything." He looked around the room not knowing exactly where to turn. Then it hit him "Mr Thal would you share what you know about the doctor's experiments."

Amelia sat in silence at this point, as counsellor she didn't have much to add to ships operations as such. She just made sure their mental wellbeing was alright and looked for signs of stress or strain. For the time being, at least within the briefing room, people were containing themselves well with a hint of 'fear of the unknown' in the air. She looked over at Thal, much like the rest of the room, and waited.

Joran Thal nodded and rose from his seat and headed to the display terminal. He punched in a few commands and the image of the Cardassian system appeared before pointing to a dot on the screen. "This a research station in the same orbit as Cardassia Five. It is run by Doctor Tavik Zojal, formerly of the Cardassian Interstellar Authority. After the end of the Dominion War, he started his own private experiments on various theories. Suffice to say, he has been focusing his efforts on chronoton particles and quantum theory." He circled the dot with his finger that showed a colored area.

"Starfleet Intelligence recently got wind of abnormal readings from the Cardassia system of a quantum nature." He calmly draped his hands behind his back. "From what the initial reports indicate, there may be a rip in the fabric of space/time. We aren't exactly sure if that's the case or how bad the situation really is at this distance."

"Well, you've got warp seven straight away, acceleration to maximum will take about an hour and then I don't know how long it'll hold for, honestly. Once the injectors burn out, no warp for about six hours while they're replaced" El explained, reading off a Padd, "The injectors are brand new, and should be bedded in first, but it's an emergency, so forget the rules"

"How soon can you get the changes to the warp core made? I want to push it as far as we can. The distress call made it sound like they only had moments." Tyler turned to his Engineer.

"We can go now at maximum, just I don't know how long for. If we go at warp seven, it'll last longer- so it's a choice, unlimited warp seven, or a few hours at max warp, with repairs afterward" Elen replied.

Tyler thought for a moment and then nodded. "Mr Thal keep at it any further information that can be garnered will be needed. Most important piece of information would be a list of who is aboard that station if we can get it. Ms Diari push the core to it's limits and get someone to start working the problem on mass transports. We will need to evac that station in a hurry. Lieutenant Tremble have your team work with Engineering on this issue." The orders came fast and furious.

Neil acknowledged with a crisp, "Aye aye, sir." He glanced around the table and said, "Marines in encounter suits wearing pack mounted pattern enhancers. Teamed with corpsmen, engineers, security as deemed necessary. The marines form a perimeter and don't move until survivors are stabilized and beamed to your secure triage area."

He hadn't spoken this much at any of the briefings he'd attended and hoped he wasn't over stepping. "We'll have to establish resupply points as the pattern enhancers will drain power reserves fairly rapidly."

"Medical will have sickbay fully functional but survivors will need to be screened before being allowed to board," Richard stated calmly and without his usual smile, "we do not know the exact nature of the situation and so I would suggest we set up a triage center somewhere off the ship."

"Quite so Doctor. Cornelius would you please put your corpsman at the disposal of the Doc. I am sure he could use the assistance. Especially if we are going to take on as many casualties as expected." Tyler nodded and looked down the table toward his Marine CO.

Vaebn leaned forwad and looked to the Captain; "Sir, I'll double the staff in the astrometrics lab and have all our sensor data routed through there. Hopefully we can learn something more illuminating than rumors from the void." He began to lean back when a thought struck him, "We also have a few whiskers remaining from our previous mission. I'm sure I can make a few minor adjustments to the onboard sensor systems to give us some extra eyes on the station when we arrive."

"Hold off on the whiskers for now Vaebn. Our priority when we arrive is to evacuate those that are there. When that is done we can look into what has happened there." Tyler replied to his Science Officer.

"I understand sir, but I believe you have mis-interpreted the direction I was taking that." Vaebn replied tersely, "The station is fairly large and our transporters may not be able to target everywhere. If we enhance the whisker sensors to bounce a transporter signal, we can extend the range and effectiveness, as well as cut through whatever quantum entanglement issues they have caused out there."

Darf was listening as this amazing crew went about their work flawlessly. "As we are bring people over we can convert Cargo bay two into a temporary morgue. It is currently being used as a refrigerated storage unit right now so it will work well for this." Darf looked at the crew. "Please all department heads get me your preliminary reports ASAP. We need to move fast on this up time to be ready will not be long."

Neil wrestled with his thoughts as everyone was discussing plans and caught the Captain's eye. "Sir, given the recent boarding actions and all, I'd like to post Marine sentries in full kit at the bridge, and engineering during the emergency. I don't trust that the Maquis won't try to take advantage and try something."

"Vaebn quite so the extension to our sensors would help immensely. See to it..." As Tyler spoke in the back of his head it would be his Science Chief to figure out how to use sensors to enhance the transporters. When Tremble spoke up Tyler's expression changed he did not like the idea but it was a needed evil. "Second Lieutenant you are correct in the necessary evil. Post a Marine in the Brig as well we do not want our guest getting to comfortable."

Larim just hung back and let everyone else do their thing. Such was his style most days. He had an investigation in the back of his mind, and was focused more or less on that. But he took mental notes all the while.

Tyler surveyed his staff, they were the best Starfleet had and he knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now was the time that he would have to ask them to prove it to the Cardassians. To that end he had no doubt that they would succeed. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we all have work to do. Dismissed."

As they filed out of the briefing room, Tyler followed them out to the bridge. If only it were another way. If only there was more time. Those words flowed through his head as he took the center seat.

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Darf Krakden
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Vaebn tr'Hwersuil
Chief Science Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Larim Myles
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Amelia Zano PsyD
Chief Counselor, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Elen Diari
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jomaus Miex
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Dana Wakefield
Chief Operations Officer, USS Pioneer

Second Lieutenant Cornelius Tremble
Marine Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Warrant Officer Joran Thal
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Pioneer


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