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Times up!

Posted on Sat May 5th, 2018 @ 3:47am by Staff Warrant Officer Jennifer Masters - Calhoun
Edited on on Sat May 5th, 2018 @ 10:04am

1,127 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Academy Days
Location: Starfleet academy
Timeline: April 2386

Jennifer was laying in the grass outside on the campus grounds watching the clear blue sky. "Why can't you be like your sister," She said in a little whining voice. She laughed about the remark.
She just had a talk with one of the instructors again. She was contemplating who could've always spring her every time she was hacking. Several people went trough her mind.

Daniel Pratt, the senior cadet of their little group. Handsome, tall and very bossy. He was actually the one who taught her how to do it. He wouldn't reveal his secrets to the staff. Even it was to mess with her. But knowing him so long, he would never do that to her.

Sarak, maybe. But the cocky Vulcan was to damns loyal to that kind of thing. Besides he had been with the group long enough, that if he was a snitch he would've already rattled them out long ago. There was no reason to do it.

The same went for Mira and Perry. The only one that came to her mind was that new girl that started with them at the beginning of this year. Mandy Fox. She didn't trust the girl from the beginning. Somehow that little witch had Daniel wrapped all around her finger. The only reason he let her in was he was told so.

And ever since that she had it out on Jenn. And now since a few months, she was being rattled out all the time and called in to the office. That girl was trouble. She knew it.

Suddenly Daniel's head appeared above her. "Hey, Jenn, what are you doing laying around here? Heard from Sarak you were caught again." He sat down next to her. "Have you been careless again?"

Jennifer sat up. "You know me better then that, Dan, I never am careless. So the only reason why I keep getting caught is, that someone is ratting me out. There is a traitor among us."

"A traitor," Said Dan. "Let me guess, Mandy again?"

"She is trouble, I told you from the beginning. What does she have on you, you're usually more suspicious?" Asked Jenn. She wasn't liking this at all. Dan protecting the new girl.

"Oh, I am suspicious, I am just trying not to show. I want to know what her plan is by joining us. What does she need? She doesn't how to hack and she doesn't want to learn it either. But she seems to like me. I think I am on her agenda. That's probably why she is ratting you out. Hoping I would kick you from the group." Dan replied.

Jenn turned to Dan. "Then why haven't you kicked her off the group yet? If she goes on at this rate, we both get expelled from the academy." She was surprised he was coming with such a big explanation. She didn't want to wait for the endgame, by then it would be too late.

"Well, you can sit around here and wait for her to get us expelled, but I am going to do something about her." Said Jenn.

"And you're right, as always," said Dan. "You're beautiful when you're right." He laid down next to her on his side facing her. "I'll kick her out in the morning. Now, let's stop talking about Mandy and let's talking about us. I just don't want to dance around it anymore. I have seen how you look at me."

Jenn couldn't believe her ears. After all this time, he never once looked at her and now he was flirting with her. She sighed, "What do you want, Dan?" She asked a bit skeptical.

"What I want is for us to be honest about this." He began. "You're pretty and I like you. I liked you from the beginning. And I know for a fact you like me too. So why don't we stop pretending we don't know and just admit it?"

Jenn sat up. "Don't play with my feelings, Dan, I don't appreciate it if you..." Before she could finish her sentence he had moved up and kissed her. And she kissed him back.

When he let her go he said, "You really talk too much. And think too much. Maybe my timing is off, but I still wanted you to know this." He got up. "I've been expelled!"

"What?" Asked Jenn in disbelieve.

"I have to leave the academy tomorrow. Our group is disbanded. I am not sure if I can protect you any longer."

"What happened?" Jenn asked.

"Mandy asked me to change her grades. She didn't want to do a do over. I wanted to help her at first, give her just high enough grades so no one would be suspicious. She wanted more. She wanted to be top of the class." Said Dan.

"Wait, that's..." She began.

"Yes, you." He said. "In any case, I refused to do that. But apparently she got in anyways without me. But she is sloppy to say the least or she is doing that on purpose. But she used my computer in the lab. So naturally I was called in. There was enough evidence to get me expelled. And you know I am never that careless."

Jenn nodded, still a bit devastated by the news he was leaving.

"Also," he continued. "There is a formal investigation in to our group. All our computer are being searched as we speak. So you think you're the only one laying around her sighing. I am not sure about the others, I think their safe, but your record is even bigger then mine. So most likely were both leaving tomorrow. So how about you come with me?"

"Leave with you? Where to?" She asked. She was pretty sure her aunt wouldn't let her back in. She was an adult now, and her aunt had no responsibility for her anymore. And she screwed up. Big time.

"I have some friends who would take us in. They needed a hacker to obtain information for them. I told them that you hacked Starfleet command all by yourself and got away with it. They were interested. Of course." He grinned. "You still won't tell me how you did that?"

Jenn shook her head. "Like you said, a Master should never reveal her secrets."

"Fair enough," said Dan, "So what do you say? You coming with me?"

Jenn thought a moment. "Yes," she said, "I got no where else to go anyways." Secretly she hoped she could hit it off with Daniel. But little did she know, faith had different plans for her.

Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Masters
HUMINT Agent, USS Pioneer


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