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Uncommon Agreements

Posted on Thu May 17th, 2018 @ 1:05pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Commander Katherine Malbrooke
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 10:05pm

1,162 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Weary Travellers
Location: Captain's Quarters - USS Pioneer Deck 3
Timeline: MD001 2330 hrs
Tags: SD 71395.2330

The Malbrooke's had spent the evening aboard the Pioneer. With most of the crew enjoying their shore leave aboard the station Kat thought that it was the perfect time to "christen" the ship. And so that is how the couple spent their day coming up for food and air as it were.

It was your typical return from deep space reunion. They had just finished another romp, when through her still heavy breath Kat spoke up. "Well, welcome home to you too." She smiled and kissed her husband. "Thanks darlin, you're not so bad yourself" Tyler laughed and winked at his wife. He knew her well so he went to retrieve a couple of glasses of water from the replicator. It was something she needed whenever she was satisfied.

She drank the water and looked at her husband. The fact was there was something that had nagged on Katherine Malbrooke's mind for all of the years that they were apart, and it continues to nag her to this day. She couldn't take it anymore and had to clear the air once and for all. "Ty, we need to talk..." she said with a matter of fact tone in her voice.

Tyler looked at his nude wife, and while he loved having her near him and living with her, he couldn't have her serve on his vessel. The tone in her voice made him nervous but being his ever sarcastic self he responded. "Uh-Oh what did I do now?" and he smiled.

"I can't live like this... Missing you constantly because you are off saving the galaxy, just to have a day or two of bliss and then you are gone again. I mean in the past it was easier because we didn't each other physically at all. Things just worked now it is almost like I get cheated out of my husband." Kat paused for a moment as she thought about she would say next. "Something has got to give..."

Tyler's brow furrowed, this hit him like a ton of bricks. Why she had never said anything before was beyond him. He began to speak slowly and steadily, at least that was his intention. "What are you talking about?" he shouted. "We are both officers of the fleet we go where the fleet tells us to go. On top of that I am a CO of a ship of the line. I can't just give that up because my wife asks me to. People depend on me, the fleet depends on me, my crew..."

"...And that is the exact order of you priorities. The galaxy, the fleet, your crew, your ship, then maybe if I am lucky me." She shouted back. Katherine did not want this to become a fight but he had to me made to understand. She calmed her voice and her emotions for the moment, in the end she felt that he would rather like what she had in mind. "Listen, I understand that this ship, it's crew and by extension Starfleet means more to you than your own life. Hell, it is one of the reasons that I married you. But, we are both people and have to understand that we need emotional, and physical contact in our lives."

Tyler was turning red from the anger that roiled within him. He was desperately controlling himself. Although, it sounded to him like his wife was building toward asking him for a divorce and he would be damned if that was going to happen without a fight. "I do not want you serving on the Pioneer not because I do not want you around. I would give my right arm to have you with me every day. My reasoning is as CO I have to be able to order any one of my officers, of the crew into a situation where they may never come back from. I cannot ever do that to you and you know that. I thought with you serving on the station and me coming in and our we would be able to start a family." Before he spoke Tyler took a deep cleansing breath. "Are you trying to tell me that you want out of this marriage?"

There was a long silence in the room as the question hung thick in the air. It seemed like five minutes before Katherine broke the silence with laughter of all things. As she laughed she walked over to him and kissed him deeply. "Oh babe no never... It is quite the opposite in fact. Before you continue on your high horse, no, I am not going to ask you to transfer me here. I have a proposition for you... There is a fantasy that I have had that we as a couple have never explored." She paused as she gauged Tyler's response thus far. He simply looked at her interested, but defensive at the same time. Internally Katherine was laughing she knew her husband as well as she knew the inside of a warp core.

She continued to speak after taking a sip of her water and she smiled. "You see it has always been a fantasy of mine..." Katherine blushed, and in all the years that Tyler knew her she rarely if ever blushed. "Just come out with it." Tyler interrupted. "To be with another woman." Katherine blurted.

Tyler was stymied she had stopped every thought process that he had right in it's tracks. He had never even fathomed that as a possibility. "Ummmm.... Like just you or..." was all he could say. "No, for both of us." Katherine replied. Tyler practically fainted, he tried to find the words but they just wouldn't come so Katherine continued.

"Listen, here is the deal. I know you I know how you get when you don't have a companion. So you get to have one, one that you can transfer to the ship and she can serve here. When you are at the station I get to have my fantasy and we are still married, can still have that family. There is only one contingency I must approve of who you pick. If I don't like her she isn't the one. Are we agreed?" Katherine was smiling broadly she knew his answer before he spoke.

"You sure this is what you want?" Tyler asked softly, he didn't know what was going on and was resigned to just give her what she needed. Katherine nodded in response to his questing. "Well then I guess we are agreed. So, about that family..." Tyler grabbed his wife and kissed her with vigor, because now the long night was about to get a heck of a lot longer.

A Joint Post By

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Katherine Malbrooke
Assistant Chief Engineer, Empok Nor
PNPC Malbrooke


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