View Award - Departmental Service Badge: Science

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Departmental Service Badge: Science

Awarded for service in the science department, including departments of Science, Medical, and Counseling.

A player is eligible for the service badge of their department through commitment to their department over a period of time on the sim that the CO feels significant. (Each departmental badge can only be awarded once per character per year.)

Category: In character
Awarded: 6 times

Lieutenant Narin Valen
Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:38pm
Narin got thrown in at the deep end when Alyssa disappeared and he was suddenly in charge of the department. He handled it well, participating in a science discussion on what might have happened to the senior staff and where they may be. He also met with the other scientists, learning more about them in a series of great character-development posts.

Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 9:30pm
As thanks for running with my crazy idea to create an android body for Llaxia's sister.
Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren
Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 8:10pm
Alyssa's leadership of her away team through the Crooked River mission was fit for a Captain. Her method in keeping the plot moving and her writing style added to the overall feel of the mission. Add to that her attempts to solve the issue with science merits this award. Keep up the great work.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Sha’Zen D'Tem
Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 11:54pm
Sha'Zen has been invaluable during the current mission. She gets involved in every post and finds ways to show her character's distinct personality. You never know what to expect from Sha'Zen, but it's always fun to play off.
Sergeant Azure Thompson
Tue May 3rd, 2022 @ 3:19am
Azure was instrumental in helping keep the vegetables separated while putting together the garden cube--and instructing the others on proper gardening techniques when planting vegetables and medicinal plants. The new garden will flourish because of her watchful care. She also helpled make the post interesting and informative.
Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Sun Dec 29th, 2019 @ 5:46pm
"Lieutenant Hermia O'rourke has served faithfully as a member of the medical staff, the right hand as it were to Dr. Richard Ballston, the CMO aboard the USS Pioneer.

During the writer’s time here, Hermia has managed to rack up an impressive array of awards. Many of her posts are character building giving us a glimpse into the life of a Starfleet medical officer outside of her regular duties.

It is a pleasure having her aboard.